Chater 16

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The pool was the last thing we looked at.

"What's that?!" Harry asked pointing to something in the water "i have no idea!" i said kneeling down to get a closer look.

It was small..what ever it was...and it was shiny!

"you wanna find out?!" Harry asked devilishly

"i have a kid...but i'm still young and i can have fun!" i yelled jumping into the pool and Harry jumped in after me...clothes and all!

"It's a ring!" i said when i reached the surface and looked at the object. "what's it doin' in the water?!"

Harry had a devilish grin spread across his fave. "what?!" I asked smiling

"Will you marry me?!" he asked out of the blue.

If it was any other time in our relationship i would have flat out told him no but...i loved Harry and i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him!

"YES!" i screamed jumping into his arms and placing a kiss on his lips.


"Why are you two so happy?!... It's just a house!" Jen said laughing as we walked into the living room.

"it not just A's THE house that...Harry proposed to me in!" i squealed showing them my new ring.

Jenna and Michelle screamed, jumped up and hugged me. Louis and Niall just laughed and smiled from the couch.

"Thats awesome!" Michelle squealed. i just smiled

"Thank you guys so much for watching Jay today!" i said looking at Jady asleep in Niall's arms

"no problem...she was a perfect little angel!" Ni said looking down at her.

"yah thats because you didn't have change her or feed her or stop her crying!" Michelle said slumping down beside him. we all laughed.

"Well i'm gonna get somethin' to eat!" Harry said and Louis and him walked into the kitchen

"Ok so how did he propose?!" Jenna said jumping to the edge of the couch. i laughed and sat down in between her and Michelle.

"oh it was!" i shrieked "ok so the pool was the last thing we looked at and Harry noticed something in the water so we jumped in and it was a ring!!" i squealed and the girls shrieked

"and then what? he just asked you?!" Michelle squealed.

"yup!... still in the water and everything!" We all shrieked

Niall just rolled his eyes

"what?" I asked noticing the discussed look on his face

"i think he went to far!" Niall said getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

i rolled my eyes.


"Hey mom! hey dad! Harry and i have some pretty exiting news that we would like to tell you in person so just call back when you can thanks!"

Just then Jady started crying and i ran into the living room. When i got there Harry was laying on the living room floor, on his stomach, face to face with Jady!

I laughed and he looked up at me.

"she's so perfect!" he said giving her his finger and she wrapped her little hand around it.

Chasing forever: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now