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"Welcome to America!!" Joshua and Seokmin said as they raise their hands, Minghao gave them a warm smile 'they're still weird' he thought and they even have a banner with Minghao's name on it. When they found out Minghao is coming they were really excited and he happened to be going to LA which made it easier for them to meet.

"So Minghao where do you wanna go?! To an amusement park? An outlet or the arcade??!" Seokmin said happily

"No sorry hyung I'll be busy starting tomorrow and im really tired right now"

"Let's just do those in your free time, anyway what is the name of the museum your going to?" Joshua said, Minghao took out the paper the lady gave him, there you could read his schedule and places they'll be going to. Joshua read it properly and smiled "lucky for you it is kinda near to my place so i could drive you there" he gave the paper back "i think it takes around.....30 minutes?, so you need to wake up early" Minghao nodded.

They arrived at Joshua's house where Seokmin also lives in, they had prepared a room for him which is really spacious, they think that maybe Minghao needs space for his works so they gave him the biggest room in the house.

After unpacking a lot of stuff, Minghao ended up sleeping the rest of the day.


"Oh boy this place is big" Seokmin said as he looked around, they had arrived at the museum where the showcase will take place, good thing family/ friends of the artist are allowed to enter before the event starts.

"Minghao where's your painting?" Joshua asked

"They said its at the back straight ahead" minghao pointed at the far back behind those groups of people, 'thats too far..' both Joshua and Seokmin thought.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard coming from the place Minghao had just pointed to,
He quickly dashed towards the source of the sound leaving Joshua and Seokmin.

He saw a group of people people in front of something that is on the floor, when Minghao managed to squeeze himself through, his painting's frame was shattered into pieces the glass spread all over the floor and the wood had cracked. He looked at the wall where his painting had been hanged on, the nail is gone.

Joshua and Seokmin gasped at the sight they looked at Minghao he was just standing there looking down at his work

"Did he made that?"

"Poor guy"

"The painting wasn't that good anyway"

They could hear the whispers of other people, the two quickly went to Minghao's side but his expression's still blank


'Huh?' Joshua looked up, the sound was faint because of the crowd but he managed to hear it clearly seeing nothing, he looked down again at the painting and this time he saw it, water was dripping down from the ceiling and its ruining Minghao's painting

"Sh*t" Joshua quickly went and picked up the painting avoiding getting cut by the glass but its too late the paint is smudging and its dripping down when you hold it up, Joshua cursed one more time despite his gentlemanly nature

They pulled minghao out of there and went to talk to the one in charge but all she told them was that the painting will be removed from the showcase and that Minghao should just fix it, she didn't looked like she even cared.


"Seungcheol What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked as he placed a cup of coffee on the table
"Its nothing"

"There is something so say it" Jeonghan pouted

"Well...other than work im concerned that Jun will start his habit again"

"What habit?"

"Ever since i met him before he met that the8 guy"

"You mean Minghao"

"Yah minghao, he was so passionate about working to the point that he forgets to eat and sleep"


"Something to do with exceeding the expectations? I don't know"

Jeonghan sat there and listened, Minghao was also like that but seeing how worried Seungcheol is, he thinks that Jun is worst

"I sometimes think that he might collapse any minute but he never did! Its like he's not human at all" Seungcheol continued

"But after he started hanging out with Minghao, there are times that he is not in that office of his and i heard he gets full meals everyday by mostly eating outside

But now that minghao is gone and Jun is going back to China so im concerned that since no one is there he might not eat and sleep at all!!!" Seungcheol took a sip of his coffee

"Anyway are you okay? Your alone at that house"

"Its.....its been lonely without minghao around.." Jeonghan said

"Do you want to stay at my house?"

Jeonghan rolled the office chair  to be near Seungcheol and hugged him "that would be great"


Jun placed yet another pile of paper at the side of his table 'my neck hurts' he thought as he continued typing on his laptop

"Come in" Jun said after he heard knocking on the door

"Sir I'll be going home now" the woman said

"Okay Goodnight" he focused on the screen again

She glanced at the side where a counter is placed, on top of that counter were tupperwares still filled with untouched food, She sighed at this and closed the door

Author: Exams are coming so i need to focus; update will probably be in the week after next week

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