The Exhibit

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Minghao's POV
Today is the day that i will finally open my exhibit, I pick the best clothes i could find that fit the occasion, put them on and went downstairs.
I saw Jeonghan drinking tea in the dining area he noticed me in room
"Are you ready?" He finished the rest of his tea.
"Alright, start the car for me please im going to get something" he threw his keys at me and made his way upstairs
I went outside and started the car I sat on the passengers seat, waiting for him.
After a few seconds Jeonghan went out of the house locking the front door he went inside the car and started driving. Its really quiet inside the car, Jeonghan is focused on the road and Im just looking at the buildings we were passing by, until Jeonghan spoke
"This reminds me of the time when you told me stories about your dream of being an artist" he was referring to the time when we were highschool where we talked about random things and what we want to be in the future.
"And the reason why you started drawing is because your mother took you to an art museum when you were ten" he continued
"Yah." I chuckled "i cant even draw a tree before...."
"What? Your trees were good"
"How do you know?"
"Cause your mom kept your old drawings and showed them to me"
"Ah wait seriously!?"
"Yeh.." he let out a small laugh
"Anyway hows your mother?" He pushed the brakes because of the stop lights
"Shes fine"
"Thats good" he turned the radio on and started driving again.

We arrived at the place and i was surprised because of the small crowd
I saw seungcheol standing there with some guards he noticed the two of us and walked towards our direction
We greeted each other and went inside,
"What time is it?" Jeonghan asked, Seungcheol looked at his watch "its 9:30"
"They are quite early....." i looked at the people behind the glass doors who are waiting
"Is it okay to open it early?" Im concerned of the people waiting outside
"Well its your choice"
I glanced at them again, "okay lets open it" they both nodded and Seungcheol gave instructions to the guards
People started to enter they were all focused on my works i could hear them saying "wow.." and other words in a whispering voice. Jeonghan And Seungcheol decided to walk around as well since Seungcheol haven't seen all of my works yet. I could see some people are reading the small descriptions that i wrote for the pictures, whats written in it is: what is the meaning of the picture, what inspired me make the picture and when it was made. I decided to separate my paintings and my photographs, the pictures i took with my camera is in the other room while my paintings are in this room. There is also this poster where you could read my profile it contains a summary of my bio and what inspired me to be an artist, it was Jeonghan's idea to make that he said that people should know more about me and I agreed to his idea. I could see that people are starting to read it and some were glancing at the direction where i am standing, I felt a little nervous when one person approached me.
"Excuse are the artist right?" She said nervously, i guess she is also a little bit shy like me.
"Yes i am, may i help you?"
"nice to meet you my name is Ah yoon, I have been a fan of your works for a long time"
"Thank you..." i dont know what to say.
"I have a question to ask you"
"I also want to be a photographer but when I look at my pictures i am not satisfied, Can you give me tips?"
I thought for a while to give her a good answer "Well....when it comes to photography i took pictures of the things i like because i always see the beauty in them"
"Thank you I'll see what i could do.." before she could say anything else a person called her attention
"Ah yoon, we should go already...wait..who are you talking to?" She looked at me
"Ah.. Jihye, this is The8 the one who made the artworks i was just asking him for some tips..."
"Oh sorry....please excuse us" she pulled her friend away and they went out.

I decided to stay here for the whole day Jeonghan and Seungcheol had to leave for their own errands. Jeonghan told me he will pick me up later, while im here i talked to some people they asked me several questions some were even flustered talking to me.
I saw someone familiar entered, I approached him.
"Vernon!!! You're here"
"Minghao!,how are you"
"Im fine, thanks. Are you alone?" I looked around he seemed to be alone.
"Nah....i went with soonyoung and seungkwan but they told me to go first"
"What are they doing?"
"They went to get ice cream...."
Not long after, Soonyoung and Seungkwan entered with two ice creams in their hands.
"Vernon heres your ice cream" Seungkwan hand over his ice cream.
"Heres yours minghao" hoshi got me cookies n' cream flavored
"Thanks, but food and drinks aren't allowed here..." i said,
"Mehh you own this place anyway" seunkwan said
"No....Jeonghan's friend owns this place, I own the art..."
"Dont worry we wont mess with anything" soonyoung said

"Anyway how long have you been in here?" Vernon asked
"Since this morning"
"Wanna take a break?"
"Its fine im not tired at all"
"Lets go somewhere!!" Seungkwan Said excitingly and the other two nodded without saying anything else they dragged me outside "where are we going!??" We are already in the side walk walking and they are still holding my hands good thing the ice cream didn't fall down yet, "to celebrate!!" Soonyoung said happily "its fine we dont need to do that" i looked back at the exhibit good thing there are guards  so its fine to leave but this is still so sudden "nah" they said all together "lets call Jeonghan?", "yes lets do that" they talked to each other, I have no choice but to just listen to them its been a long time since i hanged out with them anyway, they called Jeonghan and he told us to meet at the restaurant. We ate and just talked about how we were doing these past few days.
"Where is Jihoon?" Jeonghan asked
"He is busy" Soonyoung said in a sad tone, Jihoon is always busy because of his work in the music world.
We decided to call it a day and go home, we dont plan on staying together any longer.
Me and Jeonghan went back to the exhibit to make sure everything is fine, when theres no more people we decided to close it.
"Lets go?"
"Yah.." we closed the doors making sure no one would get in but looking at the guards Seungcheol hired i dont think anyone can even brake in.
We both went home.

Pictures - JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now