Chapter 8

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Acrobatics and Ballet 4:00 - 5:00
It was still one day? It felt like weeks all wrapped in a one to two hour day full of suspense. Now it was time to do... acrobatics?! What was this a circus? Well, I guess it can kinda be useful. "We'll start by... building strength, because I'm pretty sure that none of you can do any adequate acrobatics." Madame B. remarked. We all said nothing. "Now, each of you, run a mile, i'll be timing you. Go!" We all stayed put. "Ugh. You run around the obstacle courses." Still, no one started running. She sighed. "1, 2-" We all took of running, believing that if we got a bad time, that we would die, and Terra's death still fresh in our minds.
12 minutes later
I finished running the mile, and so I staggered over to Madame B. and the others followed my lead. "Hmm. That's decent." she remarked. "Now run it again." Once the words left her mouth, there were instantly protests from everyone except Yelena and I, we took off running, so we could be done with it sooner. The other girls begrudgingly followed our lead, as we mumbled curses like, "That stupid idiot" under our breaths, not wanting to commit suicide by losing control over our tongues
24ish minutes later
I staggered over to Madame B., breathing heavier than I ever had before. "Hmm." She commented. As others began to catch up to us. Yelena jogged up next to me breathless. "That was horrible, we obviously need to work on endurance and speed." Madame B. said harshly scolding us. We all lowered our heads tiredly, well she started to write down her findings.

Tactical Skills 5:00 - 6:00
My mind was still fuzzy from the endurance training that had ensued after the two miles, we learned basic ballet positions, and then we worked on strength. All I wanted to do right now, is sleep for hours on end or eat some real food. Is the day over yet? We. Are. Ten. For goodness sake! We are children! How can this be legal? In like any way? "Natalia?" A voice asked bringing me back from my thoughts. Shot! I need to stop ranting in my thoughts! I don't know what Madame B. asked me! I. Am. An. Idiot. "Well?" she asked expectedly tapping a wooden ruler on her hand. "Umm..." I stuttered. "America?" I said, which was a shot in the dark. "That is correct." said Madame B. approvingly. Well I was in shock, this is a miracle, how- how did I do this? "What else?" she said interrupting me from my celebrations. "Um.. Russia?" I said. The glare that Madame B. gave me would've killed someone if it could've. "What was the question Miss Romanova?" she inquired as she walked towards me gently starting to hit her hand with the ruler, but with each hit, she increased the strength of the blow. "Ummm... I- I- I don't know..." I stammered nervously sliding down my seat, I could feel nervous sweat trickling down my neck. "Give me your arm." she said. "I can't," I said, "I would like to keep my arm."
Five agonizing minutes later
Twak. Pain. Twak. Pain. Twak. Pain. That is what went on for a while, while I tried not to flinch as Madame B. brought down her ruler across my already sore "from the handcuffs and training" hands. Twak. Pain. "What." Twak. Pain. "Did." Twak. Pain. "You." Twak. Pain. "Learn?" Twak. Pain. demanded Madame B. as she finally stopped beating me with a ruler. "To pay attention." I stammered. "Good, don't let it happen again." She said as she walked to the front of the class. I never want to live through that again...

Dinner 6:00 - 7:00
"Are you ok?" asked Yelena as we walked back to the tables after receiving our "dinner." "Yeah..." I said staring at my bruised wrists dejectedly, and winced when I set my tray down. "It still hurts though, I need to pay more attention. Sleeping with my wrist handcuffed to the bed is going to hurt though." To emphasize my point, I pointed to her wrists which had little cuts from the handcuffs. "Besides, I stood out pretty well today anyways." "Yeah," Yelena said taking a bite out of the... I don't even know what that is... "Blegh, this tastes horrible." "Yeah," I said chuckling a little as I took a bit of my own food. "Ugh, you're right." We both giggled a little before she said. "Oh no! We can't laugh, fun is illegal here, we could get sent to some murder boarding school... oh... wait." she said jokingly. "Ahhh stop it!" I responded pretending to be scared. There were more fits of giggling until we started to receive looks. Then we decided to stop.

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