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I watch from the alleyway as a squad of Peacekeepers handcuff Cato and push him into their vehicle. They take Penny's body and pull out a walkie-talkie device from their pockets. A Peacekeeper says something into it and another set of flashing lights appears. An ambulance pulls up and two Peacekeepers pull out a stretcher and place her body onto it. They all get back in and drive away.

What just happened? I run back out onto the street and watch as the cars turn onto another block. Was Cato framed? Set up? It was a misunderstanding. They think he murdered her.

Tears fall down my cheeks like rain, this is all to much for me. I start running down the street. I keep running faster and faster with every step that hits the pavement. I turn down the block that I last saw them go down, then I stop. The two cars are parked outside a tall, gray building. Two Peacekeepers walk out of one with Cato locked in their arms.

"Cato!" I shout. He turns his head to me. Then he mouths the words 'I'm sorry'. I truly think I am going to throw up. Some Peacekeepers start walking towards me but I run off before they even take three steps. This all can't be real. It just can't.

I run down a few blocks back to my house. I completely barrel through the door way and collapse onto the hard wooden floor. I hear shoes click against the wood through my weeping. My mother comes from out of the kitchen and kneels next to me.

"Clove, what's wrong?" She pleads. I can't say anything right now but I think she knows what it means.

"Clove, tell me she isn't-" I nod my head before she finishes. And just like me, she starts sobbing.
We are just two broken hearted girls lying on the hard wooden floor crying harder and harder.

It is two full hours of sobbing until it is finally over. It's exactly 10:35pm when I fall asleep. I don't know how I even slept that night.

The next morning is a blur. I remember getting up in the same clothes I wore yesterday. Then I went downstairs, I tripped and fell maybe on the second or third step. I was completely out of it, I was still shaking from all the crying last night. I couldn't eat anything either, it felt like my insides were paralyzed or in a coma. Once I came back to reality, I heard something I was never expecting.

The Reaping Day whistle.

My mother and I sit at the kitchen table. No words were shared. We just both stared at each other, in too much shock to speak. I stand up and so does she, her long blue pale dress makes the dark circles under her eyes stand out. Her pale skin just makes it worse.

"Goodbye, my beautiful. Don't be afraid, sweetheart." My mother says. I nod and kiss her cheek.

Down in the Town Square, I wait in the long line of people waiting to get their fingers pricked. I zoom out of the world and sleep inside my mind. I'm so worn out right now. I can't even think straight. I notice a lot of the crowd stares at me, at my clothing. Everyone expects everyone else to wear nice clothes. I guess yesterday's black jacket and pants don't cut it.

"Next." A Capital aid holds out her hand waiting for mine.

"Hm?" I ask. I didn't exactly hear her the first time. She grabs my wrist and shoves what feels like glass into my finger. I flinch as she takes it out. She reaches a second time for my hand but I pull back, marking down my finger print myself.

"Next." The woman says. I awkwardly step out of line and walk over to the other girls. I get pushed and shoved around a little but I don't fight back  I don't have the energy. I find a free spot and stand there anxiously. I want to go home. Why can't this be over all ready? I sigh and look at my feet, my shoes are all scuffed up and dirty. There was once a time where they were clean, believe it or not but it's true.

"Let me go!" I hear a man scream. After the yell, I can hear shuffling and grunting. Maybe someone is trying to mess with Peacekeepers again, but it sounds really violent. I hear the smack of a Peacekeeper's baton and my attention is acquired immediately. My head lifts up and my eyes search for the source of the noise.


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