Chapter 47

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Kendra's P.O.V.

*knock knock*
"It's the fuzz! They found me!" Em joked throwing her hands in the air almost hitting me in the face. i laughed an got off of the couch to answer the door "NO! don't do it!" she yelled. laughed and opened the door. my smile quickly faded when i saw who it was
"Harry" i said shocked to see him "what are you-" he cut me off "to apologize...i'm sorry i beat up Jason! i didn't deal with my feelings the right way and i just got angry...can you give me his number or address-" i cut him off "Jason's dead" i said quickly. Harry froze "what?!" he asked confused "he was murdered that night" i said tears swelling in my eyes. "I'm...i'm so sorry" he said with a worried look on his face. "it's okey...i'm surprised you didn't hear about it" i said wiping my eyes dry "well i have been avoiding the T.V. and radio...i didn't really want to hear about you and your new boyfriend" he said plainly "and why would i hear about it anyway...i've been in London-" i cut him off "because i reported it" i said tears flowing down my face. Harry's face went blank and he froze. Before i knew it he had his arms wrapped around me with his chin on my head and my fice buried in his chest.
I don't know how long we were standing there but i push him away
"Come inside and meet his daughter" i smiled wiping my tears "daughter?!" Harry said confused. i just nodded and lead him inside. "Emma...this is Harry! Harry...Emma!" i introduced them. Emma's face went blank and Harry stood in the living room awkwardly. then a bright smiled formed on Emma's face. "hi!" she siad getting off the couch and shook Harry's hand. "hi!" he forced a smile. "can i talk to you?!...alone!" He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the hall and into my room
"Why is his daughter living with you?!" He asked almost throwing me into the room. "why do you care?!" i asked trying to gee around him and out of the room. "because i do!" he yelled, blocking from the door. i sighed " her grandma can't take care of her" i explained sitting on my bed. "Kendra...i care about you. you can't do this anymore!" i said sitting next to me "can't do what anymore?!" i asked offended and confused. "you can't take care of-" i cut him off "OH AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW HARRY?! you've never had to take care of two kids, three cats, five dogs and be four months pregnant!" i yelled.
There was a bit of silence "i had depression harry...and i couldn't live life the same...and i took so much happiness away from everyone around me!" i continued as a few tears fell down my face. "your right...i don't know what it feels like...except for depression...i just felt so...horrible...knowing i screwed everything up...knowing i might never get you back...know i won't be a good father to my kids" he said looking into my eyes.
He started leaning towards me and i found myself leaning towards him.
Kendra stop! what are you doing?! he looks so perfect and i just need to...NO! if you let him in you'll get hurt again! stop! stop! I love him...NO YOU DON'T! i...i...
I tried to pull my self away but before i knew it my lips touched his and i couldn't stop!
My mind went blank and when he pulled away...i realized what just happened
"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed and jumped off the bed "you didn't stop" he said shocked. i just stormed out if the room.
What the hell just happened?! Oh my god! how could have let this happen?!
"Is everything okey?!" Em asked as i walked into the living room "yah" i said looking over my shoulder and down the hall.
The next morning i woke up at 9:00, got out if bed and walked down the hall way. i walked into the kitchen and started making some pancake batter.
After awhile herd foot prints coming upstairs from the basement. i amused it was Emma but it wasn't.
"Harry" i said shocked to see him "mornin'" he said walking over to the counter and hopping on it. "I thought you were staying the night at Jen and Lou's!" i said dumping some batter in a pan. "oh yah...hope you don't mind" he said quietly. i smiled "no! i don't!" I laughed "whats so funny?!" He asked "i don't know!" i laughed and soon Harry was laughing with me.
Then Emma walked upstairs "what are you-"
"Don't ask!" Harry and I said at the same time and we all laughed. "here eat!" i instructed handing Harry a plate of pancakes "Em! can you get Jady up?!" i asked and she walked down the hall way.
"Thanks" Harry said shoving some pancake in his mouth. "sure!" i smiled.
The room was silent until Emma walked back into the room with Jady and the pets. "Pancakes!" Jady screamed sitting down at the table ad i place a plate of food in front of her.

Harry's P.O.V.

*knock knock*
"Oh shit! Harry can you get the door for me?!" Kendra asked flipping another pancake "yup!" I said getting up and walking towards the door.
When i opened it there was a police officer standing at the door.
"Hello?" i said confused "Hello...Harry Styles?" i officer asked "yes" i said still confused "your under arrest for the murder of Jason Smith!" He said pulling out hand cuffs and turning me around "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!" he said putting the cuffs on me
"Harry!...whats going on?!" Kendra asked walking towards the door "Mr.Styles killed your friend!" the police officer explained. i watch Kendra freeze and her face go blank.
The officer drug me out of the house. i looked back over my shoulder and saw Kendra just standing in the door way...crying!


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