Dinner With Cassie

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I was still taken by surprise by Cassie's invite but more surprised with myself for actually saying yes. I didn't say anything to the kids as we made our way back to Greenwich. Before we left Hamleys, I managed to get the game they wanted for which I was now the most fabulous Uncle in the universe. Because of this, they behaved impeccably on the way home. When we got back to the house, Imogen made them play the new game up in their room. She could see my face when I walked through the door. She would have banished Ollie if I hadn't told her to leave him alone, and that it was his house to and he had every right to be there. Something that Imogen had never seen me do before. This shocked her more than what I actually had to tell her.

'You are what?!' Imogen squealed, almost sending the Christmas tree into orbit.

'Get in my son.' Ollie laughed, earning him a smack on the arm from his wife. 'Ow!' he said, rubbing the forming bruise.

'Immy is it not a big deal.' I said, trying to explain myself to my baby sister. 'I'm just going out with a friend that's all.'

'A friend who happens to be a woman you barely know.' Imogen said, waving her hands around dramatically. 'I don't think it's a good idea.'

'Ok, I'm confused.' Ollie piped up before I had the chance to. 'You don't want him to get back together with Jeannie, but you don't want him to move on either. What is with you?'

'I'm not saying he shouldn't move on, I'm just saying that maybe he should get to know this girl a little more before he decides he's going to date her.'

'Immy,' I interrupted. 'I am not dating her. I am going to dinner with a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.'

'I still think you should wait.' Imogen said, rubbing her forehead and walking into the kitchen. 'Does that make me a bad person?' Her voice carried through into the living room. Ollie sighed and made to go after her, but I decided to stop him.

'Let me handle it mate.' I said, nodding my head towards the kitchen.

'Are you sure bro?' Ollie asked, narrowing his eyebrows. 'You know what she's like.'

'Exactly.' I replied.

'Dad, we need help!' Ella's voice came booming from the upstairs.

'Besides, it sounds like your needed somewhere else.'

'Oh man, what have they broke now?' Ollie sighed, as he raced out of the room and up the stairs. I smiled lightly before walking into the kitchen. Imogen was leaning over the counter-top with her head in her hands. She wasn't crying, just breathing deeply. I sighed and walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders.

'Immy,' I said quietly, placing my chin on the top of her head. 'I know you are worried about me sweetheart, but seriously this isn't anything more than a friendly dinner. Please believe me.' Imogen's shoulders loosened as she turned around to face me.

'I just don't want to see you hurt any more than you already are.' she said, in the most serious tone I had ever heard her use. 'It's taken a lot out of you, this whole Jeannie thing. You're just getting back on your feet. I don't want to see you being battered down again.'

'Oh, baby sister.' I smiled, rubbing her arms lightly. 'You won't change, will you? Still looking out for me.'

'I always will. I don't care if I'm younger than you. I don't care if you got married first and I just followed suit. I love you to death, and I will rip the hair out of the scalp of any woman or man who hurts you, and that is a promise.' I giggled lightly at my sister's, now well-rehearsed battle cry.

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