Chapter 3

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Five Hours Later
"Nat? Nat? Are you ok? C'mon! It's Christmas! My eyes shot open, and I launched myself out of bed! "You're right! You're right! It is!" I cried as I sprinted around my room getting dressed into a clean skirt and shirt, and then to the stairs. Once I reached them, my mind full of joy, because it was Christmas! How could I not be happy? I heard a bone chilling shriek. It was like I were a sponge, and all of the previous joy had been squeezed tightly out of me. I quickly ran downstairs to see what the matter was, when the room started to fill itself with smoke. "Nat Help! Help me please! I'm your brother!" The same voice, but what was his name? Another shriek pierced the smoke ridden air, and I could hardly see my own hands in front of me. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I shouted frantically trying to find the voices. "Where are you?" Silence. "Please! I can't help you if I don't know where you are!" At that moment, The nearby curtains caught fire, and blazed before me. I turned around quickly to run away, but part of the stairs had fallen down, and caught on fire too! "Help! Help me please!" I cried. Suddenly the fire started to swirl, and it turned into Ivan, he looked down at me, cowering on the floor, and said, "Natalia Alianovna Romanova," then he started to laugh like a madman. Without thinking, I started to run, I leaped over the roof piece, and ran until the fire turned into a pair of handcuffs which burnt as they implanted themselves into my skin. I screamed in pain. Then I saw it. Him. The third guy, he walked up to me, and grabbed me with his metal arm by the handcuffs, and started to drag me back towards Ivan. "NO! NO! PLEASE! HELP ME!" I cried both from pain and fear. He turned to me and said, "We're here." Then I fell into a pit of darkness suffocating me, trying to scream as I go. THUMP "Ow," I said. As I opened my eyes and stood up. It was a dream... It was all just a bad dream I realized as I looked around and I saw 26 other girls around me sleeping in their beds. CLINK. My eyes flashed over to my right hand, and to my surprise, I saw a pair of handcuffs. Then I remembered the rest of what today brought. The girls, the red room, their goal. How am I going to survive this?
Three Hours Earlier
"We're here," said the driver. Finally, that was a long two hours, I hadn't said a word since we left. Wait...- where am I? "Move her in with the others, and yes she is the last one." Ordered Karpov to the third guy. Finally, I could talk to other people and find out what's going on. The third guy dragged me over to a dull gray building, and when I looked around, I noticed that this was no ballerina school. There were obstacle courses far as the eye could see, and trenches, warehouses, it looked like a base. Especially the surrounding guards, who carried guns and watched for any threat. That's all I could see, before I entered the building. Something's not right I thought as we winded in and out of multiple hallways. Why would a ballet program have this much security? Finally we reached a door It seemed normal enough, I mean it's just a door. Except for its two locks keeping someone in and out. The guard at its post started to unlock the door for us, and while he did that, I could hear something, or someone... talking... Once the door finally opened, the third guy shoved me inside and then closed it, I could hear the locks clicking in place, "Who are you?" "What?" I asked still bewildered. "Who. Are. You?" said the voice again. "I'm Natalia. Natalia Romanova." I said. "Are you here for the program?" asked a different voice. "Yes. Are you?" I asked. "We all are." said another. It took three seconds later, and the lights clicked on. To my surprise, there were... one two three... 28 other girls, all crowding around me in curiosity asking me questions, so I did what I had to... I answered them. 
Two hours later
I'll admit it, there were some nice girls there, I guess this can't be so bad... except for the fact that i'm being herded with the others to another unknown destination. These hallways are so confusing! How can anyone find anything around here? Wait, why are we going outside? There's a stage there... that wasn't there before right? Who is that woman on the stage? After the multiple guards lined us up, we stayed silent, the only sound was the girl three people apart from me coughing. Her name is Terra, she's nice enough I guess. I didn't really talk to her. "I'm Madame B." Said the woman. "I would like to be the first and only one who will welcome you to this training program known as the Red Room." What? That's a weird name... "You were told that this will be a ballerina training regimen, is that correct?" We all nodded. More coughing. "That was partially incorrect." I knew it! "This is a KGB training room, yes. But it is also a place where..." Another cough. Ok... " will learn to kill." Ok... wait... WHAT?! Kill?! "You'll become the ultimate soldier, and you will make your country proud." There were lots of whispers. Terra started coughing again. "I see some of you will not want to do this, well I will give you some... motivation." Huh? "Terra, please come up here." Oh no... please tell me... she wouldn't... Terra must've had the same thought as me, so she started to say, "No! Please!", but two guards came and dragged her to the platform. Her face was as pale as the snow that surrounded us. Madame B. pulled out a gun and said, "Be brave young one, be brave." She aimed and fired without batting an eye. As Terra fell off the platform, the rest of us started to panic, and one thought came to each of our minds. You fail, you die, you succeed, you live. This was a competition, and it was one I wasn't going to lose. Madame B. turned to us and said, "Get to bed, it will be a long day for you tomorrow. You'll need rest." The surrounding guards started to walk us back to our room, but none of us were paying attention, one down, 28 were left. How can I do this?

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