The Morning

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Leslie POV:

I woke up this morning to the scent of pancakes and bacon, the bed I was in felt AMAZING it was so plush and comfty. I then noticed this was not my bed, I looked under the sheets and noticed I had an oversized shirt on. I got out the bed and my feet touched the cold floor, I made my way to the bathroom to wash my face. When I washed my face I went downstairs and I saw that I was still in Justin's house, I entered the kitchen and he came up to me and hugged me.

Justin POV:

"Good Morning" I say to Leslie as I hug her. "You hungry?" I ask "

Ughh I am starving" she says while groaning.

I place a plate of food on the table and sat down across from her staring at her while she ate.

"What, is there something on my face?" she asks while chuckling.

Scooter walks in with Fredo and greets all of us. I notice Scooter staring at Leslie and he looks kinda confused.

"Ayooo Bieber, where is my food" Fredo shouts.

"Have you tried your house?" I heard Leslie and Scooter chuckle.

"Sheeesh" Fredo says while throwing his hands up.

As we all begin talking about my new tour, Leslie's begins to ring "I am sorry" she says. She walks out the kitchen and answers her phone.

"So Justin care to explain why Ms.Velasquez is wearing your shirt?" Fredo asks while winking.

"Oh Shut up Alfredo"

"Oooo using full names are we now?, well Justin Drew Bieber keep your distance remember she works for you."

"Nothing is going on between us"

"Well it doesn't look like it and Scooter is starting to take interest." Fredo says.

A couple of minutes later Leslie comes back in the kitchen with a pair of jeans with a leather jacket and she tied up my shirt and she had on her heels.

"Hey, I am sorry I have to go pick up my sister at the airport" she says

"Yeah sure its no problem, let me give you your keys" I state while grabbing her keys.

"Thank you, I'll see you guys later" she walks out and all you can hear are the steps of her heels then the door that shuts.

Leslie POV:

I have to go pick up my sister at the airport, she has been living in New York with the rest of my family. It is going to be her first time in L.A. I enter the airport and I wait at the gate for her, when she finally stepped out it took her a while to notice me.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Nicole yells so loud everyone looked at her, she ran to me and gave me the biggest hug ever I started crying a little.

"Awww Nicki I miss you so much"

"How you think I feel Les?"

"We haven't called each other that since we were kids" I say laughing.

We walk to the car and I drive us back to my apartment, "WOW this is one big loft" Nicole says in amazement, all I do is just shrug my shoulders. I go to the kitchen and grab two wine glasses and a bottle of wine, we sit in the livingroom and begin drinking our wine.

"How's mama?" I ask and Nicole sighs.

"She's doing ok but she is still kinda mad you left" Nicole says and all I could do was roll my eyes

"Are you kidding me? sorry but I did not plan on living in Brooklyn for the rest of my life" I say frustrated.

"I am scared of how she will act when she finds out I've been accepted to UCLA" Nicole says worried.

We talk for hours and hours and when we look at the time its is 8:45. We both yawn at the same time and begin laughing .

"I don't know about you but I am exhausted" Nicole says.

"Me too, come follow me I'll show you your room" I say while getting up from the couch. We go upstairs and I show Nicole her room then enter mine, once I hit the bed I was sound asleep.

Thanks for reading, comment and vote. Have a beautiful day ;)

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