Part I: SPARTAN-B312

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I had watched, unable to do anything, my team die one by one during the Fall of Reach. It had come down to me. I had to destroy the corvette before it could do anymore. After that, here I am now in the barren wasteland that I just watched be the grave of Emile. He made his sacrifices, as did all of my team. I feel my strength waning. There’s too many of those damn Covenant. I grip my left side with my right hand whilst holding my trusty magnum in my left hand. Even with my armor’s shield, the Covenant were able to get me. I look up, seeing a dropship come around. “Can’t I get a bone for once?” I take my hand off my side and grab the Assault Rifle from my backside. I check my ammunition amount and realize how little I have left. “Gonna have to scavenge corpses.” A few grunts run around, searching for any weak spawn left. I quietly run around, making sure there aren’t any higher ranked Covenant. It wasn’t very hard due to the sandstorm surrounding us. I aim my magnum at one and fire. I quickly make work of the few grunts. Each fall like flies. I barely hear footsteps behind me and duck. Good thing too, as I see a blue light thrust right above me. I swing my right arm around and slam the rifle into the unknown Covenant’s side. It grunts in pain, and I take action, shoving my rifle into the Elite’s face. I swiftly pull the trigger and watch as my clip is used mowing him down. I run out of ammo in it and pull it back. His shield has only just now been depleted. I take the magnum and fire into his mouth, killing him instantly. He drops, unmoving. I find the glorious object that is the Energy Sword. I examine it for a moment before turning it back to it’s traveling state.
I peer around me, noticing a faint glow some ways away. I slowly stalk closer. I immediately understand what it came from: an Elite General. In his hands, contain a mounted plasma turret aiming right for me. The weapon’s barrel begins to glow as I quickly evade to the right. Blue bolts fling to my left as I scramble to my feet. I sprint to him changing directions every so often as to avoid injuries. I pull the Energy Sword from my utility pack and activate it. After some more dodging and constant running, the plasma turret starts smoking and he stops shooting, staring at the weapon. He overheated it. I hear a few grumbles and uncommunicable things come from him. I use the chance and make a mad dash toward him. When I get near him, I bring back the sword and thrust it forward. But before I could make contact, a purple crystal pierces back of my hand. Had it not been for the previous shots of the Elite General, my armor would've stopped it. I grunt from it, almost dropping the blade, but I shove it forward, entering the Elite’s gut. A purple blood oozes from his stomach. I aim the magnum to my right and fire a few shots at a moving figure. I pull the sword from the now dead General as he falls to the ground, limp. I turn the sword back to travel size and pocket it. I check the magazine for my magnum and find it close to being empty. I have another two clips on me. I strap the magnum to my side and grab the turret laying next to the corpse. I turn to my right, heaving the heavy, but useful weapon in my grasp. I see a Jackal Sniper, scouting me. He’s most likely also sporting the Needle Rifle that struck my hand. I hadn’t realized until now that the little crystal had exploded. I swiftly make my way up to the creature to which had been up on a small hill. Once I make it up there, the Jackal Sniper perched himself a little away. Gotta admit, the Kig-Yar race are quite the strategists. I sidestep as a crystal is launched at me. I hear a slight graze on my armor as my bar let’s up the littlest bit. I pull the trigger of the turret. The barrel starts and plasma is launched at high speed volleys, flying toward the unlucky Jackal Sniper. A few strike home, catching him off guard. During this time, I retrieve my finger and sprint at him. I get near ten yards away and start blasting him. Much more successfully hit him. In seconds, I mow him down and more purple ooze spurts out of the now dead Kig-Yar. I walk over to it, slightly panting from the physical strain of the ever-growing weight of the massive turret. I drop the turret and hear the soft bang due to the sand. I grab the deceased Jackal Sniper’s Needle Rifle and inspect it. It’s ammunition tank withholds almost an entire clip. I search the corpse for any more clips, finding only one other. I attach it to my back for later use. I look around, not seeing anymore current threats nearby.
