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I had another exam today. I hope I did ok. I don't think I've mentioned this (except for my art book) but I've decided to post a chapter whenever I have an exam and guess what? I have 2 more exams this week and 3 more next week. Yay me (sarcasm)!

Hope you enjoy today's chapter

"HAHAHA! Come on boys! We almost have em! And lunch is gonna be bite sized!" Laughs Janja as he and his pack chase a family of terrified hyraxes.
Janja and his pack stop in their tracks.
"Why'd we stop Janja?" Asks Cheezi.
"It's the lion guard you fur brain!" Snaps Janja.
The lion guard stops running and face the hyenas.
"Janja, I've told you this a thousand times, get out of the Pridelands!" Kion growls.
"You've told us? I guess my stomach forgot." Replies Janja innocently.
Cheezi and Chungu laugh at his joke.
"Never gets old." Laughs Chungu.
"Ha ha. Very funny." Laughs Fuli sarcastically. "It's not like he's said that a thousand times."
Cheezi and Chungu look at each other confused.
"Doesn't he say it a thousand times?" Asks Chungu.
"I don't know!" Wails Cheezi.
Fuli and Janja slap their heads with their paws.
"Fur brains." They say at the time.
"Enough talk. Get out!" Snaps Kion.
"Not until we have something to eat!" Replies Janja. "Boys! Attack!"
One half of Janja's pack surrounds the guard and the other half goes after the hyraxes.
"We need to split up! Fuli, Bunga, go after them. Beshte, Ono and I will deal with these guys." Commands Kion.
"Got it! ZUKA ZAMA!"
"Let's go! HUWEZI!"
Bunga and Fuli run away from the group and after the running hyenas.

"Bunga, would you hurry up!" Fuli snaps.
"Hey! I never said I was the fastest!" Huffs Bunga.
Fuli grabs him by the neck fur and tosses him onto her back. They approach the hyenas.
"Ready Bunga?" Asks Fuli smiling wickedly at him.
"For whaaaa!"
Fuli suddenly stops and Bunga flies off her back. Bunga screams as he lands on two hyenas.
Fuli trots beside him.
"Nice one. We still need to get the others." Says Fuli.
"Go ahead. I'll make sure these guys don't chase anything else." Replies Bunga.
Fuli chases the hyenas. They stop chasing the hyraxes and surround Fuli.
"I was hoping that the plan will work. Scar outdid himself this time." Smiles Janja.
"What is it this time? Let me guess, another kidnapping scheme?" Snaps Fuli.
"No Fuli." Replies Janja. "Scar just wants to talk."
"Last time that happened I was chased by a wave of fire!"
"You survived, didn't you? Anyways, Scar sensed that somethings troubling you...or going to trouble you and he wants to help."
"Why would he want to help me?"
"Well, he knew your mother. Scar was good friends with her and he thought that he could make her proud by helping you to become the best you can be."
Fuli is speechless.
Janja steps closer to her. "That's all you've ever wanted to do. Make your mother proud since that day." Continues Janja. "If you want our help, come to Flatridge Rock. Think about it."
Fuli stares at him in disbelief. Janja smiles wickedly and turns to leave with his pack.
"We'll be leaving now." He yells as he runs back to the Outlands.
Fuli watches them run and sees Bunga in attack position.
"And don't come back!" He yells. "Nice work Fuli. You handled all those hyenas on your own."
Fuli smiles at Bunga and feels heat rise from her shoulder. She looks at her mark sees it glow red.
'Janja and the hyenas are leaving. Let's regroup.' Orders Kion through thought.
'On our way.' Replies Fuli.
"Kion wants us back?" Asks Bunga.
Fuli nods. "Yep. Let's go."

They find the rest of the guard.
"Is it just me or did the fight end quicker than usual?" Asks Ono.
"Yeah, it is a little odd." Replies Kion. "Hopefully it's nothing to worry about."
"I'm sure it's fine. It's getting late. Let's go back to the lair." Suggests Fuli.
Everyone follows Kion to the lair to rest. Everyone goes to their usual sleeping spots. Ono flies to his nest, Beshte splashes into the little pond with Bunga on his back and Kion and Fuli sleep side by side.

Just as Fuli was about to drift of to sleep, Kion wakes her up.
"Want to go for a walk?"
"Sure. Why not?"
They tip toe out of the lair and go for a walk while looking at the stars.
"I see two lions fighting over a scrap of meat." Says Fuli.
"I also see a cheetah but she's not as beautiful as the one next to me." Replies Kion smiling at Fuli.
Fuli blushes and licks his cheek. "That's sweet."
Kion lets out a purr as he and Fuli nuzzle.
"I'm sorry that we didn't finish our date this afternoon." Says Kion.
"What do you mean? We're finishing it right now and it wasn't your fault." Replies Fuli.
Kion licks her cheek. "Thanks Fuli."

Clouded Mind part 1 #7Where stories live. Discover now