A chance

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Minghao's POV
The next day I immediately worked on the painting Ms. Wen requested me to do, I painted nonstop causing me to sleep around 3 in the morning it only took me two days to finish. After letting it dry I asked for help to put it inside a frame to keep it safe,

"Jeonghan can I borrow your car" i peeked inside Jeonghan's room, he laid comfortably on his bed focusing on his phone

"The painting is quite big so i need a car to transport it"

"Okay" he reached for the drawer and threw the keys at me which i perfectly catched, "be careful" he turned his attention to his phone again.
I carried the painting to the car struggling a little bit but i can manage, after doing that I sat on the drivers sit and started the car. It been a long time since i used a car I usually take busses or taxis, Im quite nervous something might happen to me if im not careful
I slowly backed away from the house and eventually im on the road.

I finally arrived at WGC's building,
When the workers saw me carrying the painting they were confused as they avoid bumping into me,

"Hao?" I looked at the side and saw Jun

"Oh hi" i continued walking to the elevator actually more like wobbling, and waited for the elevator to get to the ground floor

"Want me to help?" Jun smirked


He grabbed the other end and took it away from me, I noticed something on his wrist the sleeves cover it a bit but you could still see it when you take a good look, it is the bracelet that he bought. But it seems to be out of place?, Jun is wearing a fancy suit probably worth a lot and instead of putting on some expensive watch, he chose to wear a bracelet that he bought in a random market, it makes me happy though.

I suddenly felt buzzing in my pocket, i looked at my phone and answered it.


"Minghao, come home now"


"There's a random lady here looking for you" Jeonghan whispered through the phone

"Huh? Who is she?"

"I don't know, she's foreign i cant understand what she's saying. I let her come inside the house though...."

"Why the heck would you let a stranger in?!" I ended up saying that out loud so workers started looking at me

"I don't know.....she seems well mannered and the only thing I understand in her English is your name so I thought you know her"

"I don't know anyone who is foreign!!! Except for jisoo"

"Well you better come here now before I panic and call Seungcheol's bodyguards"

"Ok ok"

I looked at Jun

"Whats wrong?"

"I need to go home, can you give that to your mom and tell her I can't see her right now " i said hastily

"Yah sure"

I drove really fast to the house and once i got there there's a woman sitting elegantly on the couch, once she saw me she stood up and smiled.

"You must be Xu Minghao, Yes?"

"Yes...?" Luckily I studied some english, just incase i needed it

"I want to discuss something important, do you have time?"

"Y-yes" we both sat in the living room facing each other with a table separating us, Jeonghan went to the kitchen looking at us every time 10 minutes has passed. We also prepared some tea to welcome the guest

"I want to showcase the art made by the new generation" she placed the cup on the table " so I went on looking for young artists who has potential, and you caught my attention" she smiled "I've seen the pictures you've made and they are quite amazing", i sat there confused what the heck is happening

"Are you interested?"

"Pls explain more"

"At least 5 of your works will be chosen to bring to america and will be displayed in a museum and after several months they will be transported to another museum in Europe" she explained "the artist should come as well" before i could say something she continued speaking "other opportunities will be given as well, like teaching in a art school, and working with other artists. If you are wondering about the paper works of going to another country, my team will take care of that for you as long as you have a passport, you will be with us for at least two years."

Its so sudden that I can't even process the situation right now.

"Sorry but i cant decide right now" i need time to think about this, also what if this is a hoax and i might end up in a forest somewhere

"I see, just call me using this number" she placed a small card on the table "this is a chance you cant miss sir, well....,i should be on my way, its nice to meet you" she walked towards the door and I rushed to open it for her. After she left i dropped myself on the couch sighing, I feel really tired even though I didn't fo anything. I glanced at the card on the table and lazily reached for it, written on it is the name of the lady, and her contact number

Jeonghan peeked from the kitchen door again "is she..gone?" I nodded making him sigh in relief "what does she want?" I explained everything to him and it made him excited

"Wahhhhhh you should go!!!!" Jeonghan's eyes started to sparkle

"But I'll be gone for two years" that statement made Jeonghan leaned lifeless on the arm chair and groan like a zombie

"I'll be alone in this house" he looked at me "but this is a big opportunity for you, I can't....no...shouldn't stop you from reaching your dreams" he suddenly stood up and grabbed on my shoulders "go for it minghao, I'll support you" he smiled, i looked at the simple accessory on my wrist and sighed

Pictures - JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now