Plane Ride

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It's been a month since 'the accident', as I call it. July 5th.

There's summer vacation, and Emil is out with his friends. That's what he told me, anyways.

I go down to take some breakfast. Some nice cornflakes should do the trick. I pour milk over it and begin eating. I'm tired. Any noise is annoying, so I'm glad Emil's not home. Suddenly, my phone rings. I sigh heavily. I'm not in the mood for phone calls.

"Lukas Bondevik," I say. I didn't look at who called.
"Hej...", a familiar voice calls. I pause. Him.
"Are.. are you mad at me?", he asks very carefully. His voice is so careful and soft you could just easily crush it. But I won't.
"No," I reply. It sounds cold. I haven't really changed my way of talking, but why should I care anyways.
"Ok...", he pauses. I know he wants to say something more.
"I'm going to Copenhagen for some days and I was originally going to invite Gilbert but he couldn't come of some strange reason so will you go with me I swear I'll behave!", he says fast. I don't think he knows what periods are.
I think about it. Do I really have anything to do? Emil isn't home anyway.
"Sure," I respond. I can imagine his face. It's happy right now. Really happy. Like a small sun.
"Super! I'll send you the plans over message, see you!", he says trying to hide his obvious happiness. He quickly shuts the call off. I shake my head while smiling. I don't even know why.

We meet up at the airport we arranged. He almost runs up to me, but decides in the last moment he wants to play it cool, so he just walks instead.
"Hi!", he says. He can't hide his smile, but I can. Ha.
"Hello," I say. Cold. Something he has yet to learn.

We come into our plane. We sit next to eachother. He got me a seat next to him. He looks out the window, as he's the one sitting with it. I don't care about that. He can sit there if he wants to. It's not my problem where he sits. I don't care.
I quickly learn that he's the type of guy who sleeps in planes, so he takes a  long nap. I just read my book. I don't care.
I glance over at him. He's fully sleeping now. He rests his head on the side of the plane. He looks like a fool. Should I follow in his footsteps? Kiss him?
I quickly shake it off. What went over me? It's awkward enough! We don't need more awkwardness.
I look at him still. Would he even wake up by it? He seems like nothing could wake him up.

I pull myself together. I reach over...
"Please take your seatbelts on. We are close to landing," the voice from the plane says. I pause. He wakes up.
He looks at me weirdly.
"What'cha doing?", he asks me confused.
I realize 'nothing' would be too suspicious in this instance.
"I was trying to get my book here," I reply and try to place my book on the small seat holder it has.
"Why couldn't you just put it in your own holder?", he asks me even more confused.
"Because maybe you'd be interested in it!", I say. A bit too loud. I think that'd be my first exclamation mark in a long time...
"Alright then!", he says happily and takes the book up.
"Trolls Through Time, huh? Interesting...", he says and places the book back in the holder.

We're allowed to go out, so we do. Everything is strange here, but that's only what you can expect in a different country.

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