Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Whoa!! Wasn't expecting fate to throw me that curveball!


Okay, so the mystery gal wasn't Barbie. It looked a hell of a lot like her though, she, like Barbie had polka straight bleached blonde hair, a tanned face, she wasn't in the tangoed stage yet, but, had definitely considered it, she had the Barbie figure, the big boobs, the tiny waist and then the curvy hips, and it without a doubt it did not look natural. She managed to fit herself into a girly purple floral dress, which showed long tanned legs which were also verging on the tangoed stage, the dress's sleeves were the puffball princess type, overall she had on a nice dress, she had black, small heels on and a leather jacket was next to her, so she was going for a biker chick/bad girl kind of style. And she didn't pull it off; it looked too perfect, like it wasn't natural. Her eyes were the only thing that separated her from the rest of the 'cliché'. She had mint green eyes that verged on ice blue, they were fully lashed out, with probably the latest mascara, however it wasn't the colour that intrigued me, it was the emptiness and the coldness that lurked in them, and how sharp and bitter they were, and I disliked her, hate was a strong word, I didn't loathe her, I didn't know her, I couldn't describe why I disliked her so much, I had a premonition that she was going to tear my family up, with her eyes gleaming and her true smile on her lips, as she watched with glee the pain she caused. But standing there with my mouth open so she had a lovely view of my tonsils wasn't going to change her, except that she could be slightly confused. I slowly closed my mouth, and then had to choke back a laugh. The girl, was looking at me with her mouth hanging open, as if she recognised me, while my brother was just staring at me with his mouth in a small o, his face was blank and drained of all colour. I took a deep breath to try and get my voice back, as it had run away at the sight of her, as if my subconscious knew who she was and then placed a smile upon my lips. "Err, sorry about that, you gave me a fright" I smiled sheepishly 

"Well, you gave me a shock" said the girl in a fake, cold voice. 

"Yeah Alena, what the hell were you playing at" my brother just had to butt in; he looked confused about our silent shock. I just looked at him. "Well, I think introductions are in order, I'm..." I cut her off, beaming,  

"Oh I already know who you are, you're Haley," I looked at my brother, who was glaring lasers into me, "No, my name is..." but I interrupted her again, as I knew it would annoy my brother, and I wanted to see her real self when I pushed her over the edge, and I had an unbelievable skill and pushing people, I even managed to push Lewis away, even though it took months. "I'm sorry; it's Hannah, isn't it? I'm sure that's what Marko said" I put a slightly puzzled face and watch her cheeks turn rosier than they already were. I knew exactly who she was; she was Harriet Johnson, the Queen bee of the school, the girl that every girl either hated or wanted to be, and the girl that every guy wanted to bed, just to keep his reputation up, if you want a accurate description of her, you know that character Regina in Mean Girls, well Regina is like her little sister trying to be her, or her Bitch. It's one of the two. Arabelle, Billie and our group of friends may be popular, but only in our year and in the years below. She was at the top of the food chain, and devoured everything she deemed beneath her. "No, you're wrong again, it's Harriet" her voice could turn water to ice it was that cold. She then got off our couch and walked towards me in the catwalk strut with her arms open, like she was about to hug me. There was a forced smile on her pearly lip gloss pink lips. As if she was trying to show my brother that we were going to be best buds, I took a step back from her embrace. Her eyes flashed in anger, she gave a perfected shrug then raised her hand up, for me to shake, and I just inspected her hands which were the same colour as her face, with long fake red talons. I just looked at her in a blank sort of way, were I'm seeing her, but I'm not. It always freaks Billie out. She gave me a look that would make a snake spit venom, and slowly lowered her hand and turned around and walked back to sit next to my brother on the sofa. My brother's face had a red tinge to it, which he only got when he was angry. And he looked livid. I mouthed "what" at him and he mouthed "She was being nice and you just threw it back in her face" I looked at him, I mouthed back, "I'm just seeing if she is just as nice as you think" that stopped him in his mouthing tracks, by then dear Harriet had sat back down, she was giving me a positively evil leer. I sat on the chair opposite the loved up couple, my mother then came in and sat on the other sofa. "So Harriet, what school do you go to?" 

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