"tell me the truth..."
when Miley Young turned 16, her parents broke the news that she had to move to New Jersey. she wasn't happy at all. she had to leave her friends, school, her home. she was devastated.
when she did move, she instantly made fr...
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today i wore a pinkish-purple dress that came up a little above my knees with a camp green vest and nude sandals. to top it off, i curled my hair and added a gold necklace.
"look at you!" Angel beamed, as i walked into the building. i could feel eyes on me.
i rolled my eyes. "thanks... i guess."
she laughed. "you're welcome. girls! come here!"
soon enough, Missy, Kenzie, and Mandy came prancing up.
"hey girls." i said, smiling.
"well don't you look cute?" Mandy asked, taking a look at my outfit.
i giggled. "can we go get breakfast now?"
they laughed. "of coarse." Missy agreed with the other girls nodding.
after getting our trays, we took a seat at our normal table and began to eat an omelet and OJ.
i was the first one to be finished.
"let's just hand out until the bell rings." Kenzie said, finishing her OJ.
we all nodded.
"so Miles...i heard you got Ethan Dolan's snap." Mandy said, smirking at me. "and he gave it to you."
i looked at Angel.
"sorry, i had to tell them!" she said, throwing her hands up in surrender and laughing.
i rolled my eyes. "whatever." i said, taking a sip from my drink.
i pulled out my phone as it began to buzz.
"what's that?" Angel asked.
i shrugged. "just a snap from...Ethan."
Angel grabbed my phone from my hand and played the snap. "woah!" she said drooling and showing us the picture.
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i smiled as i took a picture of me. yeah. you know you have to wear a shirt right? i commented.
he sent one back.
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i took a quick picture of me. better hurry, bells about to ring. i typed.
a few seconds after i sent the snap, someone smacked their hands down on the table. "well i'm right in time, huh?" Ethan stood there smirking as Angel, Kenzie, Missy, and Mandy all drooled over him.
"Gray, come here!" E screamed.
i turned around to see Grayson looking our way.
"uh..." he looked at me. "that's alright, i'll catch up with you later." and with that, the bell rang and he was off to class.
"well, i'll see you in PE. and how about that number?" he asked.
i rolled my eyes as i stood up from my seat and grabbed my bag. "you'll have to earn it." i said, flirting along.
he looked me up and down. "you look gorgeous." he said with a wink before turning around on his heels and leaving.
"oh..." Angel began.
"my..." Mandy join in.
"gosh..." Kenzie said in awe.
"Ethan Dolan called you gorgeous!" Missy squealed.
i rolled my eyes. "let's just get to class." i didn't like Ethan like that. even if he did like me.
i had my eyes on one person. and that was his brother.