Suddenly, bursts of purple plasma is thrown at my position, multiple hitting me. I pull my magnum into my left hand and the Needle Rifle in my right. I fire a few crystals to the general direction of the oncoming bolts. Due to the oncoming fire, it falls back, stopping it’s volleys. I look behind me, glancing at a coming sword of pure plasma. I barely sidestep, with the blade jutting right under the crevice of my armpit. I quickly shove him away and put a few shots of the magnum in him. I put my boot in his gut and turn around in time for another sword to get close to me. I try to strafe to the left, but his sword catches me, instantly draining my shield. He uses his foot, and sends me to the ground. He goes to pounce on me, and tries to inject his sword into my heart. I use the little shield that I gained to make the sword slide off my outer wrist into the sand. I shove the Needle Rifle into his mouth and fire, completely destroying his shield and killing him. I quickly push him off me with the bottom of my foot, but instantaneously have two more Elites overwhelm me. I try to push them away, but one keeps a hand firmly planted on my neck. I fire a few shots of the magnum into both of their guts. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get past either of their shields. The little shield I have left does nothing as a bluish sword enter my body, cutting through my armor like butter. My weapons slip from both my hands to my immediate left and right. I force my hands up and try to pull the sword from my chest. Although, it did nothing, but slice up my hands. My vision starts to blotch out, covering the sandstorm up with black blobs of frightening darkness. Oddly enough, I feel almost no pain, but I hear grunts come from my throat. My hands fall to my sides as my head starts to loll to the side. I feel my body lift a little as the sword is ripped from my chest. I slowly try to bring my head up, barely seeing blood stain the sand around me. My head falls back, as my blood continues seeping from my wound. Everything is now black, as my soul goes missing from action.
I can’t see anything. Everything’s black. I feel my body hovering almost. “Spartans never die. They’re just missing in action…” the words from some sort of combination of voices resonates throughout the black darkness. I want to grab the words and bring them with me due to familiarity of them. Each words brings back memories of each of my team. I see quick flashes of my dead team. Yet, I see them in a sort of third-person perspective. I’m not in my body. I peer at my armor as Jorge rambles on to which is incomprehensible. He picks me up as I stare at his helmetless face. Six words are said with perfect speech, “Tell them to make it count.” I watch as he throws me off the Corvette to save myself and those I would later save. My vision begins to get blurry as Jorge walks further into the ship. As my vision blackens, the very space shakes with intensity. And then all is calm. I cannot see anything again and feel myself stricken with guilt. Color fills my eyes once again as I see most of my team running through a corridor to get to safety. I hear Kat say more things I can’t understand, but she’s quickly shut up by a crystal going through her skull. I turn around swiftly, clutching her and trying to dispatch whatever’s above. A Phantom flies off as we grab her and head further in. “C’mon, c’mon! Get in!” A black cloud covers my eyesight. Seconds later, color returns. I see Jun, but only for a few seconds as the words of his form, “I’ll do what’s necessary, sir. Good luck.” The color escapes as fast as it came. Again, I see color. A sand-ish hue surrounds us. Emile stands close to my right as a Scarab stands over us on a natural formation. Our ship flies in with Carter flying it, “You’re on your own, Noble. Carter out.” The bird slams into the Scarab exploding and forcing it to fall. For the last time, my vision returns. I look up, seeing the gun that devastated the Covenant Cruiser. An Elite goes to attack him, but he quickly shoves him away and blasts his face with a shotgun. “Who’s next?” Sadly, they got revenge by an Elite shoving a Energy Sword through his back. “I’m ready!” He takes out his knife and injects it into the Elite’s neck. “How ‘bout you?!” They both fall. My vision fades as does my consciousness.
