Found Her

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*James POV*

"Going home," I said,
"Okay, take out the trash on your way out," J.J. said.

J.J. was my boss and his name was actually Andrew. He didn't like his name so he called himself J.J.

"Okay, have a nice night, see ya tomorrow," I said taking the trash with me. 

I get to the dumpster behind the hotel and I see a sudden flash in the corner of the alley. I quickly put the trash in the dumpster and walk toward the flash. There was a girl maybe one or two years younger than me. She looked hurt so I went to help her. She was unconscious. I picked her up and she lay limp in my arms. I went back to the front of the car and buckled her. I reclined the seat back and got in the car. The car light was on and I realized her door wasn't shut. I didn't get up right then though, I looked at her and studied her. Her hair was dirty-blonde with some streaks of blonde in it. Her eyelashes were really long and dark enough to make the night sky hide. Her lips were the color of pink roses just blooming. Her curly hair was probably down to her elbows. Her shirt was a blue plaid T-shirt that fit her well. Her jeans also were made to fit her well. Finally, she wore black converse. She was beautiful. I got out and shut her door and started to drive to my house. I drove to a stoplight and heard her moving. Her face was facing the door, she moved and then her face was facing me. I tried not to get distracted but it was hard with her facing me. I forced myself to look at the road. 

I finally got to my house and I got out. I left her in there while I went to unlock the doors and turned the lights on, I made sure my bedroom door was open and I went to get her out of the car. I got to the car and unbuckled her. I picked her up and entered my house. I put her down on my bed and put a throw blanket on her I decided that I should sleep on the couch because it would have been weird if she woke up with me on the bed. I got a pillow and a blanket and went to the living room and laid on the couch. I fell asleep. The next morning I went check on her. She was still asleep so I sat on one of the chairs and waited for her to wake up. Around 12 p.m. she started to stir. Her eyes opened and she was looking around the room. She looked at me and she stayed there. Her bright blue-ish greenish eyes staring at me.

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