Phone Call

622 28 15

"Hej, det er Mathias Køhler, hvem snakker jeg med?", the voice was loud but clear.
I'm startled. The only thing I can answer are mumbles.
I finally got myself together,
He is silent for a bit. Maybe thinking. Probably thinking.
"Ah! That Lukas. Hey, how are ya?", he asks. More happy this time.
"Good. You?", I ask. I make it sound cold. That wasn't my intention.
"I'm great! Especially now that you called me!", he responds. He didn't notice my coldness.
I now realize what he said. 'Especially now that you called me' what a bunch of crap to let out. Why won't I just leave him alone?

"So...", he says. I notice it like he does. Lack of words. Lack of conversation. I decide to lead it, for once.
"Do you just come from Copenhagen?", I ask him. Maybe he just travelled to Copenhagen to get a better future... then moved to Norway. Classic.
"Hmm, yeah. Was born and raised in Copenhagen, though I've travelled all over the country! I especially like Skagen, but Copenhagen is just the best. No doubt about that!", he says and a laugh shortly follows. I like his laugh, but it's breaking my eardrums. It's too loud.

"Do you have any family?", he asks softly. No, I'm the only boy in the world born without a mother or a father. Yes of course I have a family. I'm about to say how stupid he is outloud, but I don't.
"Yes. A little brother. Emil. He doesn't like to admit we're family, though," I answer him.
"Oh. Okay!", he just says. No other things. God, he is truly an idiot. Why did I even call him?
"Do you have any family?", I ask him. I try to keep at his tempo, but he can't even keep it himself.
"Yeah! Two great Danes. Tommy and Buster!", he answers happily.
Of course, his family are dogs. Why didn't I guess that already?
"Our little brothers should totally meet up!", he laughs.
No way in a million light years, but I laugh anyway. Not that it's funny, mostly to be polite. I think it sounds false, but why should I care.

"Wanna meet up?", he asks me suddenly. I get overwhelmed. Can't respond.
He notices. Quickly responds,
"It's okay if you don't want to!"
I can notice the slight nervousness in his voice. It cracked. Slightly. Haha. Can't laugh. Too panicky. Who. Am. I.
"Yeah sure, Frognerparken, 13:00. Bye," I say and hammer the end call button. I breath. Deep breath. In, and out. In, and out. I lost my cool there. Not good.

I made plans with a complete idiot. Oh dear Lord if you're up there, make this meet-up a quick and painless one. I'm counting on you.

"Hi, it's Mathias Køhler, who am I talking with?"

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