Wanna be friends?

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Jun's POV
These past few days I've been busy with work, I need to have a good feedback from my parents. Ever since I was young, people expected that I will be like my father a person who is smart, wealthy and a successful businessman because of this i felt pressured with my education and work I needed to impress people. But my parents never put pressure on me at all they said I shouldn't mind the people who compare me with my father because we are different people..... this comforts me a bit.
I feel tired, I had to work on weekends as well if im not here the workers in my department will feel unease.
Today i was able to finish all my work, and it seems that no more paper will be sent here anytime soon. I decided to go home, but first i should stop by the cafe
I got in my car and drove to the cafe
After parking my car I went inside and gave my order to the cashier
I sat near the window, with my drink in hand, I took out my phone and started to look at my messages and the posts of the people I know. I went to this profile with the username 'The8' which is the name of the photographer guy i met in the park. I'm glad I met him that day.....i like how he sees the world through his camera and he is also a painter!, we just met only once but we talked to each other like we were friends for a long time, we somehow got a connection..its really interesting to talk to him
But i've never seen him since then, how long  has it been? A week or two? I want to see him again for some reason
Its a good thing i was able to find his profile :), and he posted something just three days ago, an announcement?

The exhibit will be officially opened in May 26 at 10 am in ____, I hope to see you there.



"What no way....its just in this area" i looked at my watch theres time for me to stop by, I quickly finished my coffee and threw it in the trash can on my way out. I started my car and drove to the said location, I felt excitement rushed in my body just thinking of meeting minghao again made me happy.
When I arrived my happiness just dropped really low, the artist is no where in sight i asked the guards and they said he is not here today. 'Well i could just walk around' i thought to my self and started walking. While Im here i saw some paintings that i have seen before since i followed his profile and its my first time seeing some of the paintings. After i look around i waited for a few more minutes 'he might come here again' but right now i don't have any luck he didn't came and it seems that they are closing so I exited the place and made my way to my car
I would visit this place everyday during my break time or on my way home in hopes of seeing him but i never did, I've visited this place so many times until somehow i became friends with the guards, im starting to lose hope, 'why do i need to meet this guy anyway?' This is the last time
after this i will not come back,

Minghao's POV
I went to the exhibit to check if everything is okay and i also need to hang my new work, when I arrived the guards greeted me and I greeted back
"Sir..there seems to be someone looking for you", 'huh?' I cant think of anyone who could be looking for me
"Do you know his name?"
"Its Jun, sir", I dont remember anyone with the name Jun...i think, kinda sounds familiar
"He is here today sir"
"Okay thank you"
I walked towards an empty space of a wall where i hanged my new painting I stood there for a while looking at it then i walked and looked around the building everything seems to be fine but I didn't see the guy the guards are talking about
Now that i think about it that guy i met in the park.....his name was junhui right?, could his nickname be Jun?
Eh wait..why am I suddenly thinking about him?....its impossible that its him •_•      I sighed
i then felt footsteps near me
when i turned around i saw him he looked shocked and happy, we just stand there looking at each other until i broke the awkward atmosphere
"Hello...." I don't know what to say T-T
"Hi.." he said almost whispering
I felt really awkward, I want to leave so i turned slightly and about to walk away but i stopped because he said something "ummm" i looked at him again "yes?.."
"I want to talk to you, how about dinner?"
I looked at the time in my phone I haven't ate yet "alright" I followed him as he led me outside to his car while he is driving there is an awkward atmosphere between us again. He parked the car in a small restaurant, it looks small outside but when your inside its somehow big there are also antiques displayed on shelves and i could see a garden outside.
"For two please"
"Would you like to seat outside sir?" He glanced at me and replied
the waitress nodded and led us outside to a table  I could see the stars in the sky with a full moon and there are also different kinds of plants they even have a pond, I looked at the things around me like a kid who just went out of the house for the first time "cute" he mumbled to himself, i looked at him  "what did you say?" I didn't hear what he said, he just coughed "what do you like to eat?", i looked at the menu and turned to the pasta and soup part I don't want to eat too much
"You have already?"
"Yah" he raised his hand to get the attention of the waitress and gave his order when she came
"I will have the pesto" i pointed at picture and she nodded "anything else sir?", "no" we both answered and she walked away. While we waited for our order we had a small talk.
"Did you just hang a new painting earlier?"
"Yes, were you able to see it?"
"Kinda, i saw and approached you so i didn't get a good look at it, what is i about?"
"A late night walk"
there is silence again.
"Where do you work?" I asked, curious about what he does
"In WGC"
"What do you do there?"
" a lot of things actually"
"Oh really.., whats your position?"
"Im the heir....."
..........what........Im actually talking to the heir .......that company is actually one of the biggest here
"Your not busy right?" He might be working on something right now, but he is here talking to me, I suddenly feel nervous.
"No im not, I wanted to see you" my eyes widen
"Why?" What businesses does he have with me •_•
"Nothing, I just wanted to get know more about you" he looked like he was not comfortable he loosen his tie a little bit while looking at the side avoiding eye contact with me and i noticed he is getting quite reddish
"Are you okay? Is it hot or something...?" Im starting to get concerned
"No im fine" he cleared his throat
Our food arrived and we ate, He talked about some company issues, some people might find this boring but i don't.
"Btw can I have your number?" He asked and I looked at him still chewing my food He waited for me to answer, I finished chewing and swallowed " sure" i took out my phone from my pocket and he took out his we exchanged numbers.
He asked for the bill and when the waiter placed it on the table I took it and looked, I reached for my pocket trying to get my wallet. Then Jun suddenly tried to take it away from me but i had a tight grip
"I will pay"
"No its okay i will"
We had a small tug of war but I noticed the waiter was waiting for us
"How about we pay our own food?" I suggested
"No i will pay it all" he is being really stubborn
"Alright fine.." i let go of it
I watch him as he pay for the food and he even got me take out, now i feel guilty
"I will pay you back"
"No need" he stood up and i followed him
We got in his car again.
"Where do you live?"
"Im taking you home"
"You can just drop me off in the nearest bus station"
"Nope not gonna happen"
I sighed, I cant really win in a fight with him I gave him my address and he followed the instructions given to him by the gps. I noticed something in the road i didn't have my camera with me so i just took a picture with my phone i decided to edit some pictures since its really quiet, Jun was too focused on the road so i cant talk to him.
I didn't noticed that the car stopped and Im already in front of my house I was busy with my phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Just editing pictures....."

"Whats that?" He asked looking at the picture"I just took a picture of it

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"Whats that?" He asked looking at the picture
"I just took a picture of it...." i honestly dont know what this drawing is for.
"Okay, Well we are here now"
I looked around "ohh..." i opened the door
"See you next time" he said, and i went out of the car
I walked towards the front door and opened it with my key, when I entered i was greeted by a salty Jeonghan "how long does it take for a person to check the art gallery if its fine?",
"Sorry I didn't realize it was this late" i looked at the clock its still 8:00 o'clock
I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water
"I never thought i would see you going home this late, you were the type that doesn't stay outside for too long" he said, I finished my water and placed the cup in the sink
"Also who is that guy you were with?"
"A friend"
"A Friend?" He raised an eyebrow
"Yep" i went upstairs avoiding anymore questions from my mo- i mean friend.

Note: the picture was taken by my brother in the Philippines, actually all the pics in this story was take by him😅 he is amazing 🙂

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