My eyes shutter open. I try to move, but find an unbearable pain in my lower chest. I let myself go limp and try to observe my wound. Surprising, no blood covers my armor or the grass around me. Wait. Grass? I was just in a sandstorm… what? I quickly move my head to look around, ignoring the pain in doing so. There’s grass all around me. But there’s also trees. So many trees. I look around a little more to see the DMR to my right and find my magnum in my right holster. I strain, trying to sit up. It takes me a few seconds, but I finally do it. Pain spirals throughout my entire system. I brace myself with one hand while I check my grenade pack, finding one plasma grenade and two frags with my unused hand. I go through my utility pack, finding the Energy Sword in its travel size. My armor seems to be in perfect shape which makes no sense. I look through my ammo finding I have three clips for both my DMR and the magnum. I also have three clips for my Assault Rifle that I found on my back. I wait a small amount of time, before standing. I grit my teeth during the process. I fully stand, staggering a little after. I feel pain throughout my entire body again. I put the DMR on my back for later use and pull out my magnum. I limp while walking, not necessarily going in any one direction. My left hand resides on my lower chest while I hold my magnum in my right hand at my side. I continue walking, leaning on a tree every-so-often.
After at least an hour, I hear a low growl echo to my left. Next, I hear rustling to my right. Loud footsteps come from behind me. I look around, expecting Covenant to attack. I spin around and aim my magnum to the Covenant charging me. Surprisingly, it’s a human, running with a large sword. He had black hair and a small stubble of a beard with the same dark color. His eyes were also red. An interesting color. His outfit consisted of black, white, and grey.
“I don’t know who you are, but get away from the Grimm!” Grimm? The hell’s a Grimm? I turn around in time to see a creature pounce on me, enraging my wound. My back hits the ground with some force as some sort of giant black dog jumps on me. It tries to bring its skull-like face to mine with a vicious aura. Luckily, I had brought up my right arm under its neck, so it can’t advance. I use my left hand and shove its head upward, where I then fire my magnum a few times into its bare neck. The thing disappears into a thin, black smoke. I slowly stand, causing my wound to scream in pain even more. I silently grunt.
“Who… are you?” I ask.
He stops, approximately fifteen feet away from me, “I could say the same to you. We have reason to believe something is causing a great sorrow over here, making Grimm appear everywhere. A house near was fully killed off besides the eleven year old son. Had he not survived, we would of never known this happened.” The black-haired man announced.
“Who’s we? The UNSC?” I ask, thoroughly bewildered.
“The what?” he shakes his head, “No, I’m a Hunter.” A hunter? Like the Mgalekgolo? What? Where’s the armies? “Now, tell me who you are or I’m bringing you in.” He pulls out some sort of license like I’m supposed to know what it is.
“What’s a Hunter?”
“Don’t play coy with me. I know you know what it is.” He brings his giant sword a little up to frighten me.
“I assure you, I haven’t the slightest clue as to what you mean.” I’m genuinely confused by his status. I stare at him, waiting for his response.
“You know, I’m getting pretty annoyed with you. Who. Are. You.” He made sure to put anger into his question, making it seem like a command.
“I’m a Spartan. Can’t you tell by my armor?” I can hear the annoyance from my own voice.
“Whoever’s under the helmet, I have never seen that armor before. Now stop avoiding my question and tell me who you are or I’ll have to exercise force.” He brought up his weapon, into a one-handed stance.
“Don’t point that weapon at me. We’re on similar sides.”
I run around, using my semblance to find my uncle. I call out to him, stopping for a few seconds to catch my breathe. “Rubes! You find him yet?!” a female voice rings, sounding like my sister.
“Not yet!” I shout back. I quickly return to my search, finding him a few minutes later.
“Uncle-!” I find him fighting someone in a suit of armor. The armored guy throws punches at Uncle Qrow in wide swings then quick jabs to his gut. Uncle Qrow retaliates by blocking and immediately trying to grab him. He misses and the armored guy puts his fist into his opponent’s gut. Uncle Qrow gasps and falls to the ground. “Uncle Qrow!”
