Chapter 6: Buddies

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We made our way to the cafeteria to see Blair already there.

"Good Morning! " she greeted while her hands are still rubbing her eyes. You could say she just woke up. "Good Morning sleepyhead! How's sleep? " I asked. I sat infront of Blair, while Daniel sat beside me. "So Blair, this is  Daniel Cammeron Leavitt, Grade 11- Selenophile. And Daniel, this is Blair Galathea Buenaventura. We all are classmates. " I said. Blair and Daniel exchanged eye contacts then smiled at each other.

"Nice to meet you, Blair. " -Daniel

"Hi. "- Blair

They were about to talk at each other again when a cafeteria server interrupted us by serving our breakfast.

"Thank you so much! " I said to the cafeteria girl who served us. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't eat already!" "Huh why? " Daniel asked "We have to pray first. " I replied.  After praying, Blair suddenly complimented me "Such a good girl. "

With our tummy delighted. We all parted ways. Daniel told us he'll be going back to his dorm which was beside the girl's dorm. Blair and I crashed our living room and are now watching some movies with popcorns. "Why the heck are you entering a dark room?!" Blair exclaimed. "HAHAHA if only you knew. In horror movies, most of the time, characters' curiosities are always leading them to bad luck or death. " I explained as I took a handful of popcorn and tossed it into my mouth.

"Eek!! " I can't picture out Blair's face right now. She looks like she's about to pee HAHAHA. She's really scared right now. Our attention suddenly changed when someone knocked our door.

"Blair, go check it out. "

"No way. You go. "

"We'll never gonna watch horror movies again. " I stood up and went to the monitor showing who was at our door. It's a delivery man, I guess. I opened the door and gave a smile to the man. "Is... " he was reading the text written on the package "Delilah Mohini Ivelle La-Laf--" "Lafleur " I added. "Oh. Is she here? " He asked while looking inside the room. "That's me. " I replied and he gave me the package. He did a bow then left the dorm.

"What's that? "

"Oh. My sister sent me something. "

I opened the package and saw a make up kit and a letter in it.

"Lemme see. " I handed Blair the letter and she read it.

"Dear Delilah,
I know you're not into make up and stuffs but I just want you to always look presentable everyday in class that's why I bought you some everyday make up. Use those because if you don't, I'll slit your throat and cut your stomach and pull all your intestines. I love you.

Your most beautiful sister,
Pretty Hailey" Blair was in shock while reading the letter. "Man, your sister is one of a kind. Whoo! " she added now fanning the letter at her face. "HAHAHA you should get used to it anyways... " I pulled the wrapper and "Oh. A press powder and a liptint. "
"I don't know how to use this. " I looked at Blair while holding the make up stuffs.

"Don't ya worry. I got your back. I'll teach you a week before school starts. " Blair winked as if she's really a pro and is excited to share her skills.

Two days after.

A buzz woke both of us up. "Delilah and Blair. Someone is waiting for you in the balcony. " The buzzer said.

Blair and I rushed to fix ourselves and wore something presentable. We can't go out of the campus with sleeveless tops and pajamas.

Well in our dorm, every room has a buzzer and it informs the people in that specific room not to mention it to other people in the dorm.

We run-walk the stairs until we reached the balcony. There, Daniel was sitting with his hands in between his lap. Blair and I was holding onto our knees because we both felt exhausted after racing to see who was looking for us. After we caught our breaths, we both sat where Daniel was sitting.

"Why were you two in a rush? " Daniel asked while looking at us.

"Why were you looking for us so early? " Blair asked back.

"I was bored and all. "

"You should've just texted us. " I interfered

"Do I have your number? No. So, I was about to invite you to go out of the campus but I guess you're mad. Okay, bye. " Daniel said

"No, no, wait! "

"Wait! "

With our two loud voices together, Blair and I was susshed by the security guard
"Waiitttt... " I whispered but enough for Daniel to hear.

Daniel looked back and showed us 10 fingers saying we have 10 mins to get ready. We again raced the stairs.

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