Chapter 20

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Kendra's P.O.V.

"ok are we ready?!" i asked Harry as he walked into Jady's room "yup!" he said smiling.

I turned around and saw Harry in his skinny jeans a grey t-shirt and a beanie. "Styles?! who are you?!" i asked shocked at how little effort he put into his halloween costume "i'm Harry Style!" he said smiling. " can't be your self!" I said still shocked at his 'costume' "come on!...this is the one night i can be me with out anyone noticing!" He wined

"honey! Your not going to the party like that!" i said walking towards him picking up my long skirt (i was a princesses) "come my prince charming!" i said pulling on his shoulders. "you already got the charming part down!" I continued. He smiled and walked out if the room.

i walked back over to Jady's crib and picked her up. "Come on! your goin' to hang out with grandma and grandpa tonight!" i whispered and walked out into the hall way, into the living room and turned right, into the kitchen. i grabbed a few bottles and walked into the living room a tossed them in her bag that was sitting on the couch.

"! be good and no candy!" i said to Jady jokingly even though she probably didn't understand a word i was saying.

"HURRY UP HARRY!" i yelled sitting on the couch.

"I'm ready!" he said and i looked over and saw Harry standing in the hallway wearing a white shirt with a ruffly collar, black skinny jeans and a pair of black Keds! "Harry it looks awesome! except now i look way over done!" i said walking down the hall way and into our room.

I went to my closet and pulled out a navy blue dress that went down to about my knees. It was skin tight until i reached my waits and then flowed down my legs. it had a gold belt and went perfectly with my gold heels. the sleeves were skin tight and went down to about my elbows. i allowed my drak brown curls cascade down my back and put in a pair of gold hoop earrings.

I looked at myself in my full body mirror hanging off of my closet door. i wasn't a perfect size anymore but i was a big improvement from when i first had Jady!

I walked into the living room and Harry's mouth dropped opened

"Wow" he said starring at me "oh stop!" i yelled "you look...amazing!" he said walking towards me and spinning me around. "why thank ya charing!" I said kissing him.

"But!...every royal couple needs crowns!" i said walking to the counter that was separating the kitchen and the living room and grabbed a crown and a tiara.

"I'm not wearing this" Harry said plainly as i placed his crown on his head. "yes you are!" i said walking over and picking Jady up off the floor. i grabbed her bag and headed for the door.


"OH MY GOD!" Michelle screamed when she saw our costumes. "those are awesome!" she shrieked "ours?! look at you!" i said.

She was wearing a black, skin tight dress, black heels, black gloves that went up to her elbows, a headband with two triangles attached to it making them look like ears and she had drawn three lines on either side of her face making them look like whiskers and her dirty blond hair fell down her back.

"your a cat!" I squealed at how good she looked. "Yup!" she said turning around so we could see her whole costume.

she a some how made a tail and pined it to her butt.

"you look great!" i complimented.

Just then Jenna walked into the room.

She was wearing a very short, black dress. the bottom of the skirt was lined with lace and so we the cuffs and collar. She had a white apron on that was lined with lace. she was wearing black shoes with tube socks that went a quarter way up her shin and they were also lined with lace. her burnet hair was up in a high bun and she had a feather duster in her hand.

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