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It has reached my attention that some of you might be curious on how Mei met Hidan-- so here is this little filler. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :D

Warning: Mature themes.


Mumei stared at the ceiling fan as it lazily spun-- reminding her of a pair of bird wings. The orphanage was beat down and in severe need for repair but there was hardly enough money as it is. Besides, nobody cared about orphans.

Mumei turned her gaze to look at the clock. One more minute and she could finally move out. Set out for the mission she was created for.

She watched as the minute hand struck eight pm, and stood up. Grabbing her knapsack filled with apples, she slung it over her shoulder before running down the old, creaky staircase.

"Hey, where do you think you are going?!" The matron screeched as Mumei skipped down the hallway and ignored her screams.

"Far away from you, ma'am--" Mumei whistled, giving no fucks whatsoever as she opened the door and slammed it behind her. She dodged the frying pan aimed at the back of her head before she took out an apple and bit into it with a crunch.

The matron's threats became quieter and quieter until there was nothing but the shouts of passerby as she made it into the village. People were selling all kinds of food and stuff but Mumei was interested in her apple and her apple alone. When she finished, she took out another one before stopping at the entrance of a night club. There was a picture of a scantily clad buxom woman plastered on the door.

Mumei was less than impressed. So was this where she would meet the man? She had imagined this 'Hidan' to be a bit more classy. Fate had told her to follow him to the Akatsuki base and from then on, to work on her mission.

Mumei bit into her apple before knocking on the door.

A large, heavyset man leered down at her.

"No minors allowed," he sneered.

Mumei raised her eyebrow. "And what if I'm a child prostitute?"

The man gave her a disgusted look. "We only have strippers here, not child prostitutes--"

Mumei shrugged, "Could have fooled me."

The man frowned at her. "Do you have a mental problem, kid?"

Mumei shrugged.

The man rolled his eyes, "Tell you what. I will let you in, but this stays between you and me--got it?"

Mumei nodded, rolling her eyes as the man let her in. There was loud music playing in the background with strippers and pole dancers everywhere. Mumei peered around the bright lights and the disco ball before she saw what she came for.

The Akatsuki cloak shone brightly on an impressive figure of a man. His chest was exposed in a sort of douche manner, and his eyes gleamed with lust as he shamelessly ogled the scantily clad woman in front of him.

They were chatting together as Mumei drew closer, biting into her apple. The two looked down at her. "Darling, what are you doing here?" The blonde asked, frowning.

The man only frowned, clearly displeased that she took away the attention of said blonde.

Mumei just stared at the supposed Hidan. "I'm his child prostitute," she said, saying the only thing that came from the top of her head.

Hidan, who had been in the middle of drinking his sake, spit it all out, choking on his own drink. The blonde had a look of disgust on her face before she slapped Hidan across the face, leaving red marks on his cheek. "UGH! You fucking bastard!" she hit him again as Hidan fell backwards, "you're a fucking disgusting excuse for a man! Fucking with a seven year old?!"

"I'm actually six," Mumei remarked calmly, knowingly making the situation worse for Hidan.

"SIX?! Fucking six? How fucking dare you?!" The blonde fumed before she stormed away while Hidan sat up, his hand pressed to his cheek.

Magenta eyes narrowed as they met her storm grey ones.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He spat, "you just lost me a very good night of sex!"

Mumei just bit into her apple, not giving a single shit of what he just said.

"You are going to adopt me," she said simply as Hidan scoffed, disbelief radiating through his entire body.

"You must be fucking mental!" He sneered.

"I think that's your job," Mumei said calmly, as Hidan's eyes narrowed in rage.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"M--" she hesitated before she continued, "Mei. My name is Mei."

He sneered, "Well, Mei--do you want to be fucking sacrificed to Jashin-sama?"

"Sure," Mei replied boredly, "why not?"

Hidan jolted, not expecting such an answer. "You must be fucking stupid," he muttered.

"So am I mental or stupid?" Mei asked as Hidan scowled again.

"Whatever kid, I'm not fucking adopting you or some shit."


"What?" Hidan's eyes narrowed.

Mei was unmoving and stoic. "Did I stutter?" she cocked her head.

"Alright kid--" Hidan rolled up his sleeves, "you are going to go in for a world of hurt--"

"Take one step closer and I will scream rape," Mei said smoothly as the man stopped in his tracks, "then you can't use this joint anymore."

Hidan scowled.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Was I not being clear enough?" Mei asked, "I want you to adopt me."

"No fucking way."

"Okay, how about this?" Mei asked as she leisurely stole a deck of cards from their next table, "we play poker and decide. If I lose, I leave. If you lose, you have to adopt me."

"Fair enough," Hidan grinned, already gloating over his supposed victory.

"But we will need to make a blood seal first," Mei said calmly, "so that each can uphold their side of the bargain."

Hidan grumbled but he could find no other way to get rid of her.

As expected, Hidan lost.

Mei couldn't help but snort at his horrified and humiliated face.

"You totally cheated, you little bitch--" he frowned, but he turned away-- heading for the exit.

"Whatever floats your boat, asshole--" Mei muttered as she jumped off her stool and walked after him.

Part one was a success.

Now all that was left was Part Two.


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