Chapter 2

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"Is she awake? I think she's waking up." said a voice. "Let's check." said another. I felt a hand roll me over and check my pulse. "She's alive." said the first voice. "No duh, Ivan would have our heads if she died." said the second. Ivan. Ivan Petrovitch Bezukhov. I know who he is... When I was younger, my house caught on fire, my parents didn't make it out, but I did. Thanks to Ivan. I thought he was a good person, so when I was recruited into the place where I am now, and I saw him, I was confused, after that his true colors started to show, he was cruel, greedy, and hardened. Enough about him though, I need to listen in to see where they placed me in the compound this time. "The tranc. dart should have worn off by now." said the second voice. "Da" said the first. "Let's take her to the infirmary," he continued. Oh no, I can't go there, they'll have found out that i'm pretending to be unconscious. I've got to wake up and face whatever happens. Well, here I go. "Uggh..." I moaned as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. "Where am I?" I asked. "That's classified." said the first guy, he wore a standard uniform, like the second, but he had short blonde hair and a wispy mustache that made him look ridiculous. The second also wore a uniform, but he had black hair, and no mustache, which I was okay with. To my surprise, there was a third guy there, he seemed different, he didn't wear a uniform, but a leather jacket and cargo pants, his outfit was stuffed with concealed and visible weapons, he wore a muzzle-like mask that covered his whole face, and goggles that covered his eyes, his hair was long and unkempt, but the part of him that scared me the most was how hard he was gripping another tranquilizer gun, which of course was trained on me. I was in a dimly lit room, what is with the KGB and dimly lit rooms? They're so hard to see in. Anyways, there were four chairs in the room, and the first was already sitting in one. The second guy sat down and said to the third, "Move her into a seat, make sure she doesn't get out of it." The third guy slowly lowered his gun to his side, and he roughly yanked me into a chair, as he was tying me down to it, I could get a good look at his arms, and back, there was a gun holstered to his back, but then I noticed his left arm. It was metal, and it had a big red star on it on the shoulder. How did he lose it? Who was he? As he finished, he stood up again, and walked behind the two men and stood at attention. "Who's the third seat for?" I asked. "You'll see," said the second. Hmmm I don't like where this is going... Before I could say anything else, the metal door creaked open, and in walked Ivan the strange. It's his secret nickname around here, no one calls him it to his face of course... that'd be suicide. He was called Ivan the Strange, because of his strange experiments on human test subjects. Yes, he's done a few on me, let's just say that you get used to hearing other people's screams around here. As he took the last seat, I wondered why the third guy didn't have a chair. Not important, I need to focus on not getting myself killed with my big mouth. "So, Natalia." Ivan began. "You made it farther this time, i'm beginning to think that you don't want to be here." Ugh, he's just know noticing this? I'd laugh if he wasn't here. I stayed silent. "This is Professor Grigor Chelintsov," he continued gesturing to the blond guy with the mustache, no wonder he still gad that horrible thing. "And this is General Karpov, they are here to see if you would do well in one of their programs." I stayed silent. "It is a training room in a Bolshi theater, you'll be trained as a ballerina." he paused waiting for me to say something. "What do you think?" "Why would a general oversee a ballerina training program?" I asked cautiously. Karpov spoke, "That is a good question, you'll find out in time, until then, i've seen enough, she'll do." Yes." Agreed the professor. "She will." "Would you like to take her now or later?" Ivan questioned. "Now will do." said the professor "She'll need to meet the others." Others? Of course there are  others, it's a ballerina training program, of course there'd be more than one person in it. It seems fishy though... Before I could say anything else, Karpov turned to the third man, who's name I still didn't know, and said, "Take her to the truck." The third man finally said something, it surprised me, he said, "Da sir," and moved to start untying me. His voice was gruff, and he seemed around my age. As he skillfully untied me, I said, "How long is the program?" "Undecided." said the professor. Hmmm... something about this is fishy, why aren't they giving me the chance to say no? As I reached that thought, the third guy finished untying me, and he yanked me up into a standing position, then pressed a gun to my back. I have to admit, he's good. Really good. He nudged me forward roughly, to start leading me over to the door. I started walking, what else could I do? As he opened the door, and pulled me out, my red hair fell onto my face. I hate it when it does that. Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself now that I think about it, I have long red hair that reaches to my waist, and green eyes, I am pretty flexible, for someone my age, which is 10. I had two parents and a brother... they died in the fire. I- I can't remember their names though, no matter how hard and often I try. I don't try often. I can't think about that now, I need to stay strong. As i'm nearing the end of the hallway, the third man's grip on me was tightening, so I couldn't bolt again. They don't need to worry, i'm curious about this fake ballerina program. I mean, yes i've always wanted to be a ballerina, at least I think I did... but this is different, why would a professor and a general pick girls to become ballerinas? It just doesn't add up... By now I can see the truck they're leading me too, it's standard issue, just like everything is here, and the back flap is already open, as if it knew I would be riding in it. "What's your name?" I asked the third man before I could stop myself. No answer. "C'mon, what should I call you?" I asked again. Still no answer. Ok, I give up. This is going to be a very boring ride. When we finally got to the truck, I step onto it without having to be told or shoved. There were two long rows of wooden benches, that were attached to the bottom of the truck. The third guy moved me over to the end closest to the drivers controls, and pushed me down onto the bench. Once I settled in, and a few other people, including Karpov, and Professor Chelintsov, got onto the truck, the third guy sat next to me, and the truck's end was tied down, and the truck started to move and with it, goes my chance of escaping. 

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