Chapter 4

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Right, this is as close as I could get for what Alex looks like, just remember she has cobalt blue eyes, raven black hair and she's 5'9.

_Potato Panda_

Emily Pov

I managed to find my first class after the incident in front of the office, I was glad that the girl didn't try and make a scene or something, and I hoped that'd be the first and last encounter like that. As I walked into my first hour I was taken aback by the beautiful woman standing at the front of the classroom, she had a simple yet formal blue blouse on paired with a skirt that framed her long, gorgeous, tan legs perfectly. Her long blonde hair was up in a loose bun, and perched on her cute button nose were a pair of glasses, and when she finally looked up from her podium, her hazel-green eyes met my forest green ones and it was like she took my breath away. I felt a connection with her almost immediately, and it wasn't in the way your most likely thinking, no this was something else, mom had said something about coven bonds or witch bonds where we share a bond with one or more witches, and with me coming from an original lineage it meant that I'd share a bond with more than one person. I had no idea I'd find the first person of my coven here, and that she'd be my history teacher at that, there was a slight cough behind me followed by a familiar voice, "Hey can you check her out from your seat, cause you're kinda just standing there in the way of everyone." As I turned around I was greeted by the face of the girl from earlier and I immediately rejected the idea of checking out Miss Ross, "I was not checking her out, I was trying to figure out if I should ask about a seating chart or if I should just sit wherever I want, and I didn't really want to bother Miss Ross." She just smirked at me, "Well we usually just take a seat and keep it the whole year unless we do something to piss teach off, so now will you move or do you want to stay there and keep checking her out?" I just gave her a glare that would kill any normal person and made my way to the farthest seat in the back next to the window, I heard her laugh at my glare and felt her follow me to the back, Oh NO she better not do what I think she's going to do, right as the though leaves my head she takes the seat RIGHT NEXT to mine. I glare at her and she just smirks, right as I about to leap over this desk and strangle her a small girl (when I say small I mean like 5 foot nothing), with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes rushes over and sits next the annoying girl she gives her a huge smile and I felt the girl tense a bit, it made me curious, and I also realized I still didn't know her name, (Not that I really care), the annoying one gave, me ANOTHER smirk and said something that had me gagging, "You know sweetheart I don't mind you checking me out, but be prepared to pay the toll, cause this ain't free," she kept that smirk on her face and I was once again about to leap over my desk just as I was about to Miss Ross saved her life by finally starting the class. Miss Ross decided to do an Ice breaker as in say your name and give a few facts, and since this was a primarily supernatural school most kids just stated what they were, and I was shocked at just how many were either shifter or werewolf, there were others, for example, the small girl, yeah her names Toni, and she's half Fairy half-human and apparently people are afraid of her....yeah I'll believe that when I see it. Oh and annoying girl, her names Ava, and guess what she's a wolf shifter and one of the Alphas kids, so she automatically got EVERY wolf shifters respect and even some of the other shifters as well. When it was my turn I kept it light, "Hello my name is Emily, and I honestly don't really care too much about being here, if I had my way I'd be already in college in medical school, but mom's still the boss, oh and I'm NOT interested in ANY kind of romantic advancements, so don't even try, last thing I'm witch so yeah, watch your selves." I sat back down and the whole class was silent and I swear I saw a few of the guys looking butt hurt about not getting a chance with all this, but hey, I'm not interested I just want this nightmare to end. When class was over Ava gave me a smile and said something that floored me, and had me glaring at her, "Hey show me your schedule, maybe we have more classes together, well we wont have last period together but still oh and you're eating with us at lunch, K, K let's go bestie," I honestly wanted to kill her right now, she started to drag me out of the classroom, I gave Miss Ross a pleading look and she gave me an understanding smile, "Miss Harper, would you please stay after for a second I need to see just how far ahead you are with this subject." I nodded my head like a bobblehead doll, and pulled my arm from Ava, she looked a little hurt by the fact that I didn't want to be around her but hey, I made my statement loud and clear, now I DID notice that Toni was more then happy to have me taken away from Ava and it made me wonder if they were an item or not. Ava smiled a bit, "Okay well see you around Em, oh and I meant it, you're eating lunch with us, I want to introduce you to some of my friends and packmates, I mean got to make friends now right?" She once again had that smirk on her face that I wanted to smack off, I swear she's going to be the death of me, and we're not even friends nor do we know each other at all. Just kill me now and end this nightmare for me please, I watched as Ava and Toni left the classroom and another