Lunch meeting

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Minghao's POV
I woke up around 11:30 in the morning because there's nothing for me to do today. No ideas are popping out in my head for my next picture so I decided to take a break, I went downstairs to find something to eat I opened the fringe and found some leftovers. And just when i was about to heat the food my phone received a text, I get my phone  from the place i put it earlier in the counter top and opened my messages
But the number has no name..

<                   xxxx-xxx-xxxx        

Hey Minghao


Its me Jun

                                                        Oh sorry


I quickly added his name to my list, I forgot to do it yesterday, my bad.


<                       Wen Junhui

What are you doing  today?


                                             I just woke up

That's not good.....

                              this happens to me all  
                                             the time haha

I see.

                                          How about you?

Nothing really

I was getting bored

               So you're talking to me because
                                 you got nothing to do

Ah no thats not what i meant

                                                 It better be.


                                      Im just joking ㅋㅋ

Um ok

Did you eat lunch already?

Im still in a lunch meeting

                           Not yet, I didn't have my
                                    Breakfast yet either

                             Wait isn't it rude to text
                             someone while they are
                                             talking to you?

Its fine we are done with
the meeting  anyway.

Now my parents are just
chatting with them

                         Well are you sure its fine?


Are you working on something

                No I don't feel any inspiration,
                      and i don't see any scenery       
                  here that match my aesthetic

There are times that painters
can't paint anything yet

And based on what i see in
your social media and exhibit

You almost photographed
everything in the city

                       Yah, thats why i want to go
                                           somewhere new

Want me to bring you

                    No thanks your busy anyway
                          and i plan on going alone

                     And i also don't really know
                                             you that much


You could trust me

                            We will see about that :)


Well i better go someone
is talking to me



I put my phone down and started to heat my food in the microwave i waited for a few minutes.
When the microwave dinged I opened it and get my food, I could barely hold the plate because it was hot so i walked quickly to the desk in front of the tv and sat on the couch, I ate my brunch while watching some random show.

Jun's POV
I was busy looking at my phone until my friend looked at what im doing "hey who are you texting to?"
"No one" I quickly sent my last message and kept my phone
"How could you even text to no one?, and who's hao?" He saw the name.
"None of your business"
"Ay thats really mean, just tell me already"
"Alright answer my question first then"
He looked at our parents talking to each other on the other side of the table.
"They are really taking a long time" he sighed
"Yah we finished the meeting 15 minutes ago we should leave"
Both of our parents looked at the two of us.
"Both of you are really close" his mother giggled.
"Well they were friends for a long time" his father said
"Have you guys ever thought of being more than friends?" my father said
My friend choked because he decided to drink water at the wrong time and i sat there shocked with my fathers words 'is he serious?'
"That won't happen cause seungcheol has a boyfriend" ms. choi giggled
"Ehh? Really?",
my friend tried to speak but the water really went in there.
"No I dont mom" he finally stopped coughing
"What, not yet asking him out?" Mr. choi said raising an eyebrow, he didn't want to answer.
"Do it~" his parents cheered and my parents just laughed there, I seriously don't know what's happening, both of our parents are being  hyper today we didn't order alcohol right?
"Who is this person?" My mom asked
"Oh he is lovely i really like him, he is polite and he is quite angelic, sometimes i wonder if my son deserves him" they laughed and I chuckled a little bit, My friend started to glare at me and i kept quiet.
"When will my son gonna meet someone" my mom whined
"You don't have someone you like Jun?" She said
"No I don't" i shifted a bit on my chair, its clear on my expression that im not comfortable
"I recommended him some people" my dad added  "but he doesn't want to meet them"
"Right now i should be focusing on the company, I don't have time for that" I really want to leave right now.
"Also this is a personal matter for me to take care of"
"I just want to make sure that you are fine Jun" my mom said
"You don't have to worry about me mother" I gave her a sincere smile
A few moments later they decided to leave the restaurant, I walked with my parents until to their car.
"Good bye" i kissed my mom's cheeks and I looked at my dad
"Be safe" my mom said and she entered the car with my dad, they left.
I turned around and walked to my car
"See ya" seungcheol said, his car was just beside mine
"Yah" i went inside and left.

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