Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Bubbling brunettes and Wannabe dads


Bored of this gloomy city, everyone is inattentive and depressed. Even in my favourite club; Kong's, which had bright disco lights that looked like fireflies in the pitch blackness. I was in the VIP section, and was looking over bar, and the dancing area, the locals were robotic in their moves, it was only the tourists who seemed alive, but even they could sense the mood shift from happy and care free, to oh my god the world is going to end! Give me all the corners in the world, and every sharp instrument. I'm even bored of the vibrant, brunette, who seems to be obsessed with giving me a lap dance. I looked into her dew green eyes, and saw that she was excited, as she was doing something 'rebellious' on this holiday. She continued to shake her worked at ass in my face, "Do you see something you like" she asked in a voice that was supposed to make me want to ravish her senseless, I raised an eyebrow. Some people were so dim, did she honestly think that I would let her dance around me for the past half an hour if I didn't find her slightly above average on the looks scale, let alone Headon who was a stone clad shadow behind my booth. "Obviously, I wouldn't let any girl dance provocatively around me" a stretch on the truth, but any lie that would keep me from breaking my promise to Gabby was worth it. I saw her cheeks flush with pleasure, she stopped dancing and turned to sit on my lap, her skimpy dress rose 3 inches higher, to revel pink frilly knickers, well, rather them be frilly then granny; even if frilly were fiddly to remove. It had never stopped me yet. "And I got the impression you were a bachelor" I smiled; I was impressed she got that, it took hours for girls, to realise I never really liked them, they were just a pretty toy. "I am, but how do you know?" I was curious, she shook her mousy brown hair in disbelief, the curls that must have taken hours were starting to unravel at the seams. "Please Claude, there are girls down there" she jerked her head towards the dance area "who are dieing to be in my place" I looked at her, and realised that she was just like them other girls, who would just be a black mark on my soul, a number as I would forget her name, come to think about it I already had. I leaned in closer and whispered sweetly in her ear "well we best call an ambulance" she gave a dazzling smile, which did nothing to my heart but had my hormones soaring. "You do know this" I waved my hand signalling us both "is only for this night, one night only" my face was serious, her smile faltered; she assessed me to make sure that I wasn't messing. "Well I will just have to make an impression" her eyes were gleaming, I felt like I was the fox, and she was the hound, in that ridiculous sport the English used to have, I could tell she was now more interested in me now that I was running. She then carried on her lap dance which lacked any real talent, she was just an average girl desperate for attention, I reckon she had just been dumped, and as craving some love, well she had come to the wrong booth, or even club, as this club probably produced the most one night stands in Paris. My phone then chose that moment to ring, I clicked on the hands free device, and answered curiously, as not a lot of people would have my private number, and they wouldn't be able to get it. "Claude, its Gabreelle, Dads back from the meeting" I sighed, he always came home at the wrong moment, "And? What am I supposed to do with this information" this girl had definitely refined her technique. I heard Gabby's huff at my remark, "Hmm, well I don't know maybe you could come back to the apartment, if you're not to busy, where are you anyway?" she always had to know everything, "It's not where I am you should be worried about it's what I'm doing" I replied jokingly, I could practically see her stony face,  

"Well stop whoever you are doing" I laughed, and the mousy haired girl gave me a strange look, "and get your ass back here, you know dad wouldn't approve" I sighed in defeat, and hung up, I hadn't had enough cocktails to handle Gabby, I stood up, and the girl fell on a heap on the floor, "I'm sorry, I must go, Robyn" and I brushed past her, and walked down the stairs, I could feel rather than see Headon behind me. "Its Fiona" I heard her call back, I couldn't really care less. Headon, created a path through the drunken dancers while I followed in his wake, thinking that I wanted a girl to step into my boring world and mix it up. I wanted a name to remember, not a number, I wanted a girl that would make my heart and body feel something that would leave me begging for more. I didn't want another girl like the rest, who tried to be what she wasn't I wanted the girl to be proud of her difference. Not to hard to find then. Headon had finally reached the door, and we stepped out into the crisp air, which was decidedly cool for the summer months. A black limo slid down the road and stopped in front of us, I pulled the door open and slid in the back with Headon close behind me, the door slammed shut and the driver, who I think is called Henri, pressed the throttle and sped away from Kong's.

The drive was quiet, and we reached the apartment block in record timing. It was an old building, in the sense of the architect was something that the designers cared about, they weren't bothered about the price of the materials, or how much profit they could make from using cheap resources. I liked this building a lot, it was a place I could run to, if I couldn't cope at home, which happened quite often when my mum first passed away. It wasn't the fact that I was angry with my dad, he wasn't home enough to be angry with, or that I was angry with Gabby, I was angry with myself for never telling my mum that I loved her, but you never know how to phrase it at that precise moment, and you never believe that they will leave you. But my mum understood, as her favourite motto was 'actions speak louder than words' and I loved her for that. I got the all clear from the guards stationed outside the apartment block that it was safe to exit the car, and Headon virtually picked me up, and threw me out of the car and into the apartment block. The interior was rich and warm. It had gold furnishings and rich cream walls with lush red carpet, throughout the hallway and the stairways. Headon pushed me up the stairs, and kept a firm grip on my arm, "You know I have managed to walk by myself for the past 17 years, I don't need help now" that just got me a cold stare. I was then on the then next landing, and then on another flight of stairs, I zoned out of the tedious work out, until I was propelled through a royal purple doorway and into our apartment. A man was lying on the chaise lounge that was the main feature of the room, my sister sat on a couch near him, while body guards stood around the room, there was probably more that I couldn't see. The man had tanned skin with dark hair that was thinning at the top, his eyes were closed, but I knew they would be the colour walnuts. I knew from experience that he was a couple of inches shorter than my 6 ft 3. He opened his eyes, and I looked at into his stressed walnut eyes, and smiled at Sebastian Chaumont, my elusive father.

I stared at him; it had been 4 months from when I had last saw him. He hadn't changed much, had less hair a few more lines, and a bigger stomach, he needed to get in touch with that personal trainer. I smiled. "I still have that personal trainer on speed dial father" he gave a booming laugh and smiled "I have a daughter so that she can fuss about me, come here son" I walked into his embrace and smelled a flowery scent, I looked down into his gaze "still with Marie then?" it was his latest 'woman' friend, he has not had anything serious since mom died. He raised a dark eyebrow at me, "the day I take advice from my son about women, is the day I turn into a pig" I chuckled, "Dad your already halfway there" he laughed then tried to ruffle my hair, but I dodged out of his reach, "get to bed before I get you castrated while you sleep" I gave him look of horror then retreated to the bathroom, there was a guard waiting by the tiny window, I looked at him but he made no sign of moving, "I don't think I will get attacked while I'm on the toilet"  

"You'll be surprised" answered the guard as he left the room. I sighed, then shut the door and looked into the mirror, my pale gold hair was hanging in loose curls on my head that went to the nape of my neck, I needed it cut, but I liked it this length, my cream skin shone in the light, as did my emerald eyes, with jade that ringed the pupil. They seemed to entrance the ladies, which was a big plus; I couldn't win them all with my sly charm. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. My pyjama pants were still in the marble clad bathroom from this morning, I didn't bother with a top, as truthfully I didn't think I needed it. I walked down the hallway past the murmuring voices in the lounge and into my midnight blue bedroom. I drifted off to sleep, thinking about my mother and dreaming of a girl that was beyond my reach.

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