Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I held the hands of Shanaye and Scarlet, walking through the busy streets of Japan.

After our meal at the coven, thanking them for the millionth time before we managed to make our way outside and unto the airport.

"let's hope they'll be happy to see us" Scarlet says in a soft tone, her breath short from trying to stay close to us.

"I have no idea what's going to happen, but let's hope the reaction is good" Shanaye says in a sharp voice, following us with ease until we finally made it to the airport.

I gave a nod as we made it to the desk, flashing our passes as we took the first flight home.
Finally able to relax, smiling as I looked out the window.

"to think, you two were inside me this whole time" I murmur to the both of them with a wry smile.

Shanaye was already asleep, but I heard Scarlet giggle.
Nodding to my words.

"It feels weird being able to walk" she says looking down at her legs.

"I miss Silvia already, an I haven't even seen her in person" She says sadly.

I pull her into a hug, holding her close to me as I smile at her.

"I'm sure Silvia will be happy" I reassure her as my fingers brush through her hair gently.

Soon we had all fallen asleep, dreaming peacefully in the calm plane ride.

Waking up to the plane landing unsteadily on the runway.
Coming to a screeching halt, as the intercom says that we have landed.

The three of us immediately standing up, an running off the plane.

"Guys, I don't think I can run much further.." I gasp out, huffing as I look at them with a frown.

They gave out a heavy sigh, as they slowed to a walk.

We walked for what seemed like ages until we managed to hop onto a bus.

Stopping midway through the highway.

"first we take Shanaye to see Jake" I say as we walked through the undergrowth, stepping carefully over the rocks and stones.
Under bushes, under branches until we finally came across a house in the distance.

"Bewarned, there are kids in there" I whisper to Scarlet and Shanaye as we slowly knock on the door.

The door opens to a Jake Smith holding a kid in his arms, his gaze confused.

"I only recognise one of you, out of the three standing here" he states gruffly, beckoning us to come in as he takes a seat on the couch.

His frown deepening as his eyes ran over each of our faces.

"Who are you guys?" Jake asks, looking at us confused.

"I'm Georgia, this is Scarlet and Shanaye" I point to each of them with a soft smile as I watch the clocks turning in his head as it starts to slowly click.

"Hello Jake" Shanaye speaks up, her voice emitting loud enough for him to hear.

Immediately he freezes, dropping the kid in the process as he looks at her.

His eyes wide, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I recognise that voice" he stands up, walking over to Shanaye, his eyes gazing down at her.

He brings her up to her feet, his lips pressing roughly against hers.

As they both engage in a passionate lip lock, hugging each other like their life depended on it.

Scarlet an I looked at each other with watery eyes as we stood up, smiling at how happy Shanaye seemed to be.

"Let's go, we need to get back to Jared an Silvia" I murmur as I drag Scarlet by her arm.

Before we could leave, Shanaye races over to give us a big hug.

Thanking us once more before we step outside the door.

Since Jake's house wasn't so far from Jareds we walked on over to their place.

Making small talk on the way.

"Do you think Jared will be happy to see you?" Scarlet asks in concern.

Immediately I remember the argument we had before I ran away from home.

I shake my head, taking a deep breath.
"I miss them both alot though" I look back at her with a soft gaze.

She gave me a knowing gaze back as we continued to walk.

Halves(The Twin (S)mutt Series) ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now