Chapter 9

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Third Person

Dan and Phil decided to go back downstairs to join their families since they had left so abruptly.

"Hello boys, are you okay?" Phil's mother asks worriedly as they both nodded.

Adrian got up from the sofa where Phil's dad and Dan's sat along with Martin, walking close up to Dan.

"You seem incredibly happy..." He said suspiciously.

"Is that a sin?" Dan asked.

"No, just saying. You have a goofy grin on your face." He mocked, turning around and walking back to the sofa.

Dan pouted sadly and Phil grabbed his hand, leading him into the empty kitchen. Dan looked at him strangely and Phil leant up since he was a little shorter than Dan and whispered into his ear quietly. quietly. "um...I-I like y-your smile v-very much..."

((Did I mention their height differences? Oh well, i'm mentioning it now, Phil is a bit shorter than Dan in this story x))

Dan's smile grew wider, cheeks blushing bright red. Phil cheekliy poked his dimple that he found so incredibly cute.

Dan rolled his eyes and chuckled at Phil, bending down a little to kiss his lips. Phil eagerly kissed back, gently pulling him closer by his neck to deepen the kiss.

Eventually, they both pulled apart for air, but kept their forheads resting on eachothers, each grinning widely.

Phil interlocked his fingers with Dan's, leading him back to the living room where Dan's family were just about to leave.

Dan said bye to them since he was staying over, and when they left Dan and Phil walked over to Phil's parents.

Earlier, Phil had asked Dan to tell his parents that they were in a relationship for him, and they were both extremly nervous.

"Um Mr and Mrs Lester?" Dan said shyly, both on them sitting down next to them.

"Dan, we've said before, call us James and Lily!" She smiles warmly, making Dan snorted.

"Still find it ironic at that Harry Potter reference?" Lily asked and Dan nodded, chuckling quietly.

"James and Lily....Potter." Dan grinned making Phil join in and laugh too.

Dan turned to Phil, pulling a scary wide-eyed face. "The boy who lived....came to die." He said in a scary tone, pretending to get a wand out and point it at Phil. "EXPELLIAMAS!"

Lily suddenly got out an imaginairy wand too. "That's my son you bitch!" She said in an cockney accent.

Dan giggled. "ACCIO NO MOUTH!"

"THAT'S MY WIFE YOU FIEND!" James joined in, also getting out an imaginairy wand. "AVADA KADAVRA!!" He yelled, point his finger at Dan as he pretended to be effected and die dramatically.

After the laughter finally died down, Dan cleared his throat again, grinning widely and feeling a lot less nervous.

"Yeah anyway, um we have something to tell you...Phil and I are in a relationship and I just wanted your permission to be his boyfriend?" Dan said quietly.

There was a few minutes of deadly painful silence at first.

"I KNEW IT!! I'M TELLING ROGER I TOLD HIM!" James exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing his phone. He walked out of the room and phoned Dan's dad, talking about some sort of bet.

"He's so childish." Lily shook her head. "Dan, if you couldn't already tell by our Muggle battle, we like you very much and are perfectly fine with you dating our son, and we did suspect it at times." She grinned cheekily.

Dan nodded sheepisly. "T-Thank you." He said quietly.

"No problem! Now! Would you like to watch the latest Sherlock episode?!" She exclaimed.

Phil rolled his eyes since this was the fifth time she'd seen it, and sometiemes Phil really did wonder if she was still a teen girl. And the same for his dad.

"OF COURSE!" Dan exclaimed.


Halfway through the episode, Phil felt himself shiver slightly, hugging himself for warmth. Dan quickly took off his hoodie, handing to Phil, for which he took greatfully, kissing his cheek happily.

Phil easily slid into Dan's hoodie which was large and extremly comfy for him. The sleeves went over quite a bit but Phil simple scrunched that bit around his hand to keep his hands warm too.


"T-Thank you." Phil whispered, knowing only Dan would hear because his parents were currenly interested in Sherlock explaining how he faked his death so perfectly and precisely.


When the episode had finished and credits rolled down the screen along with the wondefully familiar tune , James, who had joined them in the middle of the episode stretched his arms and yawned loudly.

"I love Moriaty." Dan grinned.

"I love Sherlock." James said happily.

"I prefer John." Lily giggled. "Dan Johnlock is my forever true ship." She said proudly, making Phil cringe and blame Dan as he has taught her all these meaning to words.

Dan nodded agreeingly. "Totally agree." He chuckled.

Phil sighed happily. He had the weirdest family and boyfriend ever.

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