051: a dash of betrayal

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(Im honestly starting to hate the path this story is going in, but im still on a writers block. Itll get better tho)


I looked around and whistsled lowly. "This is quite the party... Mostly juniors though." I say.

Sarada nods. "Yep... Still don't do parties though." She mumbled the last part.

I chuckle and wrap an arm around her shoulders. "Just stick next to me ok?" She nodded again with a smile.

Despite the mask i could still see her features.

I saw this dude... He was about the same height as me. His hair black hair was loused up and he wore dark blue tux. I could see clearly through his mask that he was checking sarada out. His untruthful green eyes gave her a look that only i was allowed to give her.

His eyes connect with mine and glare it him.

I see a smirk pull on his lips and he goes back to talking with the girl he's with.

I could feel a snarl coming up on my face.

I was in deep thought until a voice snapped me out of it. "Boruto... Boruto!"

I looked down at sarada to see her looking at me worriedly with a raised eyebrow. "You've been spacing out for the past 30 seconds... You ok?" She asked as she touched my arm softly.

I smiled at her. "Im good. Just a bit shocked that sumire is actually being normal for once." I lied.

Im pretty aware that sarada gets stares from other guys. I mean why wouldn't she? She's hot!

But there's something that irks me to the core when i catch one of those bastards looking at her like she's a stake fresh out of the oven.

She snorted. "Yeah im pretty surprised too. Didn't think she had it in her. She's actually acting like a non-jealous bitch... Or maybe im telling myself what i want to hear and she actually invited us to eye fuck you all night." Sarada said as she crossed her arms.

My smile went sly. "Oh my gosh, are you jealous ice girl?" My sly smile changed to a smirk.

She scoffed. "No, and stop blowing up your ego! Im not jealous... Im just playing it safe is all..." She muttered the last part.

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Sureeeee. That was so 20 seconds ago, let's go get drinks at the bar the they installed recently!" I said in my best cheerleader accent.

She laughed. "Ok alright."

I grabbed her hand and lead her to the bar table.



I don't drink. Im not even the legal drinking age... I've had five shots of vodka already... Im tipsy but not drunk.

Boruto on the other hand... Well he said he can hold his alcohol, but i guess it really depends on how much he drinks.

Forget what i said about not being drunk, because im sure now that i am, not fully.

Why am i saying this? Well for one, we're drunk flirting.

He's saying all the cheesy pick-up lines. His face was slightly flushed, and his hair was ruffled slightly. Probably from us making out when we had the time...

"If i... If i could rearrange the alphabet i'd out 'i' and 'u' together..." He smirked as downed another shot.

I giggled. "Thats... That's so fucking clever... Do another one!" I say as i dramatically point s finger at him.

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