10. Rules

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"Tell me you want me"
"I want you, I want all of you"

Those words echoed in my head. I don't know why I said it, the words just popped into my head in the moment. But maybe it's because I needed to hear it. Sickeningly, I thought that it would give me some kind of affirmation that maybe I was deserving of something happy. But all it did was confirm that I didn't and that I just fucked up again.

Great job, Dallas. You failed to ignore her, again. You fucked her, again.

I'm lonely

I couldn't believe her when she said it. How could a girl like that feel so lonely? She looked like she had her whole life together. Ever since I met her, she'd always shown me she was tough. But in that moment, I'd seen a different side of her that I'd never imagined was even there. It made me realize that she was vulnerable. And that could be a problem. Two vulnerable people trying to run away from their problems through sex could only end in disaster.

You can't possibly destroy me any more than I already am.

The more she slipped little bits of information at me, I just wanted to know more. I thought I had her all for figured out and that I was the confusing one, but she was starting to become just as complicated as I was.

And maybe that's what drew me in, what made me say yes. I was a shit show, but her... she was beautiful. She was a disaster, a beautiful fucking disaster.

And I was drunk on it, drunk on her. I haven't felt this kind of euphoria since I quit drinking and it took me back to what it used to feel like. I'd been searching for something to replace that bottle and now that I finally did, that's what made it so hard to let her go.



We both lay there on my bed, panting and sweating from what was possibly the best sex I've ever had. I turn to look at Dallas, his eyes haven't left the ceiling in who knows how long. There was an awkward silence between us making me realize that I hadn't said a word after we finished.

The problem was, I didn't know what to say. I was new to all this and I really didn't know how to go about this new relationship, if you could even call it that.

So", I finally break the silence. "What happens now?" I turn over on my side, propping my head up with my arm.

He turns to me and just laughs.

"Well, normally when you're using someone for just a booty call; you meet, fuck, and leave. All the extra stuff that comes with a relationship is taken out of the equation", he explains as he turns to face the ceiling again.

"What 'extra' stuff are you referring to?", I ask, genuinely interested.

"You know, cheesy shit. Things like talking about your day, calling each other, going out on dates, that kind of stuff", he says flatly.

"You don't like any of that stuff?", I inquire.

He lets out a deep sigh. "We should probably set some ground rules if we're gonna do this", he says, still staring at the ceiling.

To be honest, it felt foreign to me to just use him for sex and not know much about him. But, the more I thought about it, it's not like I had much to say nor had anything in common with Dallas anyway. I could make this work. I mean, the guy was a jerk which made it easy for me to not care about him.

"Okay", I say in agreement.

"Rule one: Don't get attached, ever. Don't go falling in love with me, Corolla", he smirks.

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