Chapter Thirty-six

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Georgia's POV

The next moment I woke up, was on the hard wooden floors of the small room, drool on the ground from my falling asleep.

My gaze looking up to see a circle of people standing around me, the one in front of me was the same lady I saw on the plane.

"will this work?" the man from earlier asks the lady, his hand on her shoulder as his gaze goes from me to her.

"if she is telling the truth, it should work" the lady says, black charcoal in her hands as she draws a circle around me and a few symbols underneath my chair, around my head.

"if you stay still, this will work... Now do not make a peep" her olden voice scowling me, a stern gaze in her beady eyes.

I gave a nod, trying my hardest to stay still as my lips seal shut.

People in black cloaks stood in a circle, hands held as they mumbled incarnations.

Words that I could not decipher, as the world and people doubled in my vision.

A loud high pitched sound echoing in my ears as searing pain tore through my chest, as I felt as if something were leaving my body.

I felt my jaw click from the strength that I was clenching my teeth at, trying my hardest to stay quiet.

My eyes no longer closed with the chanting around me becoming louder, stronger, more frequent.

My head doubling in pain as I could no longer tell left from right, the light becoming ever too blinding.

As the symbols glowed the circle around me rising an spinning at an indefinite speed.

Soon enough, the world was fading away.

The pain becoming bliss the moment I pass out into an abyss, the darkness swallowing me whole.

The more the chanting became louder, the quieter it became inside my head.

The lonelier it became, I hope I can survive this when I wake.

My heart beat coming to a stop, when I thought all was coming to an end.

The chanting stopped, a large burst of light radiating from my body.

As I felt it dissipate from the chair, floating in the air as the light tore through me.

Filling every crevice, a scream tearing out through my lungs.

Two visible bodies splitting from mine with force, all of sudden the light stops.

Three bodies drop to the floor with a loud thud, for the first time in forever.

My body felt like it was only mine, I felt more alone than ever.

"the process is not finished, don't unclasp your hands!" I heard the lady shout out to the others.

They moved closer to the circle, starting to chant more as I see two bodies lift up.

Light and dark seething through both of the bodies as they started to take shape, the chanting becoming more intense as an ear splitting scream could be heard from both of them.

Blonde hair bursting out from one of them as the body slowly drops down to the ground in a heap, the second ones hair turning brown, the seconds one had brown skin and light brown hair.

The first one blonde hair and pale creamy skin.

The chanting stopping as everyone becomes silent, observing the now three bodies on the floor.

Slowly I moved to sit up, reaching a hand out to touch them.

They started to get up at a sluggish pace, touching their faces in confusion looking around until Scarlet sees me.

"Georgia?" Scarlet says, his creamy skin radiant in the sunlight as her fingertips touched my face and hair.

"Scarlet.." I question back, the tears falling from my eyes as she gapes at me.

"I'm not in your head anymore!?" scarlet gasps out, her hands covering her mouth as her hand touches my face.

I nod excitedly as Shanaye starts to stir, all of a sudden her gaze sharpens in on both of us.

She gives us both a confused look, her brown hair reaching over her shoulders.

"Please tell me this is real" Shanaye asks, her voice sounded harsh an rough even like it sounds in my head.

I didn't say another word as we all stared at each other in wonder, then all of a sudden I reached forward and hugged them both tightly.

"even though I fought with you guys, I never meant the words I said okay?" I say with a tremble in my voice.

I felt them hug me back as they start to sob into my shoulder.

"thank you Georgia, it must be hard doing this" Scarlet says in her soft voice, melodic as always.

"You did good" Shanaye says, patting my back a little too hard as she gives a lop sided smile.

My gaze turned to my left to see everyone around us, staring silently.

"thank you" I say in a grateful tone as I looked up at the lady, then everyone else around me.

"don't thank me yet, I still have something very important to tell you that you should know" the elderly lady says, looking at each of us with a soft gaze.

She was the only one without a cloak.

"you three are still linked mind wise, which means you three still share the same powers that the other person has... But, you have to be near each other to use all three different ones" she stopped for a second, pursing her lips.

"And?" Shanaye snaps impatiently, glaring at the lady with a narrowed gaze.

"and you all will still have your own powers according to the sides you were in Georgia, only... Georgia is now human" She finishes, that's when it clicked as we all looked back at each other.

"So, if I want to shapeshift, I have to be near Shanaye?" I ask the lady, she gives a swift nod.

I look at them both with a perplexed gaze as I then smile.

"we can make this work some way or another, I promise" I say in full confidence, Scarlet and Shanaye immediately returning the smiles as we hug each other once more..

Scarlet leans over next to my ear as she whispers.
"so was I right about Jake Welsh?" she asks out of curiosity, I nodded and I heard her giggle.

Satisfied with being right, after we'd finished hugging and getting used to being split an having our own bodies.

We were led into a livingroom and given food.

"now, you are not the first three sider we have seen.. But you are all so rare.. An very few survive this process, we are ordered by the vampire government to provide the three siders with a special card that will allow you to waltz through the vampire cities." The elderly lady says as she hands us all a laminated card.

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