Chapter 28

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T/W: Mentions of rape, depressive thoughts.


Phil hadn't slept the whole night. Her words taunted her, but they sounded worse.


Those men must of made him gay

It's disgusting

Yeah it is, they changed you, they told you not to talk, they said faggot musn't talk and yet you disobeyed them, thats why this is happening. You opened your fucking whore mouth and now everyone knows.

But Dan...he helped!

What will you do when your subscribers found out? You know you opened your mouth and that's why you stutter, if only you had kept your mouth shut.

What can I do now?! I've talked...

If you don't talk anymore, then nobody will ask more questions.

But I...I want to talk...

Don't talk. You shouldn't.

But I want to.






Phil shrieked loudly, getting up in a quick panic. He had sweat dripping down his forehead and his fringe was pushed back. He had a pounding headache and a swirling sick feeling in his gut.

"Mmm Phil?" Dan stirred in his sleep, sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly. He scooted closer to Phil, wrapping his hip around his waist and kissing his cheek.

"What happened kitten?" Dan said sweetly, wiping Phil's face softly with the bed covers.

Phil shook his head, starting to shake frantically as he hid his face in Dan's shoulder, really glad that it was still dark in the room.

Dan stroked Phil's hair soothingly whispering sweet things into his ead.

Dan knew though, he knew that Phil was going through everything again, as much as he hated to say it. He was triggered by Marjery and Dan needed to help him every step of recovery.

Phil eventually fell back asleep his head lay on Dan's chest listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. Soon after, Dan too fell into a suprisingly euphoric dream.

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