Chapter Nine

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My cat, Lilly (shown in the picture), went missing and I'm really sad. She's a little under a year and she means everything to me. She's my first actual pet. I've had dogs my whole life, but I bought Lilly myself and I buy everything for her and I take care of her.


Jax's POV

I take a deep breathe. I can do this. There isn't really much to the plan. I just have to act as normal as possible while sticking to the plan.

Apparently sticking to the plan wasn't as easy as I thought. I tried to stay around him but it seemed like my boss didn't want me near him. I would only say in his office for less than a minute before he had something else for me to do. Some of them were ridiculous like having me go check the restroom and see if it was clean. That wasn't part of my job description.

I finished the latest task he had me do, which was get copies of a picture of a model. He was young looking with dark brown hair and icy blue eyes. His stare was menacing almost. I don't know why exactly I needed to print these or who this even was. Maybe my boss will tell me.

I get back to Mr. Lee's office to see him just sitting there thinking. "Mr. Lee? I brought back the copies of the pictures you asked for." I say walking over to him.

"Ahh thank you Jax." He says taking them from me when I hand them over to him. He sets them down on the side of his desk before going onto his computer and typing an email. I don't want to pry, but I really want to know who this guy is.

"Mr. Lee?" He hums to let me know he's listening, but doesn't stop typing. "I was just wondering who the guy in the pictures is. I've never seen him before." Mr. Lee stops typing and turns to look at me. I almost get caught in his eyes. They're mesmerizing.

"This is a new model that will be working with us. I needed to get copies of his headshots for the floor below." He explains to me. "Don't worry he won't replace you." Mr. Lee says confusing me. What does that mean? I would ask if I had heard correctly but he's back to typing and I don't want to disturb him again. Since I haven't been given another thing to do I walk over to the desk in the corner and sit down pretending the read a book. What could Mr. Lee possibly have meant by his statement?

Mr. Lee's POV

"Don't worry he won't replace you." I say and turn back to my computer. I know Jax fancies me. He's so easy to read. I want him to know the feeling is mutual, but I can't just spring it on him. These things take time.

I sit there pretending to type, but what I'm really doing is thinking about Jax. Who knew when I was looking for an assistant I would meet him? He's so perfect. Which is why I have a plan to tell him my feelings. I just wasn't expecting him to be wearing what he is wearing today. Usually I'm calm and have everything planned, but today I was not expecting this. It's why I kept giving him tasks to stay out of my office. I needed time to collect myself if you know what I mean.

I "finish" up my "email" and stand up before inviting Jax to lunch with me. Oh little Jax, you have no idea what's in store for you.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter.

Just wanted to let you guys know these next couple of weeks are gonna be really hectic because I'm finishing up the semester and taking exams, but I'll try and update as much as I can.

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