“Kid, stay back.” My uncle stands, “I got this.” The armored guy has his fists together in a fighting stance. My uncle fully stands and charges him. His effort comes to no avail as the armored guy grabs both my uncle’s arms and flings him over himself, into the ground. He then swiftly shoves his protected foot into Uncle Qrow’s stomach making him gasp again. He tries to lift the stranger’s foot, but it doesn’t budge.
“This armor weighs much more than you’d expect.” I aim Crescent Rose a the armored stranger, “Doing that is-” I fire my weapon, effectively hitting him in the head. He staggers backward as his head shoots upward slightly. “Useless.” He looks straight at me, staring at me through his strange looking helmet. Now that I pay more attention, the helmet is scratched and has a (V/C) for it’s visor. The armor itself is actually a cool-looking (A/C) with (SA/C) for it’s highlights. His armor seems to stare straight through me, leaving me frightened. “Little Miss, enlighten me, what is a Hunter? Are they connected to the Covenant?” he pauses, “Also, what is a Grimm?” Thousands of questions go through my head, one circling the most: what is a Covenant? “Where’s the UNSC?”
I look at her, waiting for her to answer my many questions. She seems to have a sort of shocked look on her. She opens her mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it. A few seconds later, she asks, “What’s a Covenant?” If it hadn’t been for my helmet, everyone could’ve seen my jaw-dropped expression. How could she not know what those bastards are!?
“What do you mean, ‘what’s a Covenant?!’ They’re the bastards who tried to ravage the whole planet! They tried to take everything from us while we sat there and watched, unable to do anything until the Spartan program restarted again!”
She looks at me as if I just said the weirdest thing in my life, “What?” the simplest answer came forth from her mouth.
“What,” I step off the apparent Hunter, “do you,” I start walking toward the young woman, “mean! ‘What.’ That’s all you have to say,” my voice becomes louder by the second as I reach her. I grab her by her shoulders and stare right at her, “how could you be so oblivious to what happened! My entire team’s gone! They all died to the damned Covenant. They all sacrificed themselves to save me! Just so I could… so I could deliver the Package!” The look on her face is terrified, as I continue staring. Suddenly, a horrible feeling of tearing rips across my back. My grip loosens on the young woman. The color drains from my face as I realize I made a rookie mistake. The man cut my back. I start to lose my consciousness once again. Everything blackens as I try to stay conscious. I fall over on top of the young woman. I weakly push her out of the way as I fall, saving her from the combined weight lf me and the hefty armor. My body connects with the ground and I’m out.
I awake, my chest and back pounding with pain, threatening to stop my heart this very second. My eyes are closed tightly. I slowly open both eyes. I’m laying on the ground and my upper back and head has been braced on something. I’m still in the forest and I see the two strangers standing near me and a new one as well. The young woman from before has black hair with a red tint to the outermost parts of it. Her outfit also consists of red and black. She has odd silver eyes as well. The new player has yellow hair and purple eyes. She has some sort of contraption on her fists. Oh and did I mention the young woman from before has a giant-fucking-scythe in her grasp!? What the hell? Although, it does look well-crafted. But if I pick who’s the biggest target is, it would be the older man with the sword. I stare at the three while coming up with a plan as they are definitely no ordinary humans.
“What do you mean? How could he not know what they are?” the yellow-haired girl said, grabbing her chin in thought.
“I know,” she pauses, “it’s just too much of common knowledge. Uncle Qrow, do you have any idea?”
“No,” the man that I presume is Qrow responds as he stares at me, “at least, not a definite answer.” He walks closer to me, inspecting my armor, I would suppose. “Although, I am quite curious as to where his armor came from. Not just that, but what he meant by a Spartan.”
The yellow-haired female quickly reacts with a question, “Spartan? I haven’t heard that name before. It sounds like a warrior in a way.”
“Yea, I can see where you’re coming from, Yang, but we can’t assume right now.” He hesitates before speaking again, “We should probably bring him to Professor Ozpin.” Ozpin? Professor? Is he a teacher? A trainer perhaps?
