Chapter 6

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Hand-to-Hand Training 7:30 - 9:30
"You will be put into groups of two, where you will fight your partner until they are pinned down for ten seconds. I would like to see what you already know, and what I must teach you." Madame B. said. "Now, you will go with you, and you with... you." she said pointing to four girls. Of course including Yelena and I. Thank goodness we wouldn't have to fight each other. I'm fighting a girl who is about my size and build, she has brown hair, and brown eyes, her name is Alyona. She is really nice, but her determined look in her eye shows her desire for survival, and that scared me... A lot. "Once I say go, you go. Am I clear?" All four of us nodded nervously. "Go." In the split second Madame B. said go, I launched myself at Alyona, and tried to do a grapple move or something. She obviously didn't expect it, so she fell onto the ground, and she tried to get up, so that she could regain her ground, but I had a successful hold on her, so she couldn't.  One... two... Alyona started to get nervous. Three... four... five... halfway there... six... Alyona tried to swat me off of her to no avail. Seven... eight,,, nine... ten! "Natalia, Alyona, up." I released my hold on her, and gave her a hand up. She seemed nervous, but thankful for the hand. "Natalia won, you two can sit down." We breathed a sigh of relief. Neither of us are going to die today. Once we sat down, I turned to her, and said, "You did good." "Not good enough," she answered. "Not good enough."

Firearm Training 7:30 - 9:30
"What is in front of you, is a disassembled sniper rifle, this is our starter one. Try to assemble it as best you can." said Madame B. As I stared at the disassembled gun, I realized I had no idea how to do this. "How could they expect us to build, or rebuild a sniper rifle gun thingy? We are ten years old!" I complained quietly to Yelena. "I know right!" she whispered back. "I'm just going to try as best as I can." "Yeah." I commented. I picked up the barrel and frowned in confusion.
One hour and forty-five minutes later
"No. No. Nope." remarked Madame B. as she inspected a few people's guns ahead of me. "That's better." she told Yelena. "Hmm... Close enough." she told me and moved on. Yelena and I waited until she was two people down, before she and I exchanged a quick smile. For being ten, I think we did pretty good.

Class 11:00 - 1:00
"Class? What's this about?" I asked Yelena. "I don't know..." she answered. "It's a wild card I guess." We were sitting in a big classroom with 28 desks, a few maps on the walls, a screen of some sort, and a projector. In other words, an actual classroom. "We will be watching a movie today." said Madame B., who stood in front of the class. Hmmm... ok, something seems wrong here. Hm. ...The training is hard... There's a catch, somewhere... Yelena had the same thought, so her and I locked eyes, and could tell what the other was thinking. Something is wrong. "What will we be watching?" asked another girl who obviously had the same thought as us. "Snow White." answered Madame B. The projector whirred to life, as it turned on, and the first words to the movie appeared. "Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space-" Hmm this couldn't have a catch, but I still don't know... "...through wind and darkness- INSTILL FEAR " Wait what? Murmurs of confusion echoed around the room. "Quiet, you will be expected to learn this movie by heart." Madame B. said harshly. "I summon thee. Speak!" The movie continued. "KILL." Oh boy, this is going to go just great...

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