Chapter 6

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Emily Pov

I woke up the next morning wrapped in strong arms, and not going to lie it felt pretty good, I shifted my body closer to the other body wanting to feel the warmth it was providing. As I scooted closer I felt something poking against my core, and at that moment I realized I was not sharing a bed with Ava or any of the other girls, and in a rush, I remembered last night.


I was shoving the person out of the bed and pulling the covers off in a rush, I let out the biggest sigh of relief when I saw I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. There was a growl coming from the ground, and when I looked down there was Alex, looking right pissed off at being shoved out of the bed. I just took her in, her hair was the color of the blackest night and her eyes, goddess her eyes had me just melting at how deep and blue they were, and don't even get me started on her body, she was just the right amount of muscle, her abs were showing since she was still wearing her running clothes and Oh. My. Goddess. I wanted to just run my tongue over them they were that fine. I felt her eyes on me and when I looked at her face she had that damn smirk on her face, the same smirk that all the Wolven children seem to have. "You know Love, I have no problems letting you stare at me whenever you want to, but if you keep staring at me Like That, I won't be able to control myself." Her voice sounded so sexy, I mean fuck I know that I'm wetter than Niagara falls right now and she didn't even do anything to me, I watch as those cobalt blue eyes darken and take on a golden outline, the tell-tell sign that her wolf is close to taking over. At that moment I know why, oh fuck, she can smell my arousal, I squeezed my thighs together in an attempt to hide my scent, but that only earned me a growl from her in response. "Don't you even dare, I want your legs open NOW," she growled as she moved back onto the bed and on top of me quicker than I had time to react, her eyes were now more gold than blue and I knew it was her wolf talking right now, I gulped and obeyed her command. She gripped my thighs and opened my legs wider, she inhaled my scent and I swear I got even wetter if that's even possible right now, "Fuck I can't wait, I Fucking need to taste you, Love." With that said she ripped my shorts off along with my panties, and let me tell you I lost my shit, I was turned on to the max and I don't think I could stop her from doing this even if I wanted to, and I wasn't complaining, she then positioned herself between my thighs and started to taste my most intimate place, OH FUCK, her tongue was doing things I never thought was possible and my mind was lost. I could feel my body getting closer to my climax, "Oh fuck, I'm, I'm so close, don't stop," I screamed out as I felt her fingers slowly enter me on top of her mouth driving me crazy, she lifted her head and I met her golden blue eyes she had THAT smirk on her face as she said these words and sent me over the edge. "Cum for me my little mate, scream my name," my breath was shaky and I was panting as I hit my climax and screamed out my Alpha mates name, "Fuck ALEX!" I couldn't breathe it was like she took the oxygen in my lungs, she held me as I came down from the high. I took in a shaky breath and looked at her, "Right whatever the fuck that was that just happened I hope you enjoyed it cause it won't happen again for a LONG time, I mean I definitely enjoyed it, but I'm not going to just LET you do whatever you want to just cause we're Mates you got to earn the right to have me." I moved quickly to get out of the bed and make my way to what appeared to be a bathroom in her room, I needed a shower to wash off the scent of sex that was no doubt all over me right now, I did not need Ava fucking with me cause I smelt like sex after spending the night with her sister. As I moved I felt Alex grab my arm gently, she tugged me around to look at her and I had to look up to meet her eyes due to her being 5'9 compared to my 5'6, her eyes held an emotion I couldn't read and that honestly scared me a bit, her next words had me shivering for more than one reason, "Emily, you are MINE, I told you that last night I honestly didn't want to rush you but my wolf Alinx was on edge and your arousal had her out of control, I won't lie and say that I didn't want to fuck you senseless for what you said last night and just now cause believe me I want to more than you know, but I won't cause you're right I haven't earned it yet, but that doesn't mean I won't make sure EVERY supernatural in this whole town knows just who's you are. Do you understand me Emily, I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to try and hold back Alinx as long as I can, but you have no idea how badly you're testing us I'm not a calm person and neither is my wolf, so there will be times you want to run but I won't let you, I've waited too long to find you just to have you leave me." She grabbed my chin and leaned down to place a passionate kiss on my lips sealing her words. Honestly, this is what I was afraid of last night, Ava and the goons talked about their dominant older sister who was to become the next alpha of their pack I had, had a feeling before I got here last night but I couldn't place what it was, now I know. I kissed her back and pulled away when oxygen became needed, I rested my head against her chest and breathed in her scent, she smelled like peppermint, damp earth, and lavender an odd combination but a calming one that smelled like a piece of home. I smiled up at her, "Okay, I need to take a shower now, I smell like sweat and sex and honestly I don't want to deal with Ava smelling like this," she smiled at me and let me go with that damn smirk on her face, she picked me up getting a scream out of me in the process, and carried me into the bathroom yanking off my shirt and bra along the way earning more yelps from me she also somehow managed to take off her own top in the process and let me tell you her breasts where just the right size, in my opinion, I could tell her nipples had hardened under my gaze and when she set me down on the counter and took off her bottoms I felt all air leave my lungs and my mouth was a dry as a desert. She was fucking beautiful, I was at a loss for words at just how breathtaking she was, I took in every detail from her face to her stomach, and finally her nether regions. She was rock hard and I watched as it twitched under my curious gaze, neither of us said a word we just gazed at each other taking each other in I felt like no words were needed, I met her eyes and she gave me a genuine smile that lit up her whole face and melted my heart. Slowly she leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "I just want to feel you Love, just shower and wash each other I won't do anything you don't want okay, I just, I need this okay?" Her voice broke a little at the end and in that moment I realized that she had spent 5 years without this, 5 years watching everyone around her find their mates and not finding hers I knew I couldn't deny her this, and to be honest I think I needed this too I had never really grown up knowing how two people should love each other and the Mate bond was one of the strongest bonds there was, I smile a real smile at her one of the first ones since I had met her last night, I took her hand and ghosted it over my left breast with my next words we slipped into the shower and spent the morning mesmerizing each other's bodies, "It's okay Alex, I understand, touch me I want you to, I want to touch you as well, I want to mesmerize every inch of your body I want to be the only one who makes you and your wolf crazy like this morning, but we have to take this slow we're both learning how to handle this and I've got baggage that I'm not ready to talk about just yet, but I will with time okay, now let's take a shower."

Well then...that's a thing that happened...Sooooo we meet again lovely people who are reading my random story, I apologize for the long break without a chapter I've been busy with work and had a bit of writers block there for a bit but now all should hopefully be good, I'm going to try and post chapters on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I'm hoping to keep that going for awhile so there's that, I'm also Shooked about having over 300 reads, like what the hell happened I also have readers all over the world Like how, I don't even understand right now but yeah I'm going to try and not let any of you lovely people down from now on, I have a plan with this story and it's not going to be all smut, there will be drama and some of you might grow to hate me for some of the things in the future, but hey I'm going to write this story the way I want and try to involve my readers to a point so yeah, leave comments if you have any questions about the story or characters and their stories if enough people comment about it I'll do a character explanation next chapter, till next time Loves 


Updated 11/4/2019

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