thought hit me, "Miss Ross umm, so, you're apart of my coven right, what does this mean, I mean I KNOW what it means, but how does this work, I mean you, my teacher and all is this even allowed? Oh god, I should have asked my mom more questions, do you even want a coven leader like me? I mean I'm a 17-year-old girl, and you're an adult WOMAN, what the hell am I going to do?" I finally stopped and took a breath, Miss Ross just looked at me with amusement in her eyes, she walked towards me slowly almost as if she was afraid I'd bolt out of the room when she was close enough for me to see the slight red tint of her eyes she stopped. She pressed my back into the wall and my eyes widened a bit, this was different, this was not exactly as I thought this would be, she smiled softly at me and her next words caused a mixed feeling of emotions, "Emily, one, call me Selena, two, I don't know why you're freaking out about this it's okay, I'm not going to expect you to know how to handle all of this at once, I'll help you as best I can, and three, I've been waiting for over 100 YEARS to find my coven leader and coven so YES I want to be apart of your coven and yes it's allowed here there are even a few teachers who are mated to students, so take a deep breath and go to your next class, you know where to find me if you need me, and Emily, I'll talk to your mother and come over after school so we can figure this out together okay?" She said all this without moving away from me and she kept running her hands down my arms it felt nice but again mixed emotions here, I honestly don't know what to think or feel right now, she's right though I need to go to my next class. She let me go and gave me a note for me being late to my next class, and the day seemed to just drag on from there until lunch, and as soon as I walked out of my third hour class I was grabbed by my waist and my first reaction was to twist the arm and knock them to the ground, as soon as the person hit the ground there was an INSANE amount of GROWLING, and then I looked at who was on the ground, it was Ava. She looked beyond shocked, but hey you don't do that to me and expect me to not react like that, she finally snapped out of whatever daze she had been in and just smirked at me, god I hate that smirk, "Guys it's okay she didn't hurt me, and she has the right to react like that I shouldn't have just grabbed her like that, I'm sorry Emily I'll give you a warning next time okay babe?" She's trying her luck here, and from the look, Toni's giving both of us I'd say I needed to set some ground rules. Before I could even say anything though Ava was grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the cafeteria, I threw a look over my shoulder at Toni and boy was she pissed off about this, which once again brought up the thought that they were an item but with the way Ava was acting I wasn't too sure. As we entered there were eyes on us immediately and I wanted to run and hide in a corner, Ava lead the way over to a table that had a few cheerleaders and jocks sitting around it as we got closer I noticed that two of the guys looked like Ava and I wondered if they were related, and soon after that though I got my answer, "Hey Lil sis who's your pretty friend there is she your Mate? Hey, Toni how was your summer?" One of the guys spoke up and gave me a friendly smile, a girl was sitting in his lap she had bleach blonde hair and baby blue eyes and the way they were looking at each other said it all. Ava had a look on her face at the mention of me possibly being her mate and honestly feelings mutual, she shook her head "No Owen she's not my mate, her name is Emily and she's a witch I figured since she's new we could include her in our group and all be friends. Oh right let me introduce the group, those two goofballs there are my older brothers Owen and Blake, and the lovely ladies with them are their mates Amy, and Cam. Next to them are Jackson and Mila, then Cara and Olivia, and you see those two over there trying to flirt with the older guys, yeah those are my younger sisters Mia and Kya, those two need Jesus." She said the last part with a seriousness to it that had me laughing. When I finally caught my breath I then realized the whole table was looking at me and smiling, and Blake and Owen had a VERY familiar smirk on their faces, I swear if it's a family thing then I don't want to EVER meet any more of their family cause that smirk had me wanting to smack them all. They then said something that had me VERY worried, "Well then looks like you're going to fit right in with us, welcome to the group Emily don't expect to have a moment of peace now, you're one of us." Owen said with a creepy voice and dramatic look on his face, and at that moment I wondered, What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Right so I like to write longer chapters cause I've got a lot to put into the chapters and it makes it easier to just keep writing till the end, and plus I figured you guys might like longer chapters. Once again what did you guys think, what do you think's going to go down with Emily and Selena?  Is Toni jealous of the attention Ava is giving Emily, will she say or do anything about it? Well, you'll just have to keep reading to find out. Also, I bet you're wondering "Where's the Alex Pov?" Well, dear reader, I'll be posting one tonight, and things might get spicy next chapter so hope you're ready for that. Don't be afraid to ask me any questions you have, I'll answer them as best I can.

_Potato Panda_

Updated 11/4/2019

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