The girl who’s name I still don’t know complains immediately, “But he’s so heavy!” She puts emphasis on so. My eyes dart to each of three strangers.
“Ruby,” Qrow starts, “we don’t really have a choice here.”
“Is he really that heavy?” Yang asks.
“It must be his armor. Heck, we could barely drag him over to that tree.” Qrow reaches into his jacket and pulls out a canister. He takes a swig of whatever’s in there and then another before concealing it once more. “Maybe with three people, the job will be easier.”
“I doubt it.” I announce, “After all, this suit weighs somewhere around a thousand pounds. And that’s not including my own weight. Hell, I wouldn’t even be able to move, much less lift this thing, had it not been for neuron-optics installed in my brain.” The three look at me precariously.
“How are you even conscious! I struck your back with Harbinger!”
“My shield took most of the hit.” I nonchalantly inform them. I slowly stand as Qrow and Ruby bring out their weapons. Yang just gets in a boxing stance. “I’m not going to fight you. The only reason why I fought Qrow over there is because he attacked first.” I pause, “I can tell you all are good, honest people like the UNSC, so I don’t see any reason to fight you any more. Now, let us get down to business.” I dramatically pause for effect, “I would like to see this Ozpin you talk about. I personally haven’t the slightest clue where I am, but that doesn’t stop me nor any Spartan.”
“First, you are going to answer our questions before I knock some skulls.” Yang responds.
Ruby agrees by saying, “Yea! Like… Like… How you know Uncle Qrow’s name!”
“Simple,” I start, “I merely overheard you three speak his name. I’ve been awake for a good five to ten minutes now. And also,” I dramatically pause again, “threatening me is a grave mistake. I am not to be taken lightly. I’ve wiped out entire squadrons of militarily trained soldiers. Next time, think before you speak.” I ridicule her and visibly see her eye color change to red. How odd.
Yang opens up her mouth, but Qrow effectively cuts her off, “Okay. Business I can do. But our questions come first as you are in our custody as of right now.” I nod. The two ease the grip on their weapons. “Tell us, what is a Spartan?”
“I don’t know how you three haven’t the knowledge of what it is, but fine. Spartans are beings that have been tested on to gain inhuman strength who are then given armor like mine with special capabilities that work with their style. They are then thrown out into combat to fight off the Covenant as we’re Reach’s only hope to fight the monstrosities.”
“You’re… kidding me, right?” They all shake their head. “You gotta be kidding me!” They continue shaking their head. “You know? The planet we live on? The enemies that threaten our very existence?”
“Dude, we live on Remnant. Is there something wrong with your head?” Yang asks.
“What is Remnant!?”
“Our world.” Ruby answers plainly.
“We live on Reach! This very earth below us is called Reach! That’s what our planet is called!”
Qrow cuts in, “Okay, okay! Everyone shut up for a second. Whatever your name is, are you alright? This planet is called Remnant. We don’t know what this Reach you’re talking about is, nor do we know what Covenant are, but explain on the way to Ozpin.”
I stare at them as I walk past them, “Where’re my weapons?” I ask, whilst searching for them. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on attracting needless attention.” I look around, seeing a black handle poke around a tree. I slowly walk to it and grab it, noticing it’s my DMR. Man, do I love this thing. By far, my most reliable weapon.
“Oh! I’ll help if you agree to tell me about them!” Ruby responds, curiosity spiraling through her voice.
I chuckle a small amount before replying, “Rare to see such a young woman so interested in weapons. Sure. When you find one, just tell me and I’ll give a brief explanation about it.”
“Okay!” Ruby replies, seemingly too excited. “What about that weapon in your hand.”
“This?” I gesture with the DMR, “It’s a DMR as most of us call it, although its actual name is M392 Designated Marksman Rifle. It excels at medium to long range combat, but also is quite the useful piece of arsenal at closer ranges as well.  I’d rather have this over many weapons the UNSC has made.”
I hear Qrow ask, “UNSC? You’ve said that a few times, but what is it?”
