Chapter 27

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You know you've been on the internet too long when your watching AHS and you say you want the clown to 'delete' the rich snobby kid.

When Dan and Phil left Martin's place, they walked along the halls together. Or as Phil called it, 'going on an adventure'.

Their hands were intertwined, Dan swinging them forwards and backwards childishly.

"You know what I forget alot?" Dan asked.


"That we're married. In the best way possible, I still think of us as boyfrends. Maybe it's cause we're young and stuff. Whenever I look down at my ring, the one you got me with a tiny drawing of a llama and lion incrusted into it, it makes me so happy."

Phil awed, stopping at a deserted corner and staring deep into Dan's eyes. "T-That...I'm lost for words." He smiled widely.

"Finally for a good reason. Also, whenever I look at my ring, I remember that we're married after everything that's happened which is fucking amazing, because fuck. I married the hottest guy in school. Although he didn't believe in himself at the time, I got him to. Well, helped. And delete the bad memories."

"You're really cute Dan. Come on, let's go back to our room. We should probably get our clothes ready since the thingy is tonight."

"Yeah, i'm sure the correct term for a wedding ceremony is 'thingy'."

Phil grinned widely, pecking Dan's cheek as they made their way back to their own rooms.

After the long wedding ceremony, they made their way to a rather big hall with music turned up. However, being the socially inept people they were, Dan and Phil sat in the corner, sipping at their orange juice.

"This reminds me of prom." Dan said emotionlesslym staring at Phil.

"Did we even go to prom?" Phil chuckled making Dan shrug his shoulders.

They were sat comfortable staring into one another's eyes when Phil felt a tap on his shoulder. He inaudibly sighed and turned around to be met with a lady.

A snobby-looking lady with her eyebrows furrowed and her face painted with makeup resembling to a clowm due to the overuse of  white powder and bright red lips.

"May I help you?" Phil said confidently, standing up to reach the woman's eye level.

"You're Phil Lester huh?" She snarled.

"Yes, once again. May I help you?" Phil said with a slight irritation in his tone.

"My name is Marjery Dawes. I'm Aurie's auntie, the girl who's getting married."

"Yeah I know Aurie very well." Phil already disliked this lady, she was treating him like a child.

"Yes, well. I've heard an awful lot about you."

Phil gave Dan a quick glance and Dan had a slight disgusted look on his face too which meant that their feelings about this lady were mutual.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. As soon as I found out you were a faggot I had to know more."

Phil winced at the word.


He hadn't heard that in a long time.

"I'm sorry but to use that word is extremly rude." Dan said strongly, standing up by Phil's side. They were close so that Dan could hold Phil's hand behind their backs.

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