Chapter Eight

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She was in shock and her eyebrows were raised right up to her hairline "What did he do?" She said.
"He hit me..touched me in bad ways and told me to thank him every time" I looked away in shame.
I felt her hand on top of mine "I'm sorry, I never knew what he did to you he always said you were upset because he took your favourite toy away, he always had an excuse now that I think about it" she frowned at our hands intently.
"Flights for the two women over at the cafe, your flight is ready I repeat it's ready" I heard the women say over the intercom with a laugh.
"Cmon mom" I pulled her hand with me as she was still in deep thought.
"Huh, oh right!" She came back to reality and followed me towards the entrance of the plane after we had gone through a scanner.
We took our seats and waited patiently for the plane to take off.
"Has he done anything to you mom?" I looked at her as she looked back at me and nodded but didn't say a single word.
I was caught off guard when the plane sent me sliding into my seat, I quickly buckled in and saw my mum do the same.

(Sorry I get impatient writing about plane flights, so there's gonna be a time lapse xD)

Once the plane had landed, we quickly unbuckled our belts and walked from the plane instead of the amount of running we had to do.
When we came out of the plane there stood Jared with a worried look on his face, he didn't even see me until I was on top of him in a hug.
"Who is this? Oh, Georgia!" He shouted happily and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, it felt like I was missed.
"He didn't hurt you did he!?" He placed his hands on my cheeks as concern crossed his eyes.
"I feel like I'm third-wheeling here" My mum spoke up from the background.
That's when we both broke apart with huge blushes on our faces, we smiled up at her and she smiled fondly back at us.
That's when I looked over Jared's shoulder and saw a person I thought I'd never see again...
"Jake?" I looked at him frowning.
"Well we kinda came to the airport to fly back and rescue you but it seems you beat us to it" he rubbed the back of his neck in an awkward motion.
I laughed when both Jared and Jake looked at me in sync which only made me laugh harder, I would've been rescued even if I hadn't run myself which for some reason was funny enough to make me laugh harder.
"Are there doctors in the airports?" Jared whispered to my mother, she shrugged and frowned when I finally stopped laughing.
"No, I'm just so happy that I'm away from my Dad and here with you guys," I said with a big smile.
"But what's Jake doing here, last I heard someone didn't want Georgia in his life" I spoke in third person about myself.
I heard my mum scoff and Jared frown like he wanted to laugh but he knew something I didn't.
"And you knew he rejected me and yet you bring him with you, is this a reminder for me that I was rejected" I growled and stormed past all of them and out the sliding doors.
I felt this unexplainable anger but it wasn't me.
'Unbelievable, don't you agree with Georgia?' The rougher voice spoke to me.
'It's sad because this bonehead has a mate and mine rejects me' she sighed sadly in my head but it was quickly replaced by anger.
'Please don't be upset Shanaye, I can share one of my mates with you?' The angelic voice said back to her in my head.
My anger was soothed by this angelic voice but I was torn apart by two very different emotions.
'Who are you guys?' I ask in my head with a frown, I was still walking but I wasn't controlling my own legs.
'Sorry Georgia, my name is Scarlet and I'm a vampire well I'm you but your vampire soul' she said happily.
'And I'm Shanaye, the werewolf' she said grumpily. Instantly my mood was dampened and it felt like she held a grudge towards me.
'Why is Shanaye upset?' I questioned.
'Duh Georgia, she doesn't have a mate' the girl answered.
Suddenly my feet took off on a run but it felt like I was watching through a window not able to control what I'm doing.
I couldn't feel the air hitting my skin or the dewy wet grass between my toes.
'Yes and I'm making him mine now!' She growled angrily, she had taken us back to the house where Georgia and Silvia lived.
'But first I will make him pay for rejecting me!!' She shouted in my head.
It caused me to wince but I was trying to force my way back into control of my body.
'Please give me my body back' I whimpered in my head.
Suddenly I was pushed far back into the corner of my brain as Shanaye took over my body, my body inside my own head was curled up in a teeny tiny corner surrounded by walls looking out of windows that were my eyes.
'Please help me...' I said as tears rolled down my cheeks, Shanaye is going to hurt someone and worse of all how will they know it's her and not actually me?

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