Chapter 7

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Lunch 1:00 - 2:00
"What was that about?" asked Yelena, as she and I walked to a nearby lunch table. "I don't know", I said as I carefully placed my "lunch" on the table. It consisted of some stale slices of bread, which sandwiched what I think is... I don't know a mystery meat of some kind. At least it had a lettuce leaf inside it too. Yelena and I disgustedly exchanged glances, but we'd still have to eat it, I could hear our stomachs grumbling at the fact that I was about to eat something. So, I closed my eyes tightly, and I quickly started to eat it. This unlike the eggs was 100% disgusting, I wanted to puke it up. Even my starving stomach didn't want to eat it, but I kept chewing, and swallowing. Chewing, and swallowing. The other girls were gagging and not eating it, but Yelena and I kept at it. Finally, I finished before her, and then I grabbed the water and chugged it, as fast as humanly possible. Once I finished drinking my water, I turned and said to Yelena, "That better be really healthy, or i'm going to be-" Ulp! "Sick, I feel really sick..." "Well we can't exactly go off schedule... I would kinda like to live..." "Yeah, i'll push through it," I mumbled trying to think about something else. After a moment, the feeling passed, and I strangely felt... refreshed. "You still feeling sick?" Yelena asked me. "No, I feel... better, I don't know why though." " It's time to get to the next class." Yelena told me. "Hurry, let's go!" I said as we headed towards the door.

Camouflage 2:00 - 4:00
"Woah," there was a collective gasp going up from the 28 girls as we walked into the camouflage room. There were closets stuffed with tons of different outfits, and accessories, and multiple mirrors around the room. "You have one hour to disguise yourself so that General Karpov, the man who picked you all to come here, won't even recognize you. Don't fail." Madame said cooly. "After the hour, he'll come around, and say who he thinks did an adequate job. I need today, to see what you can do. Begin, and no helping another person." At that, she looked at another pair of girls who were extremely obvious in their partnership. They instantly backed away from each other. "I said. Begin." All 28 of us sprang into action, and started to grab anything that would suffice. I lost track of Yelena, but headed quickly over to a big closet, which I hurriedly opened. There were extremely colorful outfits that looked like they would belong in a circus. They weren't my style, so I quickly moved on, but not before grabbing a pair of brown gloves. I hurried over quickly to another one, this one had two other girls there, they were looking hurriedly through the closet, and then one grabbed a colorful shirt, then ran to another closet. Me and the other girl both gagged at the sight of it. "Nat?" said the other person. "Yelena? Is that you?" "Yeah, it's hard to work with these, they're really showy." "Yeah." I said agreeing with her. I looked around the closet a bit, and then I found a coat, that would be worn around the streets. I grabbed it, and a pair of boots, they looked normal enough. So, I had some boots, a jacket, which when I opened it, had a gray shirt that would go well with it, brown gloves, and now, some gray socks and a brown skirt, which I had to choose between a pair of brown pants, until I found a pair of black leggings, which I also grabbed. I quickly put them on, not caring about the surrounding girls who were also changing hurriedly. The at my feet, I noticed a hat that I could hide my long red hair into. I quickly grabbed it, then I headed over to a mirror where there was a sink, and a few hair supplies. Without thinking I brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair. After that, I tried to pin it up so that the hat would cover my noticeable red hair. I looked at the clock, surprisingly, an hour and twenty-five minutes passed. Why hadn't Madame B. come back yet? Oh well. I quickly brushed it off. I looked around, and only two... three... four... four people had normal outfits that didn't look like a rainbow barfed on them. At that moment Madame B. entered with General Karpov, and the third guy! The one with the metal arm. There was something strange about him, they way he held himself, it was like he was depressed, but he couldn't show it. Before I had time to think about it, General Karpov spoke. He said, "Well? Get in line, I need to see what we have here." We all quickly scrambled into a line, and stood facing him wearily. "You, you, you, and... you." He said pointing to me, Yelena, and the other two girls wearing a normal outfit. "Step forward." he said. Walking over to Yelena, he said, "Miss Belova, is it?" he inquired. "Yes sir." she replied. "Miss Smirnov, am I correct?" "Y-yes sir." She said stuttering from fright. "Hmmm." he remarked. "Miss Vasiliev." "Sir." I didn't know her name, or what she looked like, since I was staring at a man behind the third guy. Ivan. It took everything in me, to not glare at him openly and to keep my expression calm. "Ah, Miss Romanova." "Sir." I replied steadily trying not to show my fear, and dislike for them. "The rest of you should pay attention to these four." The four of us breathed a sigh of relief that we had succeeded, but the other 24 girls tensed up in fear. "We'll need to keep a watch on these four." Ivan said stepping forward. He stopped only to make eye contact with me briefly. I felt a shiver down my spine. "That we do."said Karpov. As he and Ivan exited the room with the third guy trailing behind them. His metal arm twinkled under the lights. One thought rung through my head. Who was this guy?

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