Chapter 5

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Jenna's P.O.V.

Regina was amazing! Playing there was so much fun!

we were getting off of the stage for costume change that was supposed to take ten minutes.

I walked into my dressing room just as my phone started ringing. normally i would ignore it at a show but, when i saw it was my mom, i had to pick it up.

"Hey!" i said worried. all i could here was my mom sobbing into the phone.

"MOM WHAT'S WRONG?!" i yelled now very scared.

"it's your father!" she said still crying. suddenly i bursted into tears.

"I'll be over as soon as i can!" i yelled crying and hanging up.

I ran out my dressing room and down the hall but, Kendra stopped me.

"Hey! whats wrong?!"she asked noticing i was crying. i just cried some more.

"i have to go!" i yelled continuing down the hall. she got the hint because she sprinted down the hall in the other direction. i knew what she was doing...she was going to cancel the rest of the show. I didn't like the idea of letting all those fans down but, i had to go!

Kendra's P.O.V.

"get me a mic! someone give me a mic!" i yelled looking around backstage.

"Kendra! calmed down! whats going on?!" Michelle yelled trying to face me but, i was determined to fined a microphone. "KENDRA! STOP!" she yelled and i froze in my tracks. i just looked at her and tears fell down my cheeks.

"it's Jen's dad!" i said looking her in the eyes. she collapsed in tears. i wiped my tears.

"I need a mic!" i yelled and a assistant handed me one. i ran out on stage.

I could feel thousands of eyes on me. i had never felt this nervous in front of a crowd before.

"Um..." i began "there has been a slight change in planes...and... there has been a family emergency have to postpone the rest of the show." i continued and i could here boos and disappointed sighs coming from the crowed. "but! hang on to your tickets cause in a few day we'll do another show!" i said thinking quickly. "We'll post the information and location on Facebook and Twitter." I continued. "thank you so much and...bye." i said walking off the stage.

"Kendra! what the hell was that?!" Alicia screamed.

"Alicia i have to go!" I said making my way to the door.

"we can't have another show! We can't afford it!" she screamed some more.

"Alicia! PLEASE! make it happen!" i said running out the door.

Jenna's P.O.V.

i ran and hugged my mom when i saw her.

"Am i to late?!" i asked worried. my mom shook her head. "where is he?!" i asked quickly and she pointed to a door a little ways down the hallway. i ran to the door and into the room. i cried at the sight of my dad lying unconscious in a hospital bed. i ran to his side.

Soon Michelle ran into the room and hugged me as i cried into her shoulder.

Not long after Kendra ran into the room and ran to my fathers bed side

"The show!" i yelled pushing Michelle away from me.

"Don't worry! i took care of it" Kendra said plainly. i nodded and pulled a chair next to the hospital bed and fell asleep


When i woke up there was nurses rushing around the room and i was being lead out of the room by a nurse explaining what was going on but i couldn't hear a word she said because there was this loud, annoying ringing sound bouncing off the walls.

When i saw my mom crying her heart out i realized what father had passed away!

When i looked around i didn't see the girls anywhere and then realized they had left.


"Hey! we have been waiting up for hours!...what wrong?!" Kendra asked running to the door from the kitchen as i walked in the house. I just sighed and a single tear fell down my cheek.

"He's gone." i said, my voice cracking. Kendra threw herself at me and held me tight then Michelle ran to join the hug.

"I am so sorry!" she whispered still hugging me.

i nodded "i'm going to bed." i said letting go of the two girls

"Me too." Kendra said following me down the hall then she stopped "Michelle!... Try not to fall asleep on the couch AGAIN tonight!" she yelled trying to lighten the mood.

"Haha jokes on you! i'm going to bed too!" she said almost bragging. i laughed hurt to laugh.

Kendra's P.O.V.

"Hey!" Harry yelled surprised "i have been waiting for hours where have you been?!" He asked looking at his watch.

"Um...i was at the hospital..." i said holding back my tears.

"did he...?" harry asked and i nodded "i'm so sorry!" he said sympathetically.

"The only person you should be saying that Jenna." i said, tears rolling down my cheeks.


I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. as usual i was the last one up.

"Coffee?!" Jenna asked. i nodded.

"Thanks!" i said as she placed a mug in front of me.

i looked over and Michelle was sitting at the breakfast bar and she had her eyes glued to the computer screen. "Michelle?...what are you doing?" I asked slowly.

"shopping." She said plainly.

"well i see our lives are very interesting this morning!" i said taking a sip of my coffee.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" i yelled standing up from my seat.

I walked out of the kitchen, though the living room and to the door. when i opened it i saw...

"Louis! Niall! Harry! what are you doin' here?!" I squealed

"we decided we should come and comfort our girls." Harry said matter-of-factly.

I ran and hugged Harry. "I've missed you so much." i said with my face is his chest. he just rubbed my back and put his chin on my head.

"it's ok" he comforted "i'm here now." i looked up at him and smiled.

"Kendra who is it?!" Michelle asked me coming out of the kitchen. she looked through the door.

"NIALL!" she shrieked jumping up and down.

he ran to her, picked her up and spun her around. After a few spins he put her on the ground and placed his lips on hers.

"What's going on in here?!" Jenna asked coming out of the kitchen.

Michelle pulled herself away from Niall and walked him over to the couch.

"Jen!" louis yelled running to her. when he had reach her he hugged are and she cried.

"It hurts Lou." she said into his shoulder.

"i know...but it will get better." he said rubbing her back. "promise." He said pulling himself a way from her and looking her in the eyes. Jen forced a smile.








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