055: peace is a virtue

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Ok so we may or may not have had make up sex.

Ok we did, but is it such a big deal?

I tried to get out of bed a few times to put on some clothes, but it resulted in him wrapping his arms tighter around my waist and yanking me back in bed.

Am i really this gulable? That after a month and two weeks of us not being together i just magically crawl back in his arms after he sings me a song?

Yes, is what my head's telling me.

No, is what my heart's telling me.

I hate both pathways for one reason.

They're cliché.

Now don't go thinking you've bought tickets to the greatest show on earth.

Because it is certainly not a fucking show.

It's me having the word 'shitty' spoon fed to me a million times over repeatedly.

And whoever the hell is feeding me needs to fucking stop, because im about to choke.

I sigh, my favorite thing to do when all else goes to shit.

Is this what it's like being a human being with issues? Cause if it is...


"You're having an inner conflict... I can sense it."

Great he's awake.

I sighed again. "Yeah... It's a bad one."

I turn to face him. "Is it because of what happened? Look i understand if you--"

I interrupted him. "I have no regrets of forgiving you, or what we did yesterday. I have no intention of letting you go after this. I just have a lot of inner problems. Everyone does. I just need the right time to think about them and now isn't. We both have a lot of healing to do because our problems are similar in more ways than one. I used to be a very independent person... I had a lot of friends, i still do, but i was indepent. I was letting my flag fly high, but sometimes you have to let the wind lay off of it for a while. Know what i mean?" I say softly.

He nods. "I get it, i really do. And whatever you're going through i want to be there. Im sorry for what happened at the party. I pushed you to drink a bit, and it both got us in trouble with our relationship. Look, i love you. Nothing's going to change that. That's why we have to help eachother. You tend to bottle up your feelings sarada, and that's not good, so i want to be there for you. Every single step of the way."

He was looking into my soul. Everything in my being was sending the most obvious signals.

If i wanted to break down i would. I feel like it, but im not going to because im pretty sure I've cried at least 50 times in the past month.

I sighed as i rested my head against his chest.

"How did i survive a month without you?"
I whisper.

He chuckled. "That's the question i should be asking."



I missed her.

Way too much.

It was a few hours later. We still didn't get out of the bed.

I yawned amd stretched.

I slowly got out of bed, being extra careful not to disturb sarada.

Our clothes were scattered all over the floor. I guess we were a bit reckless.

I feel bad for chouchou.


I grabbed my boxers off the floor and put them on.

I went over ro Sarada's dresser. I had clothes in there whenever i slept over. Same thing when she comes over to my dorm. I got a pair of sweat pants and put them on.

I opened the door and saw chouchou sitting on the couch.

"As soon as i saw your pants on the floor in the kitchen and the sounds from our room i decided to just plug in my headphones and stay out here." She said without even looking at me.

I scratched the back of my head. "Sorry chouchou. I promise I'll convince her to move in with me next year." I chuckle embarassingly.

Her eyes widened and now she was looking at me. "You're gonna ask her to move in with you?"

I nodded. "My mom is letting me get my own apartment, so when we get our junior induction party i was going to ask her." I said as i headed to the kitchen.

I found a pack of pancake mix and some bacon.

"That's nice. I won't have to come back to hear moaning. Kawaki and i are moving in next year too." She said.

I smiled. "That's cool. It gives you a feeling of privacy."

She nodded. It was silent for a minute before she spoke. "What'd you do for her to forgive you so fast?"

I smirked. "Shikadai let me borrow his guitar so i sung her a song."

Chouchou snorted. "I knew she was the cheesy romantic type. You two nerds fit eachother so well it's scary."

I chuckled. "Hehe."

I heard the door open and sarada walked in the living room rubbing both her eyes.

I wanted to laugh at the site of her. Her long hair was a mess. She waas only wearing a pair of panties and the shirt i was wearing yesterday. It was big on her and that's what made me like it so much.

"Mmm... What time is it?" She asked groggily as she sat on the counter.

I looked at the clock on the stove. "It's a little past noon." I smiled.

She yawned. "I was just about to say good morning..."

I chuckled as moved over to her and kissed her on the cheek. "It's ok i slept good anyways..." I smirked at her.

My smirk widened when i saw her cheeks get dark red.

Chouchou shook her head. "Seriously you two, get a damn room..."






See ya in the next one!

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