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Minghao's POV
Jeonghan is in the kitchen doing something and I am just sketching on the couch, no ideas is popping out so I just drew simple figures. Its really quiet in this house especially when Jeonghan leaves for work, I will be alone and i will just stay in my room working on my pictures.
There are no news from Jeonghan's friend about the exhibit, im starting to think that he cannot help at all.
As I sat there quietly deep in my thoughts and heard knocks on the front door. "Minghao could you get that please?" I stood up and made my way to the door
When I opened the door I saw a man, he is Jeonghan's friend
"Is Jeonghan here?"
"Yes he is in the kitchen"
Jeonghan walked out from the kitchen to see who it is he looked happy to see him.
"Seungcheol...hi what are you doing here?" He let seungcheol enter the house.
"I came here to tell you something about the exhibit"
"Yes..what about it?"
"I found a good place for it, i came here to get the artworks you want to display"
"Really!!?!!!" Jeonghan hugged him in happiness and he quickly let him go. "Oh sorry.." he then looked at me who is just standing there awkwardly.
"Minghao! This is great!" He said with excitement "now you have your own exhibit!!"
"Is he the artist?"
"Yes, you've met him before, remember?"
"Oh you mean the time when we celebrated your birthday?"
"Yah, you met him in other times as well but nevermind that"
Im not particularly close with this person but he helped us a lot, i need to thank him.
"Ok, well i have a truck waiting outside to carry the paintings I didn't know how many you want to bring"
"Well thats fine theres a lot anyway"
I can't seem to enter their conversation....until Jeonghan asked me a question
"Minghao where are your works?"
"Oh they are upstairs" i led them to my room, the paintings were already in boxes so it was easy to carry them to the truck, men that seungcheol brought with him also helped.
When we arrived, we unloaded the truck
the place was bigger than i expected but the white walls made it so plain and boring that i cant wait to put some color to it with my pictures
We quickly get to work in hanging them to the walls
I instructed them to put the pictures in the place where i want it to be until all was hanged and ready to be seen by people.
"Thank you.." i was finally able to thanked the person who made this possible.
"No problem" seungcheol said, he walked to his men and talked to them.
The Three of us were already alone and its time to leave the place.
"I will take you guys home" seungcheol said
"You dont have to do that" Jeonghan was trying to reject the offer, i understand him seungcheol already did a lot for us he doesn't have to take us home as well besides he might be a busy man with many things to do but he stayed with us the whole time we were working on the exhibit. "Its fine" he insisted us to accept the offer and we couldn't reject him anymore, he took us home and left.
"So when are we gonna open the exhibit?" Jeonghan said while taking of his shoes and socks.
"Is Thursday good??"
"Yah thats fine, announce it to your followers so they will know"
"Alright." I sat on the couch and took out my phone I opened my account and looked through to some notifications before writing my public post.

The exhibit will be officially opened in May 26 at 10 am in ____, I hope to see you there.



I turned my phone off and just sat there looking at nothing until Jeonghan came in with a small cake in hand. "Its not much but....congrats!!" He sat beside me and gave me a fork "when did you made this??" I asked, "hehe" he didn't answered my question but I didn't mind it at all "you dont need to do this but thank you" i took a piece of the cake and put it in my mouth "do you like it?".
" this blue berry?"
"Yep" he smiled.
"You should eat"
"No thanks sweets aren't my type"

After I ate I washed the dishes and went to my room preparing to sleep.
But before I do that I opened my phone again and saw a lot of notifications, comments in the post earlier.


WHOAaaaa congrats man!!!

Im so excited for this, good luck

Congrats!!!!! I knew you would be successful

Im going take a break from work so that i could go there

WAhhhhhhh i cant believe i will finally meet you!!!!!!!!!!!

20 more comments

I smiled at all the comments while reading them, I'm glad that I am receiving support from my fans
In Thursday i will be at the exhibit and i will meet fans of my work.

I finished reading the comments and put my phone away. I closed the lights and fell asleep

Pictures - JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now