chapter 13

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The red head opened the door and I was led into a large and dark, yet beautiful room. The only light was a dim, crystal chandelier. There was a throne in the middle of the almost empty room.

On the throne say a fair skinned man with long black hair that reached his shoulders. He looked young but he could quite possibly be a thousand years old.

I was so scared but I couldn't show it. I just hoped Jackson will be here soon. The man let a creepy grin take over his face as we walked in.

"Thank you, Alec. You may leave my bride to be and I alone now" he said smoothly. The red head, as I now know as Alec, nods and releases his hold on my arm and leaves the room.

"Ah. The beautiful Amber. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is king Spencer. Excuse my rudeness but I knew you wouldn't come to me willingly" he motioned me to come to him.

"What do you want from me?" I said coldly and remained in my spot. His grin dropped.

"Oh my beautiful, darling. I've been watching you for quite some time. I assure you that it's not in my intentions to harm you. I simply want you to be my wife and help me rule over all of the territories" he explained this to me in a calm voice. My mind was racing. How long had he been watching me? And what did he do to my new pack?

"What did you do to my pack? I can't be your queen. I am the future luna of a pack and I cannot abandon them or my mate" I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

He shook his head. "We didn't take any lives... but I can't promise that we won't if you don't cooperate. I've been planning this for over 60 years and my chance has finally came. I can't stop now because of your unimportant pack, darling."

"What do you mean 60 years? And you must not understand a wolf's loyalty to its pack. I would gladly give my life for them." I stated.

"I've been waiting for the right carrier for my children. And they will be safe if you agree to be my queen and have my children" he smirked.

"Excuse me? That's not even possible. We are completely incompatible" I raised my voice slightly. I was so confused and so much anxiety ran through my body.

"You're only half right, my dear. It is true that normal vampires and normal werewolves can not mate but you are not normal. You are the bloodline of the Supreme Alpha and we're born the night of the true moon. You're special. You are the only exception. I plan on creating a hybrid clan that will both be an immortal blood drinker but also be able to transform into wolves." He stood from his seat and raised his voice " you will be my bride and you will comply or I will slaughter anyone you've ever loved. Including your precious mate."

My heart dropped and he laughed. His laugh was so dark and nothing like Jackson's heartwarming laugh.

I hope you enjoy. Tbh I don't know where I'm going with this story, I'm just making it up as I go. Let me know your opinion on the story!! Like, vote and comment please

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