I stop searching and stare at him through my helmet. “You’re kidding me, right?” He stares at me, obviously not joking. “Seriously, where the hell am I? I swear I was dead just a minute ago and,” I start rambling to myself, “then I get visions of all my dead team members. I hear that damn catch phrase. I wake up, injured, but I appear to be without obvious injuries besides actual pain. Then I meet you,” I put venom into the word you and continue, “to which then I get attacked by this creature thing that wanted to rip my throat out for whatever reason. Then your niece shoots a bullet at my skull. After that, you cut my back! Then I’m out cold again. However long it took me to wake, here I am searching for my weapons you threw in random directions. And if they’re broke, you’re screwed.” I end my rant and continue looking for my stuff as if nothing happened. Through my ranting, I had put my DMR on my back. I gain a glance toward each member of my party and all their faces include a very confused look on. I see Ruby go back to searching and notice her overlook my magnum, “Ruby! Northeast.”
“Huh?” She looks around in the very opposite direction.
“Oh for the love of… Behind you, seven feet.” I call out, obviously annoyed. She looks at my specified location and find my magnum.
“Oh! A pistol! What’s it like?” she asks as she runs over to me.
“I just call it a magnum,” she holds it out to me to grab it, I take it from her and examine it, “but its true name is the M6G Magnum. It’s pretty much the DMR with a higher fire rate and built for close range combat. It’s quite useful for picking off enemies.”
“You never answered my question.” Qrow speaks angrily.
“Yea, yea.” I think of a good way to explain it.
“How many more weapons?” Yang asks impatiently.
“One.” I respond with, “Scratch that, two. A small handle like object and an Assault Rifle.” A few seconds pass and I start my explanation, “Okay… The only way I can really explain is that the UNSC, or the United Nations Space Command which is a department of the United Nations Space Command Defense Force-“
“Quite the mouthful.” Yang interrupts me with.
“Indeed it is. As I was saying, the UNSCDF was formed to combat other human governments because humankind pretty much. The war known as the Interplanetary War which happened long before any of us were born in 2164 and lasted six years. The UNSC won in the end for better or worse. Like I said, the UNSC is merely a branch of the UNSCDF. Our main agencies were military, scientific, and exploratory. Now, our main use it combating the Covenant. The Spartan Project was made to fight them. We were subject to cruel experiments for the better of mankind. Many died while others prospered. You truly don’t want to know the things us Spartans were subject to. We will forever be scarred, not just mentally, but physically as well. Scars are littered across my whole body as well as every other Spartan.” I pause.
“I found some sort of thing.” Yang announces and I notice her messing with something.
I quickly shout, “Be careful with that!” I rush over to her.
“What? I wasn’t going to break it.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” I swipe the Energy Sword from her hands. “If you were to activate this toward yourself, you’d be fatally injured. Here, I’ll shoe you what I mean.” I turn it around in my hand to the correct position and activate it, sending out a bluish sword. “This is a Type-1 Energy Weapon or simply the Energy Sword. It can literally cut through any metal like paper. It can also break through most shields with incredible ease due to the way it was made. For example…” I walk up to a near tree and do a downward slice to one of its branched, severing it completely.
Ruby squeals, “So cool!”
“It’s probably the best thing you can happen upon in the battlefield… as long as you’re not the one it’s impaling that is. It hurts terribly having one of these penetrate your skin.” I deactivate it and pocket it.
“Anyway, you’ve talked about this Covenant being a few tines now. What are they?” Qrow asks.
I sigh and explain, “They are the combined forces of many alien races. To name a few, Kig-Yar, Unggoy, Sangheili, and the Mgalekgolo. Granted, that’s only a few a dozen. They pretty much started war with us called the Human-Covenant War. They did this because we are directly related to the Forerunners. If it weren’t for us Spartans, humanity wouldn’t exist.”
“The Forerunners? Did they rule before us?” Ruby inquires.
