Chapter 15

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"It's time ladies. You've gotten so far, but you are ready to be sent to another KGB base for secondary training with Ivan." Ugh. Glad my plan is going to be put into action soon. Ivan as my mentor. Things aren't going to go well... "We shall begin the graduation testing... now. Most of you will not survive, so good luck." Oh no... this is what I was afraid of... us killing one another... me Yelena and Bucky all need to survive this if we can escape. Our plan is pretty simple actually. Step one survive the graduation ceremony.  Step two, wait till the night of the the ahem procedure, step three get Bucky into a guard's uniform. Step four, get the heck outta here. Our first test is a spar with another girl. I got Alyonna again, but ever since the last time we sparred eight years ago, she had gotten more adept at sparing, and she was even more desperate to survive. Our referees would tell us, if we would need to... kill our partner or let them live. "On the count to three, you will begin. 1" I was beginning to sweat. "2" Alyonna mouthed the words... "I'm sorry..." "3" Alyonna shot towards me like a bottle rocket about to explode and tackled me to the ground. I had to get up. "Looking over your shoulder should be a second nature. Come on. Use your opponent against themselves." That's it! Alyonna obviously was a bit stronger then me, but I noticed whenever she launched herself at me, she would direct all of her balance to her upper half of her body. So once she launched at me again, I brought my knee up into her face, probably breaking her nose, then while she stumbled back, trying to stop her nose from bleeding, I leaped onto her neck, then scissor kicked around her body, swinging her to the ground with my momentum. Once she hit the ground, I grabbed her neck, and got into a position to... end this by... killing her. I looked to the referee, who nodded at me, signaling for me to deliver the final blow. I need to get out here... I've- I've got to do this... "I'm sorry." I whispered as I snapped her neck. With a deafening thud, she fell to the ground and I had killed my first person. I wasn't ashamed of it though. I was more nervous about the fact that I wasn't ashamed. I should be, I had just killed someone! Why did I feel... normal... oh gosh, I'm a monster... I- I just need to get through this again, one last time, until the breakout.

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