004: hell on earth

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I don't even know what the hell that was last period. I'll admit Mr. Johnson was lazy, but all that other extra stuff was completely unnecessary

I was now in my business course class, and mr. Bigshot just so happens to be in it. To make matters worse, i forgot that sumire was even in this class.

This is literally a breeding ground for drama.

"Ok class, i will announce the pairs for the project. First up we have... Denki and sumire."

Sumire rolled her eyes as denki smiled with a faint blush.

He had a bit of a crush on her. He must be high.

I was crossing my fingers and praying to god that i get paired with chouchou. But like i expected, the universe hates me with a passion.

"Chouchou and iwabe."

Mrs. Giovanni called out some more names. Until she called mine.

"Sarada and..."

Be sure to attend my funeral service.


I banged my head on my desk and i could hear a few laughs in the classroom.

I can hear a chuckle from manwhore behind me. "Ok, get with your partners and dicuss what you're going to do for the rest of the period.

I solemly got up from the chair and took the empty desk next to his and scooted it closer.

I could feel Sumire's gaze burning a hole in the back of my damn head. Seriously, a cow is more threating then her.

I see him smirking at me from the corner of my eye and i bang my head on the desk again.

I've been paired up with the devil's spawn...

He tilts his head towards me a bit.

"Relax ice girl i don't bite. Though, there are many places i could bite you." He grinned slyly.

I scrunched my nose up at him. "You pig."

He laughed. "Oink, oink." I groaned as i raised my hand. "Can i take a raincheck on this project?" I asked Mrs. Giovanni.

She chuckled. "Sure, if you want a 3.5 GPA."

I immediately put my hand down, earning another chuckle from Satan's spawn.

"What the hell is so funny you bastard?!" I asked angrily. He grinned. "You're just so cute." He said leaning his head.

I blushed as i turned away from him. "C--can we just focus on the project please?" I asked as i fiddled with my thumbs.

I mentally cursed myself. I didn't mean to show him my shy side, damn!

He moved closer to me. "Sure thing... Ice girl." He called me by his nickname for me.

I groaned. Universe, why must you despise me so much?


After that fiasco i needed to let off some steam. So i went to the archery training room. Yes, our college has an archery team, and i can't believe the dumbasses that run the district for college sports teams are actually thinking about using real arrows!

We mostly just use really sharp plastic arrows, and when we're putting the targets on ourselves for moving target practice, we place sticky foam on the plastic so it's not a saftey hazard.

The problem is, they're thinking about using real wood arrows that could kill somebody!

I shake my head of my worried thoughts and walk into the locker room. We have lots of locker rooms at this college. It's pretty convenient.

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