1st Day ((Yuki x Fem!Tsunedere!Reader))

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It took me awhile to think of a good scenario since nobody gave me any specifics really besides "tsunedere" and because Yuri wasn't a character I really liked, I couldn't think of anything else to match with them besides this

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It took me awhile to think of a good scenario since nobody gave me any specifics really besides "tsunedere" and because Yuri wasn't a character I really liked, I couldn't think of anything else to match with them besides this. So sorry if you guys don't like it >~<

I don't wanna go to school

I don't wanna go to school

I don't wanna go to school

Whyyyy? Why must I go to school? It's already been hard enough without father over the summer to bring us much food. It's gonna be my first day in high school (secondary school) and I'm very nervous. I didn't have much friends in middle school and was bullied for my shortness.

The only one I trusted throughout...well....my whole life actually, is Nagisa (Natsuki). Nagisa, or as I like to call him, Naggi, has always taken care of me. He's always treated me as a princess, and we always cooked cupcakes and all kinds of pastries together! People always said that me and my brother was too close, but that's not true. It's not like I like him, of course not, but if he's the only one who cared for me my whole entire life (even when I was an infant, he'd change my diaper and play with me while father drank), how can we not be so close?

Of course, we're not perfect. All siblings fight, all of them. However, we didn't fight all that much, just over stupid things. Good thing that father enrolled me into the same high school as Naggi, so I at least would know somebody there. And that's today, my first day of school.

In the morning, my first class, we had to give introductions. This is the main reason I hated school, is because I admit that I am a little shy and have some anxiety, so this was scary. After time had passed, the teacher called on me. I took a deep breath and stood up. "Hello...my name is (Y/N),(L/N)....I am a quiet kid, and is very fond of my older. Thank you" I Say, getting it over with.

All I can say, is that all the classes afterwards were boring and unpleasing without Naggi. Then, came the end of the day. I waited for Naggi, and when he came, I gave him a biiiig hug! I felt so much better now that he's here.

"Hey, I have to go to my club now, so I'll see you at the house." He says, patting my shoulder. What. What club?

"What club? I don't wanna go home without you! Can I join it?" I Say, not wanting to be home alone. Who knows when daddy will come home, and what he'd do to me knowing I'm alone. He sees my desperation and sighed.

"It's a literature club....you probably won't be interested in that..." He says, scratching his neck.

"But you don't even read books." I Say, narrowing my eyes.

"I.....do. I started getting into it..." it's an obvious lie, but I let it pass. "About joining, of course Dominik would love it but I'm not sure. The club is full of boys and only boys, I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be with you in there"

"I'll be fine! Besides, I have lessons in self-defense if needed." I say, trying to convince him. He thinks for a bit before sighing.

"Fine, but only because you're begging." He says, walking down the golden halls and to the door. I've never joined a club because Naggi had never did. So him joining a club now is surprising—but then again, it is high school (secondary school), so maybe it's for his GPA? Resume? Who knows.

He opens the doors and I see three figures. My anxiety flared as I half attempted to hide behind my brother.

"Oh my, who do we have here? She looks just like you Nagisa." A male said with long brown hair.

"Don't get any weird ideas." He said in a threatening tone, but with his small figure, it's just seen as adorable.

"Don't worry, don't worry. We're not that type of club." The male apologized, I have yet to say a word.

I gasp was heard, and a male a bit taller than Naggi comes running. "Ahhh! She's so cute!" The boy squeals, I get a bit cautious. 

"Perverts!" My brother yells, "this is why I didn't want you coming here" he says to me, I again, have yet to say anything.

"I'm so sorry for how we've presented ourselves. I'm Yuki, the Vice President of this club. The one who first talked to you is Dominik, the president of this club. And over there is Satsuke, he's just a club member. As an apology, wanna sit for tea?" A tall, purple haired male said whose now known as Yuki. I felt overwhelmed by his height—it's not fair!!

"I-I'm good" I Say in a stutter, uncomfortable about the situation.

"Guys, please keep your space. This is my sister, (Y/N). She has anxiety, so if she goes quiet for awhile, she might be focused or uncomfortable" he says, trying to explain my awkwardness.

"Oh, sorry about that" Dominik smiled at me. He's tall too.....

Damn these tall people.

While I was getting angry under my skin, I sit next to Naggi humbly. They don't seem that bad. Satsuke is a bit too comfortable with me, Dominik is a bit too....mysterious, and Yuki is a bit too formal. This might be interesting.

"Damn, only if I knew my sister would wanna join my club, I would've brought cupcakes." Naggi said, angry with himself.

"Oh! Can I help?!" I spring up, surprising the other members for how loud I got from my quiet position before. I was embarrassed and slowly sat down. Naggi chuckled and patted my head.

"Sure, you can. Knowing you, I know you're gonna join the club. So, promise me you'll try to get comfortable with everyone else?" He says, giving me a comforting smile, I sigh and look at the other members. I don't exactly like Dominik's optimistic face, but Satsuke's bouncy nature is adorable. And Yuki's manor is comforting.

In all honestly, Yuki could help me get comfortable besides Naggi, because of how formal he is. He wouldn't go over the top, he's polite, and seems patient. Maybe I'll hang out with him first, then the others. This actually might be fine.

"I'll think about it"

To be continued...

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