Chapter 5

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"Are you two not together anymore?" Felix asked me and Kayla at lunch. My entire group of friends- with the exception of Phil- were sitting with me so I sent Felix a pleading look. I wished Phil had never left to go speak to a teacher because I needed him there with me. He would have held my hand and reassured me that everything would turn out okay.

"We are? Why wouldn't we be?" Kayla replied with an oblivious smile. The rest of the group were staring at Felix as if he had two heads. I was just on the verge of crying, ready to get on my knees and beg the guy to go away.

"Dan seems pretty close to Phil, doesn't he?" Everyone looked at me in search for answers but I just cast my gaze down to my lap. "Earlier I walked into an empty classroom and found them. It was pretty obvious they'd been kissing."

Kayla let out a shaky, nervous laugh. "He's joking, right?" Her eyes fixed on me but I didn't deny it, staying silent. "No way. You can't- I love you."

"Kayla, I can explain-" Tears spilled down my cheeks and I was well aware everyone in the lunch hall was staring. She lifted her hand up and slapped me. I deserved the sting it left.

"I can't believe this. You always seemed so sweet- so- so perfect! I should have known it was too good to be true." Kayla was full on sobbing, her mascara leaving a black trail down her pale cheek. Mark and PJ had protective arms around the girl.

"I'm sorry. I was going to tell you but-"


"No, I swear-"

"Dan, go." Mark spoke up. My eyes scanned all of my friends. Not a single one of them was sympathetic for me but I knew I didn't deserve any sympathy anyway. I rubbed my red eyes, grabbing my backpack and making a dash towards the toilets.

I locked myself in a stall. I sat on the closed lid of the toilet, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head into them. I deserved all of the pain. My trousers were quickly soaked with my tears but that didn't matter.

Was it worth it? Was getting the man I loved worth the pain? I wasn't too sure anymore.

Did I even have Phil anymore? Technically I didn't tell Kayla so I wouldn't have been surprised if he left me too.

I didn't make an effort to move as the bell for the last lesson of the day rang. I stayed, glued to the spot, crying my heart out.

I was completely aware that I looked pathetic, my eyes rimmed with a dark read and my cheeks drenched with my own tears. Anyone could have walked in at any moment and they would have been able to hear my sobs but I deserved it all. I brought a shaky hand through my hair as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and scanned the message. It took me a moment to make it out, the tears making my vision slightly blurred.

Phil: We need to talk.

I typed out a message so slowly that one letter made it onto the screen every thirty seconds or so. I kept missing the keys I intended to press because of how much my fingers were trembling.

Me: No, please just leave me alone

Phil: Where are you? I found out what happened and just so you know I punched Felix

Me: You didn't...

Phil: I did

Phil: Oh and our 'friends' shouted at me. They wouldn't even let me talk to Kayla because, I quote, I 'had done enough damage'

Me: This is all my fault

Phil: Dan, tell me where you are

I put my hone back into my pocket and ignored it as it continued to vibrate every so often. I wanted to go home.

I stayed in the bathroom until the last bell rang. Then I got up, threw my bag over my shoulder and stumbled into the hallway. I walked at a rapid pace, hoping to beat the crowds of people. I escaped out of the gates, fumbling for my earphones and plugging them into my phone. As it lit up, it revealed Phil's messages. I frowned, turning on my music.

4 missed calls from Phil.

Phil: Are you safe?

Phil: I'm really worried about you

Phil: Dan??

Phil: Answer me

Phil: Please don't do anything bad...

Phil: Just know I love you. I'll never leave you, even if everyone else does.

I let out a long sigh, rubbing my eyes with my fists. I shut the door quietly when I reached my house, hoping I wouldn't attract the attention of my mum. She was, once again, absorbed in some TV show so I sneaked passed her and headed to my bedroom. I dropped my bag on the ground, wincing when it made a soft thump noise. I then laid down on my bed, stared up at my ceiling and wished I'd never have to get up again.

I had been lying there for a while, music blaring out of my earphones at a dangerously high volume. I didn't notice when someone knocked on my door. I sat up as soon as it opened, my eyes wide.  I wiped away the stray tears, pulling out an earphone as I stared into the worried eyes of my best friend (or boyfriend?). "What do you want?" I questioned, my voice cracking.

He approached me with caution, taking a seat next to me and moving to rub my back. "I was so worried about you..." Phil mumbled; it made me swallow thickly. My lip was wobbling again but I did everything I could to prevent the escape of more tears.

"I've messed it all up, Phil. I have no one."

"Dan, I may be angry that she found out through Felix but I won't leave you."

"You promise?" I buried my head into his chest, tightly gripping his jumper as the tears welled up again.

"I promise." His hand was then in my hair, twirling a few strands around his finger. I relaxed slightly: his arms made me feel safe and secure. I had lost every single one of my friends but, for some reason, he could still make me feel at ease. (#SPON GO READ MY BOOK EASE! actually you probably shouldn't it's really bad oops) "I love you, Dan."

I looked up and our eyes met. I completely meant it when I murmured, "I love you too, Phil."


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