Chapter 26

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When Dan and Phil had arrived at the hotel (after Dan had gotten Skye's twitter name from her and followed her which made her almost faint)  they put all of their luggage down.

Neither had jetlag for once since there was no time difference and they had slept on the plane.

The first thing they did was head over to Phil's parents' room to greet them. When I say 'they' I actually mean Dan dragging an unhappy Phil along.

Phil pouted, crossing his arms. When the door opened, Phil couldn't help but crack a small smile at his mum.

"Phil!" She squealed excitedly, hugging Phil tightly.

"Hi mum." Phil smiled, his words muffled by his mother's shoulder.

She let go and turned to Dan.

"DAN!" She said with what seemed a bit more enthusiasm, hugging him tightly.

"Hi Lily." Dan smiled, letting out a small chuckle.

Phil's dad appeared from the room and gave Dan and Phil a firm hug and smile.

"So, mum. Where's Martin?" Phil asked excitedly.

"Room 169." She smiled making Phil's dad and Dan snort of laughter simutainiously in sync.

She rolled her eyes. "Go give him a visit, catch up."

Phil rolled his eyes, tugging on Dan's sleeves as they padded to Martin's room.

"I want room 69." Dan smirked at Phil as they waited for the door to be opened after knocking.

"You're so childish." Phil chuckled.

"I want 69." Dan winked.

Phil smiled, rolling his eyes again. Dan tried to lean forward for a kiss but was blocked by Phil's hand as he burst into laughter.

Shortly afterwards the door was finally opened by Phil's slightly taller brother.

"Hey Martin." Phil smiled.

Martin smiled joyfully at Phil and Dan. "Come in." He gestured as they both made their way into his rather big suite.

They sat down on the big sofa in the centre of the room.

"Mum said for us to visit you. Congratulations by the way!" Phil cheered happily.

Martin stared for a few seconds before letting a stray tear roll down his cheek.

"You...You talk so clearly now Phil. I am so so proud of you ya know." Martin said softly.

Phil bit his lip to hide his smile and nodded appretiativly.

Martin then turned to Dan. "Dan, it's honestly because of you too. The only people that have helped Phil recover is you and Phil. I mean everyone else tried, but never suceeded. And Anna helped a bit, but you did the most."

Dan blushed lightly. "But the doctor, he helped."

"But you gave Phil the encouragement to continue going."

Phil nodded. "True. I know i've said it before Dan, but before I met you I was a fucking wreck, and...well you helped me."

Dan felt tears spring to his eyes as he pulled Phil into a soft hug whispering into his ear so only they could hear. "You literally deform my heart my cute little kitten."

Don't really like this chapter, I feel like this story is going a tad downhill, but next chapter i'll try to pick it up, sorry :/


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