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The Akatsuki were settled in their main room, each doing what they usually did. It was peacefully quiet until a familiar voice barked, "Oi—fuckers!" On cue, all of them inwardly sighed, including the emo Uchiha as they didn't even bother to look up as the silver haired Jashinist stomped rather angrily into the hideout. He breathed a heavy sigh like a pissed off cattle before he jerked his thumb behind him, "If any of you laugh, I swear by Jashin, I will sacrifice you all—"

  That was when a girl about six years old emerged from behind him, looking bored with an almost stoned expression on her face. She was a tanned brunette with roughly chopped hair and a pair of storm grey eyes. There was a spray of freckles on her nose. She was holding a half eaten apple and biting into it, let out a loud crunch that broke the awkward atmosphere.

  "The Akatsuki is no place for strays," Sasori rumbled inside of his puppet.

  The girl just looked at him with the same bored expression that was beginning to piss off the puppet master. Did she not even know that she was in front of the most dangerous S-rank missing nin in the world?

  "Why is she here?" Itachi asked blandly.

  Hidan looked almost sheepish, scratching the back of his head. "Long story, but I—"

  "He lost a bet," the girl said.

  All gazes snapped towards her. "What, un?" Deidara blinked, "how did—"

  The girl sighed, rolling her eyes, "I was in the club and I challenged this guy to a poker game. Long story short—he lost and I made a blood seal so that he couldn't go back on his word."

  "And what did you two bet on?" Kisame asked, slinging Samehada over his back.

  "He agreed that he would adopt me," The girl said, pointing towards Hidan, "and as this place looks better than the orphanage and there is no bitchy matron—I plan on staying here." She said this all without flinching, her look dead serious.

Silence. A few were slightly surprised that a six year old would use profanity and talk without stumbling over her words. A few wondered if she was brain dead, talking to them like they were nothing special. "You have guts-" Sasori murmured, Hiruko's poisoned tail pointed towards the girl, "but when I'm done with you, you will have none at all."

  Sasori's poisoned senbon shot towards her at devastating speeds but the girl simply blinked before biting into her apple again and spitting out the core, she threw it to the ground. There was a puff of smoke and the apple turned about ten thousand times bigger—blocking all of the poisoned senbon like a gigantic apple shield. The Akatsuki simply stared at her, aghast. The gigantic apple loomed inside the main room as the girl sneezed. The apple shrunk back to its normal size as the girl looked at the purple venom dripping from the punctures.

  "This is giving me Snow White vibes—" she muttered, looking down at the poisoned apple. She looked at the stares she was receiving. Even Kakuzu was staring at her, his money still clutched in his hands.

  Hidan looked the tiniest bit smug. "See, the bitch isn't totally useless after all—" he said, as the girl just gave him a flat look.

  "I'm not a bitch, asshole."

  "Hey, I'm not an asshole!"

  "Shut up Hidan, you know you are," Kakuzu huffed as he turned back to counting his money.

  "Oi—fuck you Kakuzu! Who's side are you on?"

  "What's going on here?" The deep voice of Pein rumbled as he stepped from the dark, his Rinnegan practically throwing an aura of danger and his glistening piercings exuding power and charisma. The girl looked unfazed as he looked down on her. "Who is this?" He asked.

  "Hello—" the girl waved, "my name is...well, you can call me Mei."

  "What is she doing here—" He asked in a cold voice.

  Everyone pointed to Hidan, who laughed. "Ah...you see, I lost a bet and I have to...well..."

  "He's adopting me," she said bluntly, "because he sucks at poker. And also because I made a blood seal. So I will be staying here while he is working for you."

  "Under who's authority?" He asked, slightly curious of her indifferent attitude.
  "My own." Pein blinked at the answer. The Akatsuki members prepared for her death, some even looking nervous at the sheer audacity of the child.

  "She can do cool jutsu—" Hidan blurted out suddenly, "she made a gigantic apple appear from a regular sized one—"

  Pein narrowed his eyes. He had never heard of such a jutsu, and Hidan could have been pulling his leg, but he could see that the other members didn't deny it. "Show me," he demanded.

  Mei pouted, "Only if you say please."

  At that, several snickers arose before they were stuffed down at the piercing Rinnegan. "You will either do it or we will kill you," Pein said bluntly, "your choice."

  The girl frowned. "You don't have good manners, do you? But fine—I guess I'll show you." She rubbed her hands, concentrating as silvery chakra melted from her hands and the apple once again exploded in size, as Pein looked at it with almost a shocked expression.

  There was a gigantic apple in the main room. "What else can you do?" Pein asked, recovering slightly.

  Mei shrugged, "I can speed things up, make things slower and I can change the size and density of objects."

  Pein looked at her. What kind of kekkei genkei was this? "What clan are you from?" He asked.

  "I don't have one," she said, "I was gifted at birth by supernatural deities." She was met with disbelieving stares. She looked utterly serious.

  Pein decided not to push it. After conversing with Konan for a long while, he returned with an expressionless face. "We won't kill you....yet—-you will stay here with the Akatsuki until we decide what to do with you."

  Kisame nudged the girl. "What do you say?" He pushed, knowing that the leader was not very forgiving towards attitude. The child was not that bad—truth to be told, he didn't really want her to die.

  "Arigato," the girl said, keeping her face just as emotionless before Pein nodded and swept away with Konan.

  The girl was left to stare at the criminals. Hidan scratched the back of his head. "Hey, brat—mind shrinking that fucking apple?"


  Hidan glared at her before she strolled along, oblivious to the man's rage as she toured around the main room, taking note of each member. She blinked twice and she saw their pasts emerge—clicking together like puzzle pieces and playing like a movie before her eyes. She hadn't told them this ability—it would be a foolish thing to do. She decided that she felt sorry for Itachi and a bit towards the rest as well.

She clearly had her work cut out for her.

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