Maybe they do have intelligence on it, “It’s hard to explain. Basically. They left technology for us to protect humanity. For example, the Halo Rings.” I continue looking around for my Assault Rifle.
I near some brush as Qrow asks what the Halo Rings are. I interrupt him by saying, “Quiet.”
“Did you forget that you’re in our custody?”
I whip back around toward him, “Did you forget that there were two Grimm or whatever they’re called?” He shuts up and I grab the magnum from my holster. I aim it at the brush I’m near. I hear slow breathing coming from it. A few footsteps resound within it. I movement and fire three shots in its general direction. I keep them spread out as to enforce my position. I hear rustling, something coming near me. I take three steps back and steel my stance, readying my trigger finger. Footsteps come at a quicker pace and sound more blunt. Suddenly, a burst of black came from the green brush and I fire once more, directly into the creature’s mouth. It seems unhindered as I fire two more shots into its head. I tries to pounce on me, but I strafe my left and it lands next to me on the ground. I shove my right elbow into its skull-like helm, completely devastating it. It shatters as pieces fall to the ground and evaporate. The body begins to do the same as I retract my arm. I load a new clip into my gun and put it back into my holster. I look toward the brush and peer at it, noticing an odd coloring at the bottom. I grab for whatever it is and retrieve my Assault Rifle. “What are the chances?” I say under my breathe. I glance at Ruby, but quickly go back to studying my rifle. She looks utterly shocked. “Something wrong, Ruby?” I inquire.
“N-no!” she stutters out, “It’s just that I’ve never seen anyone dispatch a Grimm like that! You didn’t even use a melee weapon to kill it with!” She seems to be fan-girling.
“I guess I’m just use to ambushes. The Covenant were unforgiving, without mercy. Either you died or they did. In someway, these creatures are the same. On another note, I suppose you’d like to know about this?” I gesture with the Assault Rifle and she nods a little too much. Momentarily, I stare at her, “The MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System can be useful to distract fire and push enemies. Although personally, I only find it useful to grab attention and whittle down targets. It can still be quite the useful asset.” I pause, putting the rifle onto my back, “Anyway, shall we go?”
Qrow is the first to reply, “Yea, sure…” He starts walking in one direction. The rest follow as I stand there a minute. I sigh and walk to them.
We walk in awkward silence until Yang asks a simple question, “So, what’s your name?”
“Just call me Noble Six. Six for short.”
“Okay…” Yang replies with, obviously not understanding the reason behind it.
A good ten minutes pass as we walk. Both Ruby and Yang massage their legs due to them aching. Eventually, Yang’s voice resounds, “Look… Six… I’m sorry.”
I look at her as does Ruby and Qrow. It seems everyone is bewildered by her random apology. “What are you apologizing for?” I announce, thoroughly confused.
“I’ve just been acting like a real...” She glances at Qrow, “a-hole to you. I’m just being protective of my sister. I heard what happened and was just being defensive with her. When I found out how you scared her, I just got really defensive, y’know? After realizing that you truly don’t understand where you are, I can understand that you’re just confused. Huntresses are supposed to help others, not treat them like fools. Like I said, I’m sorry.”
I stop walking and stare at her for a moment, before pushing forward again, “No need to apologize. I understand. You gotta protect who you gotta protect.” I pause for a moment, “But I do appreciate not only you apologizing, but how you reacted too.” I look at Ruby, finding her with a smile on her face.
I glance at Yang, but quickly look ahead of me. She has an expression of shock on, but it leaves her features as quickly as I looked away. “Thanks.” is all she said.
After about an hour or so—I loss track—I see a building a little while away. I had explained to the three a little more on what Reach is and what Covenant are. As we close our distance to the great building, Ruby asks, “Impressed?”
I chuckle and decide to humor her, “It certainly is quite the strong building.”
Qrow is the next to speak, “On a related note, we’ll have to take a bullhead..”
I look at him and question him on it.
“You’ll find out.” is all he said.


Wow. 5900 words. And for the first part no less. Hope you enjoyed.

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