Chapter 5: Lonely no more

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"Ugggghhhhh" I groan as I rushed to my bed, face first. What a tiring day. I reached for a pillow beside me and hugged it tightly didn't realize I fell asleep.

I woke up from the sound of my phone's ringtone. Without any planning to get up, I crawled to the left side of my bed to grab my phone.

(Calling: Daddy)

Omg!! Dad!

(Hey sunshine! Good Morning!)

"Hey Dad! "

(How's the place there?)

"Dad, it's really nice here. I like the ambiance and the atmosphere of the people around here.. "

(Well, that's good. You should get to know the place much better. But, bring a friend with you. )

"Of course, dad. By the way I made a new friend already! She's my roomate. "

(Who is she? Is she nice?)

"She's Blair Galathea Buenaventure. She's half filpino! She's really fun to be with. We just went to the mall yesterday. She's into fashion like mom. Haha"

(Hope to see her someday. Anyways, have you ate your breakfast already?)

"Not yet. "

(Eat your meals on the right time, ok? Don't skip meals. Stay healthy. Sunshine, I'm going to prepare breakfast for your mom and sibs. Talk to you some other time. )

"Yes, dad. I miss you. "

(I miss you more, sunshine. Goodbye and don't forget to pray everyday ok? )

"Yes, daddy. Copy. Goodbye. "

(Bye, sunshine.)

There's nothing more sorrowful than hearing your favorite person say goodbye. I turn off my phone as I got up and decided to go for a walk. I descended from the stairs and headed towards the small park placed in this campus.

The color of golden yellow, red, and orange mixing up as the blissful existence of the sun slowly shows up. I took a deep breath to savor the moment. The morning breeze kissing my warm skin. I walk towards the small park where I saw a swing.

"Uhm.. Miss! "A voice called. I turned towards where the sound was coming from to see a boy looking at me. I raised my two eyebrows as a sign of saying "what".

He walked towards me that made me took a step back. "Nope. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just uhmm....... " he knelt down. Now I know, my shoelaces wasn't tied.

"There" he said. "You didn't need to" I murmured. "What? " he asked as I took a glance with this mister who ever this man is.

"Nothing. "

"Aren't you suppose to say thank you? " he smiled.

"Thanks. Happy now? " I walked to the swing and sat there he followed me. Great.

"Hey, I'm just curious. Why would a lady be awake in a time like this? " he asked.

"Well, I woke up early and decided to go for a walk but I never planned to get to know who ever you are mister.. "

"Oh sorry. I'm Daniel Cammeron Leavitt. Grade 11." He put his right hand in front of me

"Delilah. Delilah Mohini Ivelle Lafleur. So you're in the same grade as me huh? " I giggled as I gave my right hand to shake his.

"I thought you were still a junior. "

"Don't insult my height. I know I'm small. "

I said while glaring at him. "Not in that way. But ok. So what class are you in? " He asked as he made his way towards the other swing placed beside me.

"Selenophile. ". "Woah that's great! " He lifted his arms like as if he won a lottery that caused me to give him an asking-look

"I mean. Uhm, that's great" he fixed his clothes HAHAHA typical guys.

"So are we like classmates? " I asked to cut the awkward tension. "Yepp. Hello, classmate! " gosh. This guy is funny. I'm getting the feeling I'll end up being best friends with this guy. Trololololol~

The tempting smell of the breakfast at the cafeteria made us both, Daniel and I to stop talking to each other and began to follow the smell.

"Hmmm. Smells like they're cooking... "

"Bacon! "

"Bacon! "

We both said at the same time. "A bacon lover huh? " lol Dan is walking slowly because of me. Mah lil legs HAHAHA. "Well it depends. I tend to always burn the bacon at home. " "HAHA same here" he raised his hand to make a clap with me so, with no worries, we clapped hands.

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