Watch Yourself

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Scooter POV:

I don't know what has been going on between Leslie and Justin but something is not right. I step into my office and decide to call Leslie.

"Hello, Leslie we need to speak. Please come to my office" I state.

"Hey Scooter, sure I will be there around 9" she says in a grogy morning voice.

I hang up the phone and I continue my work waiting for Leslie to arrive into my office. Couple of hours pass by and it is 9:17 AM. There is a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say in a bored tone, It is Leslie she is wearing a beige sheer maxi skirt, a white crop top, and sandals.

"Please have a seat"

"Sure, what's up Scooter?" she says confused.

"Listen Leslie, I am not accusing you of anything but if there is something going on with Justin.."

"Excuse me?!?" she scoffs.

"Let me finish what I was saying..." I say before she interupts me again



Leslie stands up in front of me then looks me in the eyes, I was a little frightened.

"I would like to see you try to fire me" she hisses at me. She exits my office and slams the door.

Leslie POV:

I exit Scooter's office and I storm in the elevator, I began tapping my feet with impatience waiting to reach the main lobby. The elevator doors open and I rush to my car and I speed to Justin's house, as I am driving all I can think about was my argument with Scooter, Ughhh he is soooo annoying.

I reach to Justin's house and I ring the door bell, he opens the door and greets me with a smile and I just ignore him.

"I left my dress upstairs" I say pissed off as hell.

He looks at me bewildered "Oh yea it's on the couch in my room"

I go up the stairs and make my way to Justin's room and I grab my dress. When I get downstairs I bump into Fredo.

"Are you mad or nah???" he says trying to be funny

"Alfredo get out of my damn way" I scoff while giving him an evil glare. He backs away and before I can apologize to Fredo Justin pulls me to the livingroom.

"Hey you ok beautiful? he says in a reassuring voice.  

"No I am not ok Justin, I am your assistant and this thing where you call me beautiful 24/7 and you let me sleep in your bed has to stop or I will get fired. I can't afford to lose this job so from now on address me as Ms.Velasquez and I will address you as Mr.Bieber, Have a good day."

As I walk away to leave the house I hear Fredo whisper "Goddamn she told you!!"

I get in my car and drive back home to see Nicole slumped on the couch. "Nice" I whisper to myself.

"Get your lazy ass up" I smacked her face and all she does is groan. Kinda sounds like my grandpa.

I leave Nicole there because I honestly didn't want to be bothered. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I stepped in and I let the hot water hit my body. It isn't even noon yet and I want this day to end. I go to my room and throw myself on my bed.

"Why would Scooter think I am messing around with Justin?"

"Does it look like I am?"

"I can't lose this job" my ringtone disturbed me of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I say

"Les--- Ms.Velasquez I need you to be at my house in the next hour and you better not be late" Justin says in a strict voice.

He kinda sounds hot, "Yes Mr. Bieber" I say while trying to find something to wear. He hangs up and I throw on my outfit, I put on my Miami Heat jersey, my shorts, and my red and black Jordans. I put on light makeup and I put my hair in a ponytail.

I thought this day was over now I gotta go back there hopefully it's not awkward. I drive to Justin's house and I park in the driveway.

I ring the bell and Justin answers "Follow me" he says to me without even looking at me or greeting me. He opens a door and it's a office

"This your office for when you are here, now get to work" and with that he left.

"Well obviously he took everything to heart" I whisper, I sat at the desk and I began working.

Justin POV:

I don't know what the hell is going on with Leslie but if she wants professional then that is what she will get, I guess there is no more friendly Justin, Fredo walks in and he stares at me "What am I mirror or something?" I say annoyed.

"Whooaaa Mr. Bieber don't hurt me" Fredo says like he is scared we both began laughing and then he noticed Leslie jacket "Leslie's here?" he asks

"Yeah, she upstairs in the office. I will be right back" I grab her jacket and go upstairs, I open her door and throw the jacket on the couch. She looks at me and I hear her mumble something.

"What's that?" I say a little mad

"Would it kill you to knock" she growls at me can't lie she looked hot.

"No, why should I? It's my house" I hiss at her.

"Whatever" I stare at her shocked "Why the hell are you still here?!?" she snaps.

She gets up trying to escort me out but I get furious and I push her against the wall, our bodies are so close I can feel her heat. Leslie looks so shocked, she starts breathing heavily and she tries to push me off, our lips are so close and our foreheads are touching.

"Now I don't who you think you are but you need to watch your mouth" I growled angrily.

"And I don't who you think you are putting your hands on me but if you don't get the hell off there will be problems" she states while arching a brow.

"Clearly you haven't noticed all the problems I am having now so why should you phase me" I ask waiting for reply, she stays silent.

"Sorry but if you haven't noticed you're not that special" I hiss. I began to see tears forming in her eyes, she tries to hold them back and then she runs to the bathroom.

"Ughhh you idiot why would you say that?" I thought, I start slamming things and I walked out the office.

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