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I wake up. Early. It's a Tuesday, afterall. Work's calling.
I look over at my calendar. Wait. Can it be true? June 5th... Mathias' birthday!

I quickly write a message,
Lukas: Happy birthday.

He replies within seconds.

Mathias: Thanks! Will you come to my birthday party? Today, my place 15:40

Work has already ended there. I decide why not.

Lukas: Sure, why not.
Mathias: Thanks! Bring a good gift right ;D
Lukas: We'll see.

I close my phone and go up to get some breakfast. I can't help but wonder what I'll buy for him. I can't be that rude to just bring myself.

After work, I take the train to a small shop. The owner greets me,
"Ah, hello. What would you like?", he asks.
"A birthday gift," I say. I say, that I want to look for a bit. He nods.
I look around. A small boat? No. I don't think he enjoys sailing. A small dog? No... it's a labrador, not a Great Dane. I go over to some books. Quite neat.
"May I ask who the birthday person is?", the owner asks. He must be a foreigner.
"He moved in from Copenhagen," I say and turn to the books again.
"Ah, then maybe this would be appropriate?", he asks. I look.
'Danish to Norwegian'. I look at it, and then at him. It's perfect.

I hold the book under my arm. I didn't want a bag to hold it in, though the book is quite heavy.

I arrive to the house. There are not too many cars in front of the house. The only one I can spot is a Volkswagen. Can't spot what model, though.
"Hey, Lukas!", Mathias greets me. I walk in. The house seems very lit up. He seems very happy.

"Let me introduce you to Alfred!", Mathias says and tugs a guy over to me so he almost drops his cup.
"Hey," the supposed Alfred says and waits for a handshake. We make a quick one.
"Name's Alfred."
Alfred nods and smiles. He then takes a big slurp of his drink.
We're appearently not done with his introduction, as Mathias takes me over to yet another guest.
"This is my good friend, Ludwig!", he says. I've seen this guy before, but I don't say anything.
"Luka-", I start, but some guy takes my hand.
"Hey, I'm Gilbert!", he says. I look up at his hair. That's a very odd hair color.
"They're brothers," Mathias says and smiles. I nod to him, but I frankly couldn't care less.

I sit down in his sofa, resting my head ever so carefully on the corner of the sofa. I haven't even sat down my gift yet.
I place it on the table infront of me.
"Hey, good idea Lukas! Let's get to the gifts!", Mathias exclaims and almost sprints over to the sofa. He sits in the same position since when I was here last. Right there in the center closest to me.
Everyone sits down around the table. Alfred sits next to Mathias. I don't know why I notice that. I don't care.

"Haha, thanks!", Mathias says as he opens Gilbert's gift. It seems to be shot glasses. What a weird gift.
He opens Ludwig's, which is just a coupon for a resturant close by.
Alfred has given him a small version of the Lady of Liberty.
He then gets to my gift.
"Oh, what is it?", Mathias turns to me and asks.
"Why would I tell you?", I say. He laughs. The Alfred guy seems to laugh aswell.
He opens my gift. Rather roughly done, I will add. He finally holds the book in his hands. He reads,
"Danish to Norwegian. Aww, thanks!", he says and smiles to me. One of the biggest smiles I've ever seen.

"Auf Wiedersehen, Mathias," Ludwig says and closes the door. Protests are coming from Gilbert.
"The fun was just starting..", he says, but is quickly silenced by the sound of a opening car sound.
"So now it's only us guy's back," Mathias says happily. He sounds a bit tired though. Alfred nods. I wish Alfred left too. Don't know why. Maybe he just has to do his homework. I'm just worried for him.

We sit down in a sofa. Alfred and Mathias are mostly talking with eachother. They look over at me once in a while. I just give a nod.
They're talking about some kind of Arthur, but I don't think it's the same one I know.

"Goodbye, dude!", Alfred says and hugs Mathias. Mathias hugs back.
Alfred waves to me, before he closes the door. Now it's only us two.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?", Mathias asks me.
I nod. I don't actually want to, but he's probably gonna find a boring movie anyway, so I can just sleep.
He somehow finds the one with Lill and her father again. He wants to watch the last bit.
I get myself comfortable in the sofa. Time to sleep.

I feel something. I open my eyes quick, move my head quickly, which results in something. My head hurts. I hit something.
"Ouch!", I hear someone say. Mathias. How could I hit into him? I didn't move my head that much!
I look at him. His eyes meet mine.
"I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to!", he stutters. "You just looked so peaceful..."
I lay the bricks together. It can only make sense.

He kissed me.

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